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thebrokendoll last won the day on December 4 2023

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  1. in fairness, gets absolutely slaughtered here by one of his own.... attamatter comes back denying that he'd actually been confrontational (if indeed the event had even took place), however rammstein is having none of this and lands killer blow with his next reply.... thing that i find the most puzzling is when the fuck did the stupid mackem cunts become fashion gurus anyway? new york, london, milan, paris, sunderland? no, never seen that before.
  2. they've been on a steady decline since we poached gouffran from them.
  3. apparently people are seeing an alert on their nufc accounts.... fuck all on mine!
  4. no no mate , not at all. and aye, definitely right with the first bit.
  5. was on a knife edge with it meself too, I ended up buying a one for £37 and I'll give it this season to see if it's an improvement from last. if not im gonna chuck the towel in too. I fucking slated them in the ticketing survey I got a couple of weeks ago in the comments column at the end, I was hoping they'd contact me, but no. the amount of empty seats at the cup game at man city which PL kindly helped me out with, blew my mind a bit. there was literally hundreds in the top few rows of the third tier, they obviously have no intention of making these available to members. fuck them.
  6. just seen this, hopefully you managed to get sorted? their website is pathetic, have had a couple of months to iron out the issues from last season but apparently on tuesday it was kicking people off once they reached their turn in the queue. sick of their fucking jigsaw puzzle shite just about every time you go on there too.
  7. top tune there from bristol's finest too.
  8. possibly wednesday, not sure though.
  9. I don't think it's a case of anyone being really surprised at a fee going the other way, however if it is £20m as indicated in the link then anderson went for £15m. bit shit really when you consider the mackems have apparently rejected an £18m for some shite championship standard player. anyway, howe was very obviously extremely pissed off at losing anderson and I don't blame him. in fact, if these saudi fuckers don't get their hands in their pockets by tomorrow I reckon eddie needs to have a bit of a 'not like it says in the brochure' moment and flounce off. that'll teach the cunts.
  10. @trophyshy time for a thread title change, and not because the year's wrong. stick a 'non' at the front!
  11. aye. they paid about €6m for him and then banned him from going anywhere near the goal posts he was that shite. not really surprising it could be getting investigated!
  12. we paid £20m for that forest keeper according to this.... https://tbrfootball.com/questions-will-be-asked-after-newcastle-united-spend-20m-on-confirmed-signing/
  13. even a reasonably exciting rumour would do.
  14. these tight cunts not bought any fucker yet?
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