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Posts posted by TheMoog

  1. :lol: What a cunt.


    Exactly what I was thinking, still I'm not keen on tennis, wank sport. Anyone thinking this is a British success clearly hasn't been around many jocks - they fucking hate the English, Auld enemy this, sassanach that... I remember living there during world cup and euro cup tournaments and both times their national press do everything they can to knock the English, let alone the general populace, shit they'd buy Argentina shirts rather than get behind the English. Still, we're a weak nation, the English, forgive anyone for hating us or just turn a blind eye.


    Congrats to the jock twat for winning.

  2. Murray's got to be one of the most tedious, boring, miserable jock bastard sportsmen out there. His missus really isn't that fit and tbh you'd think anyone getting close to Murray would get pissed off with having his mother stood in the bedroom with her fucking sour face watching every performance he makes. British my arse, he's scottish and isn't winning it for anyone else - good luck to him but he does nowt for me. No doubt we'll be hearing about how he came from 'Dunblane survivor' to winning Wimbledon - fuck me the jocks will be dining off this for years.

  3. West Ham lodging a bid for Bony.


    This fucks me off no end - even a pissy club like West Ham shows way more ambition and clout than us! If Bony is coming to the Prem he should be coming to us, fucking Ashley and Kinnear the wankers.

  4. If Bony is £10mil and Swansea are the only team interested then something is up with him. His scoring record is similar to Alvez/Kezman's before we point to that as proof he will succeed in England


    If he's £10m and we're not matching Swansea's offer I'd like to know why, I'd much rather have Bony than Gignackers or whatever he's called.

  5. Ashley has never truly cleared the debts of the club, he's just moved them from one place to another - from the banks to his back pocket, essentially giving us an interest free loan that doesn't need paying back unless the fat cunt leaves. Okay, so we're not paying interest but it't pushed the asking price for the club up to an unrealistic sum from what I'm reading there, nobody is likely to buy us any time soon... I wonder what happened to that Anil Ambani chap or the Sultan of Brunei ;)

  6. Has he been sacked while he's on the telly? :lol:

    Looks like it - and just think, it's only a short leap for him to become manager of NUFC and bring Dennis Wise back as well. All this just before Ashley sells the club's ground to redevelopers and let's us go bankrupt, owing him money that he'd probably think well spent if just to upset the people of Newcastle.

  7. From SSN:


    Newcastle United director of football Joe Kinnear has hit back at Alan Shearer after the club's record goalscorer criticised his appointment.Shearer recently said that Kinnear's arrival at St James' Park had undermined Newcastle manager Alan Pardew and that the process involved in the appointment had turned the club into a "laughing stock".Kinnear responded angrily to the comments in an interview with the Sunday Times, questioning the former Newcastle and England striker's credentials as a coach. He cited Shearer's failure to keep the Magpies in the top flight in the final eight league games of the 2008-09 season after he had succeeded Kinnear after the latter suffered a heart attack."What Shearer says is diabolical," said Kinnear. "This is a guy who hasn't got a clue about coaching."The last game of the (2008-09) season he came up with the master idea of playing Damien Duff at left-back. Damien is one of the best left-wingers in the business, but can't tackle. And we went down with an own goal from Damien."Shearer keeps slagging me off. He is being disrespectful to me. I am entitled to fight back." "What Shearer says is diabolical. This is a guy who hasn't got a clue about coaching" Joe Kinnear Kinnear also used the interview to apologise for his comments about Newcastle fans made before his appointment had been confirmed by the club.The 66-year-old gave two radio and television interviews in which he made a number of erroneous claims, mispronounced the names of several Newcastle players and claimed he had "more intelligence" than the United supporters."I regret what I said about the supporters," he said. "I can't get anybody to say that Joe has the utmost respect for the supporters and they are the most important people at the club."I always go to their forums and loved having the craic with them around the city when I was manager there."There are 10 per cent I'm never going to win over, that is the point I was trying to make, but I regret what I said and if I offended any Newcastle fans I apologise."
    Fuck him, I don't care anymore - I've got to the stage where I'm just not bothered, Kinnear's a retarded, drunken prick and Ashley's just a fat mong that's not going to be the owner forever. I'm to the stage now where I feel like writing off my association with NUFC until they've gone. I'll never stop being a supporter of the club but until these charlatans move on I've lost interest - I'm sure some 'soopa-fans' will decry that but I think Kevin Keegan has the right stance on this and I'm going to be doing the same - these 'people' who run the club currently will never be a true part of the club, they'll only ever be known for damaging it and holding it back.
  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again - if Mike Ashley got rid of Llambias in favour of a more honest, forthright chairman and surrounded himself with people who have actual football knowledge* I could probably forgive him some of his past indiscretions against the club. As it is he seems to want to be hated and have a small group of equally hated people around him, regardless of how much they upset the fans of the club. I'm sure Mike on his own had good intentions for the club initially but it all got tainted by bad decisions of bringing in arseholes like Llambias and Wise and has simply never recovered from the bad PR and dishonesty they brought with them.


    *By 'People with football knowledge' I don't mean horrible little knobends like Dennis Wise, I mean at board level, people used to running football clubs.


    I'm going to just shut-up now, I'm starting to scare myself!

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