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Posts posted by TheMoog

  1. You're in the minority with that opinion i'm afraid, but anyways wont bother mentioning him again anniversary or not :lol:


    I think that's appropriate, it's not fair to take the piss out of the bloke if he's not here to defend himself.

  2. Whatever makes you guys feel better about it. Enough people poked and prodded Leazes (albeit I agree he had his moments of insanity) but on the footballing side of things this forum has been a poorer place without him. We've got far bigger bell-ends on here who just spoil for a fight at the slightest hint because it amuses them but retain their status through being in with the right people. We'd have done better losing some of the more 'aloof', poncy lot who know far less about football and spend more of their time trying use bigger wording to make themselves sound clever.


    ... just saying like.

  3. While he bears a striking resemblance to a fat, Spanish waiter I can't help thinking that the Chelski fans don't know when they're on to a good thing - I'd take Rafa at our place in a snap. Knows the league, knows the players, knows the other managers, is pretty good in Europe. However, any decent coach coming to us is purely dependant on us staying in the Prem and I just don't feel that it's going to happen.

  4. Almost a year since he was banned, for those still thinking it was a bad idea, here is last nights load of spam, and yes he does say he isn't prejudiced while calling me an ira supporting bog trotter :lol:


    he's blocked on my feed like so i don't even get the notifactions, but once a week on sundays i check the @Me section and normally i've at least 2-3 nights worth of this shite where he's came in from a drink and went bananas :D


    Sorry bud but it strikes me that you're as obsessed as Leazes with feeling the need to post his tweets on here. While I think you were wrong to ban him I also think the pair of you are as bad as each other, just different ends of the spectrum.


    *Edit - That said, you're obviously not the worst for bringing him up in threads mind, though a lot of people who ridiculed him seem to do just that.

  5. Newcastle are said to be considering replacing Alan Pardew with Montpellier manager Rene Girard at the end of the season.


    Girard, who led Montpellier to the Ligue 1 title last year, has already confirmed he will leave the club at the end of the season and the Magpies are considering approaching him.

    According to Le Sport 10, Newcastle have been recommended the 59-year-old’s services and, with Alan Pardew’s future far from certain, he has emerged as a leading contender for the St James’ Park hot seat.

    Girard has already received several offers from sides across Europe, but revealed a move to the Premier League is his priority.

    ‘I know it won’t be easy, but I want to work in England,’ Girard told the BBC. ‘There are lots of good coaches and lots of people in the market for the top coaching roles but hopefully I can find a club.

    ’It’s always been my dream to work in English football.’

    The comments come as Pardew continues his battle to hang on at Newcastle, amid rumours that the large contingent of French players have created a divide in the dressing room.

    Newcastle banned a journalist this week for reporting on the supposed divide, but Pardew has since acknowledged that there are communication issues within the dressing room.

    Pardew would command a huge pay-off were he to be sacked. He only signed a new eight-year deal in September, having enjoyed a stunning campaign last year.


    Mind you, with reading that I have two issues, firstly we know Pardew's eight year contract has clauses apparently so it's wrong that he'd be due a 'huge' payout. And secondly, can you honestly trust a jouno that looks like this:




    ... scary

  6. If we can't beat them, none of our players or manager/coaches gives a shit about Newcastle. I hope next weeks training sessions involves whipping (preferably with razor blades attached to the end), players being locked into cages in awkward positions, wild predators on the training ground etc. and of course huge collective wage fines if not everything is going the way it should.


    Now you're talking :thumbup:

  7. I feel fucking sick, just ran through the BBC predictor and it came out with us relegated. Us, Norwich and Wigan all on 39 points and us losing out on goal difference... I can't handle another drop in to the Championship, I feel numb.

  8. Twitter awash that a certain three wheeler delboy actor is allegedly been charged.


    This whole thing is getting ridiculous now, how much of this is whacko bandwagon jumpers looking for attention? At this rate there won't be a single entertainer left from the last 60 odd years!

  9. Anyone got this? Was a big fan of the last one and completely forgot this was out today.


    Looks good but very much the same as the previous game, but thats fine for me :)


    I'm going to hold on until it's on offer on Steam I think. Liked (and finished) the first one, got a few too many games to play at the mo though :D

  10. I find it amusing how when you read the comments at the bottom of any of the Sky reports on this that there's oodles of Liverpool fans that seem more bothered with bringing Man Utd in to it somehow - they're not bitter, or in anyway obsessed... honest.

  11. "he's not let me down one bit"!




    Thing is I suspect part of it is down to trying to emulate an 'us against the world' attitude like some of the bigger teams have adopted. The problem is they've got it all wrong in what they're choosing to stick together over and it's turning out to be a PR disaster again, the same as it did for Compo Kenny over Suarez's racist tendancies last time.


    ...fucking dirty, gypsy thieving scousers and their victim complex. What are the bets we see some sort of t-shirt protest by the players, black arm-bands and a minute's silence at the weekend?

  12. I can't stand the thieving shell suit wearing inbred twats. Their reaction to this reinforces my opinion of them being cunts with a victim complex and paranoid delusions.


    Exactly that, I also think that the FA should fine Rogers for some of his ridiculous comments on the 10 match ban, calling the FA prejudiced, etc surely demands reprisal for the manager too?

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