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Everything posted by Radgina

  1. HF thats a lovely trait to have sometimes but she does not have the same phone....she blatantly edged her way towards the phone on the counter, covered it with her her bag, picked it up and popped it in and closed her bag.....and to top it all off I have just been online to view my itemised bill and she was using it all day sunday, also bearing in mind I was ringing it sunday and I sent a text message and a voice mail to it !!!! I think I am erring towards the police now and then spreading the word of her thievery..... Well then the question is what's her muscle like? If your crew can take hers then drive by that bitch like a KFC bargain bucket.
  2. HF thats a lovely trait to have sometimes but she does not have the same phone....she blatantly edged her way towards the phone on the counter, covered it with her her bag, picked it up and popped it in and closed her bag.....and to top it all off I have just been online to view my itemised bill and she was using it all day sunday, also bearing in mind I was ringing it sunday and I sent a text message and a voice mail to it !!!! I think I am erring towards the police now and then spreading the word of her thievery.....
  3. J69 in "no grassing shocker " tbh I don't believeshe would posess anything I would be interested taking..........
  4. If you have clear and compelling evidence then I would go to the police. Giving her a pasting makes you a criminal too. hmmm...maybe I can do both !!!! The third way is to blackmail her. Again this makes you a criminal, but you could have some fun........ I'm still feeling more inclined to go for option b
  5. If you have clear and compelling evidence then I would go to the police. Giving her a pasting makes you a criminal too. hmmm...maybe I can do both !!!!
  6. opinions please. The scenario is my phone was stolen on Saturday night. I believed the theft had occured in a bar in Newcastle as I only discovered it missing when I attempted to phone a taxi home after a small "stoppy back" in my local with about five of us attending, two of them good friends and the other 3 acqaintances. After turning up for my bar shift last night I discovered that I had actually had my phone in the bar and it had gone from there. A search through the camera footage revealed one of the "acqaintances" palming the phone into her bag. !!!!!!! Do I ; a) ring the law and have her lifted b ) turn up on her doorstep and rag doll her all over the street
  7. Have a good one young fella xx
  8. Nope. Just proud. Cheers Meenz
  9. ...next weekend. Do you actually have to be gay. lesbian, bisexual or transexual to join in ???
  10. Radgina

    The Fish

    Salutations on your special day
  11. first decent laugh I've had off this site in weeks fella. +1
  12. They've released 3. I have them all. me too
  13. Inspired writing or what? Cheers Meenz....that's the fella...the book was not too bad actually , easy reading
  14. I must admit I'm a bit intrigued at how bad it can get before C4 think "hmm..... maybe not again", probably not until someone is killed live on air (are they allowed kitchen knives?) or the ratings drop though I guess. Didn't Ben Elton ?? write a book about this scenario iirc ?? Someone was killed in a task and they would not let the housemates out of the house as they were all suspects.....I think it turned out to be the producer in the end to up the ratings ??? Feel free to correct me as usual
  15. super noodle sarnies when I was really skint
  16. Still do when it is available. mmmm...with Lurpak Who are you again? Who are you and what have you done with Radgi? She would normally give more back than that. too much bullshit already occuring on here, can't be arsed to add to it big fella I may have to go and sample a tomato sauce sarnie.....willit be the same if it's organic tomato sauce So who's been talking then? I wasn't refering to that part of your anatomy and the answer is no it does'nt tast the same with organic tomato sauce ...
  17. Still do when it is available. mmmm...with Lurpak Who are you again? Who are you and what have you done with Radgi? She would normally give more back than that. too much bullshit already occuring on here, can't be arsed to add to it big fella I may have to go and sample a tomato sauce sarnie.....willit be the same if it's organic tomato sauce
  18. Still do when it is available. mmmm...with Lurpak Who are you again?
  19. Still do when it is available. mmmm...with Lurpak
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