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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. EU are crowing about their deal with Jpn. What the fuck are they going to sell to Japan it certainly won't be cars.
  2. He hasn't covered his eurosceptic tracks very well - all I'm saying.
  3. Rayvin doesn't talk about Corbyn anymore.
  4. He's really taken to his bumbling Uncle persona.
  5. Needs to knock all this Jerusalem shit on the head.
  6. Yeah you'll be wanting a discount innit.
  7. Cancelled TTIP and didn't double down in Syria. Most of my Trump spiel was aimed at winding you and Renton up.
  8. He's had his fun but I draw the line at Palestine.
  9. As I said there he is naive.
  10. It's clearly a wind up. Trumping at Straws.
  11. Monkeys have been overlooked by the academy. /so many jokes but obviously inappropriate.
  12. Wildly overrated. Nowhere near the tactical nous of Benny.
  13. Sounds good gonna hit that tonight. Salt biscuits and single malt at the ready.
  14. What a gimlet this guy is....People are going to die all over the place for a few minutes vanity.
  15. One can safely say that Brexit has been all foreplay and no money shot.
  16. I know mate you worry about their safety. Jesus there isn't one thing you could learn from Dexter.
  17. As I said in my post Germany and the Northern five are behind European Neo-Liiberal policy and forcing austerity. Frankly all they are worried about is protecting the Euro and everyone else can get to fuck. Me, you and Varoufakis know it doesn't and won't work yet it is maintained to the determent of European peoples. So no I don't think the EU leaders are that interested in the lives and outcomes of its peoples no matter how they dress it up when they pay for an art gallery in Lithuania. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/sep/14/neoliberal-europe-union-austerity-crisis
  18. I've maintained from the beginning as Renton will attest there won't be any kind of proper Brexit so I'm not really surprised at the shambles. I will be impacted far more than you if there is a botched Brexit yet I have it in me to look fairly at the leave voters even though they might cause me hassles I currently don't have to worry about yet. The EU have all but destroyed the hopes and aspirations of people under 25 in half of Europe - mainly the South by maintaining Noe-Liberal austerity promoted by Germany and destroyed the savings of the older folk with endless bond printing and quantum easing. It has turned Eastern Europe to the far right and is pushing Italy into a banking crisis even after it destroyed Greece. So shut the fuck up about it being some kind of cure all panacea.
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