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Everything posted by Toonraider

  1. I was starving too after working a night shift, but no one makes my brekkie, so its make it myself or go to bed hungry
  2. calm down tiger Arent frosties a bit of a rip off? Surely its cheaper to buy cornflakes and add your own sugar?
  3. Cranberry and raspberry juice. weetabix with hot milk and golden syrup Cup of coffee.
  4. and when he was finished, his goatee had mysteriously vanished... 13962[/snapback] Immac absolutely hums n'est-ce pas? Couldnt have gone down straight away to be honest, you're a better man than me! 13965[/snapback] And stings like hell
  5. Pity there aren't more like you... glad I found one at least. Give me a 'manly' man any day. Been there, literally done that with the pretty boys, all appearance and no substance. Handsome is good, bit rough about the edges is good (even better actually) smelling of nothing but clean man and soap.. besides, I don't want to have to fight to get my skin care products in the morning after a shower. Rule number one- NEVER date or have a relationship with a man who is prettier than you are. ** Off daydreaming about a 6'1 manly man who just makes me.....ermm... yeh ** 13954[/snapback] Exactly what i was saying previously. My best mate, bless him, is one of these 'modern men' uses my Ck1, asked me the other day if i had any decent moisturiser he could borrow, is very finicky about his appearance, likes me to give him a relaxing nail massage, tells me what is best for MY hair and what clothes suit ME best and can 'talk' about feelings for hours! Mind you, all this makes him a good mate to have, he's like a girl
  6. well, as we have no midweek european footie to watch this season, i had to find something else to take its place....... Thats my excuse, and im sticking to it 13868[/snapback] Have to say that works for me as well. Mind, the word 'sticking' could be slightly suspect... best get a towel girl. 13952[/snapback] I always have a packet of tissues handy, i like to be prepared for any eventuality
  7. Are women all latent dykes? 13889[/snapback] Not at all....why do you say that? cos i dont like body hair? 13897[/snapback] It's a slippery slope man... Women want a bloke to spend loads of money on clothes and beauty products like he's some kind of tart. Expect him to have a £40 haircut and no body hair. They want us to be 'in touch with our feelings', which to them is being emotionally unstable and blubbing over the slightest thing. Look at the men women drool over - David Beckham, Johnny Depp, Jude Law. Fucking androgynous pussies the lot of them. Stop trying to emasculate us! 13900[/snapback] Yes, you have made some good points there. Thats not me though, (apart from disliking too much body hair) Im not keen on men who make too much fuss over their appearance, i prefer a man to be a man. As long as he's clean and presentable i certainly wouldnt be attracted to a guy who was forever fussing over his hair and clothes. Plus i certainly wouldnt drool over any of those men you mentioned....too pretty boy, woosie for me Thats shite though! Extremely stereo-typical! For me, 'being in touch with my feelings' isnt being unstable and blubbing everywhere, its about understanding and knowing myself. If i felt the need to 'blub' i'd do it in private. Theres nothing wrong with a man knowing himself and who he is, doesnt mean he's unstable or over emotional at all. P.S Dont forget your hair gel and moisturiser at Asda
  8. Are women all latent dykes? 13889[/snapback] Not at all....why do you say that? cos i dont like body hair?
  9. though you may need a trip to B&Q occassionally
  10. I normally knock one off, works a treat 13874[/snapback] I normally knock a couple off. 13876[/snapback]
  11. I normally knock one off, works a treat 13874[/snapback] I was expecting someone to say that But how can you get aroused when your're angry?
  12. The company i work for are always sending me on courses, anger management being the next one i have to attend What do you do when you get really mad and angry? Have you any special things you do that calm you down? I am quick tempered, so i tend to lose my temper, shout and bang things around in the kitchen for alittle while, then take a deep breath and try and sort things out.
  13. well, as we have no midweek european footie to watch this season, i had to find something else to take its place....... Thats my excuse, and im sticking to it
  14. Had a blast from the past the other day, played pitstop and gribbleys day out on the c64.
  15. According to the maths, if I show mine I'll want to see Mags' and Toonraiders'! ........ fuck off, man Alex! I didnt read the bit about two cocks! 13829[/snapback] Think of the money you could make!!! 13831[/snapback] Think of the MESS you could make !!! 13832[/snapback] 'gulp' 13835[/snapback] are you sure "Gulp" is the right phrase ? 13836[/snapback] Yes, its exactly the right phrase! Brings a new meaning to the phrase, "two heads are better than one"
  16. According to the maths, if I show mine I'll want to see Mags' and Toonraiders'! ........ fuck off, man Alex! I didnt read the bit about two cocks! 13829[/snapback] Think of the money you could make!!! 13831[/snapback] Think of the MESS you could make !!! 13832[/snapback] 'gulp'
  17. According to the maths, if I show mine I'll want to see Mags' and Toonraiders'! ........ fuck off, man Alex! I didnt read the bit about two cocks! 13829[/snapback] Think of the money you could make!!!
  18. I take it this is what it was like then? I must have missed most of it
  19. You offering Jimbo? 13819[/snapback] *looks for Macro mode on digital camera* 13822[/snapback] please trim first
  20. Watched one of hubby's 'special' dvd's the other nght one guy had a HUGE cock and it got me thinking, surely there comes a point (no pun intended) when its just too big? it looked so frustrating for the guy as he couldnt 'use' it all, must be so annoying! The girlie seemed happy enough though i have to say! 13776[/snapback] You know toonraider- I always though the same. Mind this just reminds me of one I'd seen - should have been called freaks of nature or something- one guy was HUGE- had a harness he wore to help support it. Always wondered how he managed to stand upright with a stiffie as there must have been at least 5 pints of blood filling his lower head. Mind boggling. That and there was this guy with 2 cocks- felt like such a perv but there's me thinking NO WAY!!!! and rewinding and freezeframing screens to check for a slick edit job.... 13800[/snapback] It is amazing they dont pass out, especially with 2 cocks! I'd love to see that film! Surely it wasnt real? ..........god, now i am wondering if he could cum out of both! 13806[/snapback] **edit** wondering how many guys are reading this slightly shocked. 13809[/snapback] Now who said forums arent educational?
  21. What, having two knobs? 13808[/snapback] If thats the case, we need photo evidence!!!
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