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My MP3 Player History

Hatful Of Hollow

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Yesterday I had my MP3 Player replaced, for the fifth time, and once again it was a Creative player. I've only actually bought one MP3 Player, but all my subsequent replacements have also ceased to function properly.


The first digital music player I bought broke aswell, a Sony Net MD Minidisc player, so I bought a Creative Zen Xtra, a big bulky thing, after a while the screen just completely knacked, and wouldn't show anything. I took that back and got a Creative Zen Touch, which ended up breaking twice, the first time I got anothre Zen Touch, the second time I decided I couldn't be arsed with thrm anymore and got a Zen Sleek Photo. This didn't last too long before it started to act up, not connecting to my PC and generally performing sluggishly, so back to the shop that went.


I've now got a Creative Zen Vision:M, which is the same as an iPod video basically, seems ok so far, although I probably won't be putting that many videos on it.


Anyone else had as many problems with their MP3 Players?

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Pretty often. Most days backwards and forwards to work. Whenever I've got a decent length journey. I certainly don't think it's only lasting me because I'm under-using it.


Do you like Led Zeppelin?and can you hear the subliminal message's when played backward's?

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My first one was a 1Gig Packard Bell audio key type thing... lasted 5 months, now only works as a usbkey, won't switch on.



So got a 1Gig Samsung one. Had it for 8 months now, and it's doing okay.


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My 2003 iPod was brilliant until about June, then it died and wiped itself everytime I plugged it in, then would only update 1 song at a time before crashing.


Got a new 30gb video iPod for my birthday in September, works a treat I love it.

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It's just that it's quite rare for any MP3 Player to last that long with regular usage, and to have no problems.


That's because you keep buying shit ones. ;)




The sound quality of Creative's players is top notch, Rikko's still works fine, I think i've just been unlucky.

Edited by Hatful Of Hollow
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iPod has worked fine for two years or so, had one glitch where it insisted on skipping forwards without actually playing a song.


one reset and it was fixed.


buy cheap buy twice :razz:



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It's just that it's quite rare for any MP3 Player to last that long with regular usage, and to have no problems.


That's because you keep buying shit ones. ;)




The sound quality of Creative's players is top notch, Rikko's still works fine, I think i've just been unlucky.


Doubly so as my net md player works perfectly too...

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Pretty often. Most days backwards and forwards to work. Whenever I've got a decent length journey. I certainly don't think it's only lasting me because I'm under-using it.


Do you like Led Zeppelin?and can you hear the subliminal message's when played backward's?


Led Zeppelin would be a bit loud and scary for Gemmill! ;)


Agree about the iPod though, i've had mine years and there hasn't been anything major wrong or need to replace it. Now it was underused for a long time there's no denying that, but it was still used and then has been regularly used after that.


The only minor problem was the same as The Fish, whereby i'd selectan artist, then album an the song and it'd jump to the next one down, but its rare and seems to have stopped anyway.

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I've got a 40gb Creative Zen, which looks like a brick compared to some of the players around now, but it doesn't bother me, because its never given me any bother, the sound quality is top notch, the memory is huuuuuuge and I paid less for it than I would have done for an iPod with half the memory.


Its been dropped a few times, used almost everyday, but it holds up well.

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I've got a 40gb Creative Zen, which looks like a brick compared to some of the players around now, but it doesn't bother me, because its never given me any bother, the sound quality is top notch, the memory is huuuuuuge and I paid less for it than I would have done for an iPod with half the memory.


Its been dropped a few times, used almost everyday, but it holds up well.


The Zen Xtra? The only real gripe I had with mine was the cover, which was a quite flimsy.

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  • 4 months later...

Well, it's that time again, my Zen Vision:M looks like it's fucked.


Was listening to my it last night, and viewing photos at the same time, went to zoom in on one photo and the screen went blank, it remained like this, wouldn't reset, and none of the buttons worked. I had to leave it on all night, seeing as there was nothing I could do.


So, basically my player now isn't responding at all, I can't switch it on and it still won't reset, there is also no response when I try to connect it to my PC.

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Well, it's that time again, my Zen Vision:M looks like it's fucked.


Was listening to my it last night, and viewing photos at the same time, went to zoom in on one photo and the screen went blank, it remained like this, wouldn't reset, and none of the buttons worked. I had to leave it on all night, seeing as there was nothing I could do.


So, basically my player now isn't responding at all, I can't switch it on and it still won't reset, there is also no response when I try to connect it to my PC.



AQrchos 20gig. Stainless, big and chunky like the Bobster :unsure:







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