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@yourservice last won the day on January 30 2019

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About @yourservice

  • Birthday August 2

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  • Location
    Newcastle Upon Tyne

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  1. I don't have to tweet myself My mate does it for me I wanna be a Borg, a Borg a Borg I wanna be a Borg.
  2. Apparently he left earlier today with a chauffeur in a limo, it's doubtfull he'll be at SJP tomorrow and more than likely will be there the day after. That's one hell of a driver right there.
  3. We need to make Brucey welcome with open arms, he's one of us. I reckon we'll go around 9/10 unbeaten at the start of the season and could well see Brucey lifting a cup. Brucey forever.
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