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Do you feel safe?


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Can't say I've ever felt 'unsafe' anywhere but I think that's maybe more down to the type of person I am rather than the places I've been. I've drank in some shitholes like but I'm not easily intimidated and am more than happy to stand up for myself if needs be, or avoid dickheads. I'm very easily annoyed by said dickheads which doesn't always lead to me being very tolerant :(


I'm also not a lass who is scared to walk into a pub on my own if I'm meeting someone and I'm there first. The Trent every matchday is a case in point considering every fucker else is always late.



That's a very false sense of security though (although for women it is probably a safer bet than men, just because of the general perpetrators and victims of mindless random violence)...... it lasts right up until the time you DO get badly attacked (by someone that frankly just doesn't give a fuck) and after than you'll never quite have that same "safe" feeling again. :panic:


Although these days maybe even women aren't that much safer in such delusion as I've seen stiletto type shoes used in way that could certainly badly maim and frankly even kill with a unlucky blow. :D

Attacks, random or otherwise are still pretty rare though.

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Can't say I've ever felt 'unsafe' anywhere but I think that's maybe more down to the type of person I am rather than the places I've been. I've drank in some shitholes like but I'm not easily intimidated and am more than happy to stand up for myself if needs be, or avoid dickheads. I'm very easily annoyed by said dickheads which doesn't always lead to me being very tolerant :(


I'm also not a lass who is scared to walk into a pub on my own if I'm meeting someone and I'm there first. The Trent every matchday is a case in point considering every fucker else is always late.



That's a very false sense of security though (although for women it is probably a safer bet than men, just because of the general perpetrators and victims of mindless random violence)...... it lasts right up until the time you DO get badly attacked (by someone that frankly just doesn't give a fuck) and after than you'll never quite have that same "safe" feeling again. :panic:


Although these days maybe even women aren't that much safer in such delusion as I've seen stiletto type shoes used in way that could certainly badly maim and frankly even kill with a unlucky blow. :D

Attacks, random or otherwise are still pretty rare though.



I dunno about rare, it's just that the odds of it being you are low, if you see what I mean, the odds of it being someone are nothing like the same.


Depends on the area of the country too I guess, I've seen plenty of incidents and had out of the blue attacks happen to me 3 times and closely avoided probably 5-6 times on top of that over the years.


Although frankly you can avoid most chance of it happening to you by just being aware, but most people you see seriously are not.


I'm not saying huddle in your house and never go out, but I am saying if you wander through life thinking "I'll never happen to me" then you may well find yourself in for a rude awakening one day.

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Can't say I've ever felt 'unsafe' anywhere but I think that's maybe more down to the type of person I am rather than the places I've been. I've drank in some shitholes like but I'm not easily intimidated and am more than happy to stand up for myself if needs be, or avoid dickheads. I'm very easily annoyed by said dickheads which doesn't always lead to me being very tolerant :icon_lol:


I'm also not a lass who is scared to walk into a pub on my own if I'm meeting someone and I'm there first. The Trent every matchday is a case in point considering every fucker else is always late.



That's a very false sense of security though (although for women it is probably a safer bet than men, just because of the general perpetrators and victims of mindless random violence)...... it lasts right up until the time you DO get badly attacked (by someone that frankly just doesn't give a fuck) and after than you'll never quite have that same "safe" feeling again. :(


Although these days maybe even women aren't that much safer in such delusion as I've seen stiletto type shoes used in way that could certainly badly maim and frankly even kill with a unlucky blow. :panic:

Attacks, random or otherwise are still pretty rare though.



I dunno about rare, it's just that the odds of it being you are low, if you see what I mean, the odds of it being someone are nothing like the same.


Depends on the area of the country too I guess, I've seen plenty of incidents and had out of the blue attacks happen to me 3 times and closely avoided probably 5-6 times on top of that over the years.


Although frankly you can avoid most chance of it happening to you by just being aware, but most people you see seriously are not.


I'm not saying huddle in your house and never go out, but I am saying if you wander through life thinking "I'll never happen to me" then you may well find yourself in for a rude awakening one day.

You covered all bases there. Not like you. :D

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Where do you live Fop and where do you go out?


I can honestly count on one hand the number of times I've been witness or party to "bother".


I reckon it's more to do with what kind of bars you frequent (and the associated clientelle) than some deep swelling of violent undercurrent in the country.

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Where do you live Fop and where do you go out?


I can honestly count on one hand the number of times I've been witness or party to "bother".


I reckon it's more to do with what kind of bars you frequent (and the associated clientelle) than some deep swelling of violent undercurrent in the country.


Who in their right mind is gonna attack you, Butterbean? :D

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Where do you live Fop and where do you go out?


I can honestly count on one hand the number of times I've been witness or party to "bother".


I reckon it's more to do with what kind of bars you frequent (and the associated clientelle) than some deep swelling of violent undercurrent in the country.



I've lived all over the place, and some places are definitely much better than others (the Isle of Man was pretty "safe" as was North Wales :D, Liverpool and Manchester much less safe, even witnessed two cars shooting at each other at 4am there once :panic: ).


Actually I'd say that in a pub or club isn't where you really should be worried (although having said that I've seen 3-4 people get glassed or bottled seemingly out of the blue so I dunno), but more one your way home, especially if alone or in a couple.

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Taxi queues anarl. I used to hate them after a night out. Not as bad as it used to be with the new licencing laws I guess. Once saw a fight on the last Metro home that started after two lasses were arguing. Ended up being between two people it had nowt to do with who fancied and battle and had had too much to drink. Not very pleasant for the people stuck in the same carriage as them, myself included. I fucking hate violence like.

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I worked in a nightclub once and witnessed violence almost every night. Once someone had their ear bitten off. I reckon it is quite commonplace actually but it can usually be avoided. Not a lot you can do about random assaults though. Never really happened to me but has to plenty of my mates, typically for looking like students. I absolutely loathe the mindless arsehole who perpetrate it.

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I've lived all over the place, and some places are definitely much better than others (the Isle of Man was pretty "safe" as was North Wales :D, Liverpool and Manchester much less safe, even witnessed two cars shooting at each other at 4am there once :panic: ).


Actually I'd say that in a pub or club isn't where you really should be worried (although having said that I've seen 3-4 people get glassed or bottled seemingly out of the blue so I dunno), but more one your way home, especially if alone or in a couple.


maybe I've been fortunate but I've never witnessed violence to the degree you describe.


even on the way home the worst I get is a drunk asking for the time or trying to start a conversation with me on the bus/metro/taxi rank


I guess some people just attract the worst kind of people :(

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I worked in a nightclub once and witnessed violence almost every night. Once someone had their ear bitten off. I reckon it is quite commonplace actually but it can usually be avoided. Not a lot you can do about random assaults though. Never really happened to me but has to plenty of my mates, typically for looking like students. I absolutely loathe the mindless arsehole who perpetrate it.

Cowards though, aren't they?

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I worked in a nightclub once and witnessed violence almost every night. Once someone had their ear bitten off. I reckon it is quite commonplace actually but it can usually be avoided. Not a lot you can do about random assaults though. Never really happened to me but has to plenty of my mates, typically for looking like students. I absolutely loathe the mindless arsehole who perpetrate it.


Aye, I once saw a lad pick up two pint glasses, smash them, and then walk across the dancefloor dancing on his way to glassing some poor fucker. Bouncers with ammonia in their eyes, bouncers knocking out customers for not finishing their pints off quick enough etc. etc. You really do get to see people at their worst working in a place like that.


*fade in Taxi Driver music*


All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.



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I'm also not a lass who is scared to walk into a pub on my own if I'm meeting someone and I'm there first. The Trent every matchday is a case in point considering every fucker else is always late.


Thats only because I have hardly been about this season, normally I am there at opening time.. :D

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I saw the aftermath of some canny rucks in darlington on weekend nights like.


The odd nose or ear bitten off, the worst tended to be beatings with bats though, usually over drugs or similar.


I remember one bloke, it was the only thing in 6 years that turned my stomach. Hed been so badly done over he had about 2 teeth left and i couldnt tell if he was 20 or 60. He spent half the night in radiography he had that many broken bones

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A lad I know once got attacked by someone with a baseball bat. He caught the bat about an inch from his head as the lad swung it at him, took it off him, and fucking brayed him with it. Cool as fuck. :D

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I've always avoided Whitley Bay on a Bank Holiday but I do know of a lass who got her nose bitten off by another lass for (apprently) just 'looking at her the wrong way'.

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I've always avoided Whitley Bay on a Bank Holiday but I do know of a lass who got her nose bitten off by another lass for (apprently) just 'looking at her the wrong way'.


Jesus, that is fucking horrible. The realisation as it's happening that someone is actually biting through your nose. Scum. Honestly, what is the point in having people like that in a civilised society.

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A lad I know once got attacked by someone with a baseball bat. He caught the bat about an inch from his head as the lad swung it at him, took it off him, and fucking brayed him with it. Cool as fuck. :D


Gemmill blatently poncing in front of his mirror swinging a baseball bat saying "one day a rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets".

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A lad I know once got attacked by someone with a baseball bat. He caught the bat about an inch from his head as the lad swung it at him, took it off him, and fucking brayed him with it. Cool as fuck. :D


Gemmill blatently poncing in front of his mirror swinging a baseball bat saying "one day a rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets".


Here is a man who would not take it any more. :panic:

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working in pubs i've seen alot of random violence, before the new licensing laws it was rare to see any trouble if i was working an early bar that closed around 11, but late pubs and night clubs were bad


one place was weird, trouble always kicked off in the same part but the doormen would stand talking/chatting up lasses over the end of the pub, so i'd have to shout over the mic every time it kicked off, if i didnt spot it straight away someone could get a right pasting before me or the door noticed

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working in pubs i've seen alot of random violence, before the new licensing laws it was rare to see any trouble if i was working an early bar that closed around 11, but late pubs and night clubs were bad


one place was weird, trouble always kicked off in the same part but the doormen would stand talking/chatting up lasses over the end of the pub, so i'd have to shout over the mic every time it kicked off, if i didnt spot it straight away someone could get a right pasting before me or the door noticed


Aye we had panic buttons on the bars and had to press them if owt kicked off - a bell rang in reception and the doormen came steaming in. It was fucking hilarious cos the doormen caused more damage knocking people out of the way running through the club than any fight ever could. It was like when they pressed the red button on the Godzilla cartoon.


Every now and again you would hear a cry of "Doormen to the DJ stand!" over the mic too.

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Never had any trouble myself but I know what you mean about taxi queues, they can be a fucking nightmare. Me and my mate were standing in one a while back when two lads in fornt of us got into a shoving match. Out of nowhere, the plod van pulls up right beside them, opens the sliding door, pulls them in, and drives off. It was funny as fuck to watch, like a middle eastern kidnapping. :lol:

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I've lived all over the place, and some places are definitely much better than others (the Isle of Man was pretty "safe" as was North Wales :lol:, Liverpool and Manchester much less safe, even witnessed two cars shooting at each other at 4am there once :D ).


Actually I'd say that in a pub or club isn't where you really should be worried (although having said that I've seen 3-4 people get glassed or bottled seemingly out of the blue so I dunno), but more one your way home, especially if alone or in a couple.


maybe I've been fortunate but I've never witnessed violence to the degree you describe.


even on the way home the worst I get is a drunk asking for the time or trying to start a conversation with me on the bus/metro/taxi rank


I guess some people just attract the worst kind of people :)



TBH if you're talking about Newcastle or even maybe many parts of Leeds I guess you might not, there's certainly much worse places.



Then again personally I don't take taxi's and such much, usually I walk home so maybe there's more opportunity, in fact in North Wales I used to run about 3.5 miles home after a night out and usually beat those that took a taxi. :D

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I'm a bit like Cath, never really felt unsafe and am quite capable of standing up for myself if someone is being a dickhead. Occassionally I've felt protective of people who I'm with and will steer them to the otherside of me or something, but I won't cross over the road to avoid a group of chavs... if I'm honest I'll purposefully stride straight through their group, head up and I'll answer any snide remark that comes my way... perhaps I should take the high road and stick to the safer side of the street, but I'm sick of these knobheads getting away thinking they're invincible.




grrrr :lol: The fish



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I used to run about 3.5 miles home after a night out and usually beat those that took a taxi. :lol:




I dont know why but the thought of you dolled up and pissed, running home 3.5miles makes me laugh. Did your mates wave at you on the way past?

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I used to run about 3.5 miles home after a night out and usually beat those that took a taxi. :lol:




I dont know why but the thought of you dolled up and pissed, running home 3.5miles makes me laugh. Did your mates wave at you on the way past?


Only drunken people get it in their heads to run 3.5 miles home. Sober you wouldn't even dream of it.

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