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Who is the Smiley God

Christmas Tree

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This is not Newcastle Online.


If you wish to use their heathen smileys do so over there.


For now...




Though this was Newcastle Onlines prison judging by other threads :D


You have to admit though Tom shifty.gif is a fucking brilliant smiley.


Go on, im sure you could get it.

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It's just blur + photoshop so err me :D


If you guys want new smileys nominate a few and perhaps I can pass it on to an Admin to whom it concerns.


1. I don't know how to do it.


2. I'm not that bothered.



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It's just blur + photoshop so err me :D


If you guys want new smileys nominate a few and perhaps I can pass it on to an Admin to whom it concerns.


1. I don't know how to do it.


2. I'm not that bothered.




Yeah right :D

My opinion, for what it's worth, is that the middle two are ok but the top and bottom ones shite. If they're not little round yellow fellas I don't want to know.

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It's just blur + photoshop so err me :icon_lol:


If you guys want new smileys nominate a few and perhaps I can pass it on to an Admin to whom it concerns.


1. I don't know how to do it.


2. I'm not that bothered.




Yeah right :icon_lol:

My opinion, for what it's worth, is that the middle two are ok but the top and bottom ones shite. If they're not little round yellow fellas I don't want to know.



Bloody Racists



Edited by Christmas Tree
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It's just blur + photoshop so err me :rolleyes:


If you guys want new smileys nominate a few and perhaps I can pass it on to an Admin to whom it concerns.


1. I don't know how to do it.


2. I'm not that bothered.




Yeah right :D

My opinion, for what it's worth, is that the middle two are ok but the top and bottom ones shite. If they're not little round yellow fellas I don't want to know.


The second one is OK, the rest are shite. Good call from 2J with regards to the one he uploaded. Time and effort was made in the early days to make sure they all kinda followed the same design. Some were a good idea but not in the right style so were re-made (the scouser and jesuswept for instance).



And this one is perfect for when someone says something totally fucking stupid. facepalm.gif


For that we have :D , :rolleyes: , :rolleyes: or :icon_lol: ...... or in the case of some people ...... :D

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