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if there are 18 blokes called John in the room, but one of them insists they’re the only one who should be called John, you would always regard that bloke as an absolute tosser.


When you go to Old Trafford the place is full of ‘One United’.


People form Manchester hate being the shortened title of ‘Man’ for Manchester — so Man U or Man City it is then.


brilliantly put :scratchchin:

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People form Manchester hate being the shortened title of ‘Man’ for Manchester — so Man U or Man City it is then.


Neither MUFC or City fans hate "Man U" or "Man City".


I do find it particularly amusing when the yanks refer to MUFC as, quite simply, "Manchester"... thus inadvertently totally dismissing the existence of City. (Lets not start debating how offensive "City" might be to Bristol fans etc)

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I can't say i personally call us united ever in conversation, though like JawD i'd chant it at a match if one was started, but if anyone i was talking to used 'united' to me then they'd better be referring to NUFC and nobody else when they're from here!


The pundits and sky types should know better, but they're up the arse of the 'big 4' anyway so its hardly a shock that they refere to manu as united alot of the time, it sums up their dismisal of any club who isn't in the top 4.


But as Parkinpants said, its isn't about manu fans calling themselves united its if fans of other clubs do it, which is cringeworthy.

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Guest Tuco Ramirez
People form Manchester hate being the shortened title of ‘Man’ for Manchester — so Man U or Man City it is then.


Neither MUFC or City fans hate "Man U" or "Man City".


I do find it particularly amusing when the yanks refer to MUFC as, quite simply, "Manchester"... thus inadvertently totally dismissing the existence of City. (Lets not start debating how offensive "City" might be to Bristol fans etc)

Which leads me to conclude you're not proper. A lad I know a head in the "Red Army" not the new "MIB's" he always insisted your proper fans your 30,000 Salford/Manc hardcore don't mind Man United, but hate "Man U".

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As for Manchester United, I've always called them "United". Maybe it's the fact that 99% of people around here do aswell?



Man U are just that, Man U, it's no harder to say Man U than it is "United". It shouldn't be the go-to nickname for them...


I'll actually agree with you on this.... but going back to your original comment


it's the presumption by Man U that they are the only noteworthy...


The presumption isn't really made (unjustfiably) by MUFC fans. MUFC fans quite rightly refer to their own club as "United" as should any other such club like Leeds, Newcastle or Sheff U. I think your beef is/should be more with the "non MUFC" fans who understandably, but not justifiably, give MUFC the default for "United".....



Man U are just that, Man U, it's no harder to say Man U than it is "United". It shouldn't be the go-to nickname for them...


I'll actually agree with you on this.... but going back to your original comment


it's the presumption by Man U that they are the only noteworthy...


The presumption isn't really made (unjustfiably) by MUFC fans. MUFC fans quite rightly refer to their own club as "United" as should any other such club like Leeds, Newcastle or Sheff U. I think your beef is/should be more with the "non MUFC" fans who understandably, but not justifiably, give MUFC the default for "United".....


people in Sheffield refer to the local teams as "united" or "wednesday".


Manchester is no different, but only within the city is acceptable.


The media have started this practice nationwide courtesy of the Sky revolution :scratchchin: and the pundits who do it make me squirm, but as we know it is helped by the fact that so many ManU fans are daytrippers from every little village in cornwall etc that don't have a football team of their own.

Kevin is Irish, there's no way he's going to call any team 'United' other than MUFC, they're brainwashed and it aint ganna change any time soon. Same applies for large swathes of Britain. Any one claiming to be a Mag who's from the North-East and refers to Mn U as 'United' wants to have a good fucking hard look in the mirror and ask which club they actually support. A Mufc can rightly refer to them as United, a non-Man U fan calling them that makes me spew. And as for the fucking arse-licking twats in the media, I don't think they actually give a fuck that they are offending any club called United when they describe a game as "United v Newcastle/Leeds/Whoever, it's all about looking after the brand.

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Which leads me to conclude you're not proper. A lad I know a head in the "Red Army" not the new "MIB's" he always insisted your proper fans your 30,000 Salford/Manc hardcore don't mind Man United, but hate "Man U".



1. I certainly wouldn't say "Man U" myself,

2. it would certainly raise an eyebrow, and make me cringe a little inside, if I heard a MUFC fan saying "Man U"


....but to hear a non-MUFC say "Man U", personally, wouldn't make me cry.... I don't think that makes me "not proper". In fact, me dad's from Newton Heath so I'm pure blood me.

Edited by parkinpants
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I've always thought that it's a bit odd that they're called 'United' at all when there's another major club int the city, and therefore Manchester is not united at all! Also applicable to Sheffield.

It's derived from more than one team coming together isn't it? Certainly was in our case. Not neccessarily anything to do with uniting a city or area. Just more than one club reforming as a single entity.

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I've always said Man U or Man United when referring to them. I've never used 'United' when referring to us, though.


It does always annoy me when playing them and the commentators say "throw in/free kick/whatever to United" I always say "which one?" out of habit. Our local radio stations have a habit of doing this as well.

Edited by Zebra
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We used to chant UNITED UNITED UNITED all the time, no longer it seems.

We did aye. Like you say, seems to have died a death.

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We used to chant UNITED UNITED UNITED all the time, no longer it seems.

We did aye. Like you say, seems to have died a death.


Probably because nobody felt particularly united :D

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Guest Tuco Ramirez

Before they built the Leazes when I used to stand in the Gallowgate, they used to point at the East Stand and go "in the seats in the seats in the seats in the seats iiiiiiiiiin the seats", 100 of em would stand up and go "UNIIIIIIIIIIITED CLAP CLAP CLAP UNIIIIIIIIIIIITED" then it would spread round the Gallowgate, and in to the Milburn.

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