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Howmanheyman last won the day on July 20

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About Howmanheyman

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  • Location
    Newcastle upon Tyne

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  1. 🎵Coulda woulda shoulda are the last words of a fool.🎶
  2. IT'S NOT LIKE LONDON 2012!!! [Spoiler] I never watched London 2012 nor this one either.
  3. Although having said that, the Indian we had last week, the next day our lass walked past the bog and thought my arse was doing a superb tribute of the frogs chorus.
  4. If you're glad Renton's piss is fine you'll be overjoyed to discover my piss is as clear as an angel's tear.
  5. 'Gregory' actor living his best life with Claire Grogan and Dee Hepburn. It is a good film, like. Reminds me of the older kids when I was a bairn.
  6. Looks like he's about to kill black people, demand a ransom from the mayor all whilst Clint Eastwood tracks him down with his magnum.
  7. I appreciate their trying to grow the global fanbase but they're losing the traditional fanbase. I haven't bothered wasting money on a worthless membership scheme and a convoluted ticket site. I doubt they'll give a fuck just like they didn't in the past.
  8. I tend to read in bed so earphones aren't really comfortable and I end up falling asleep taking fuck all in and wake up with someone talking to me. I prefer to read until the words start moving around then it's kindle down and I'm out like a light.
  9. I actually got this on free trial but cancelled. Far better to actually read a book in my opinion and it genuinely surprised me I couldn't get away with it as I thought it would be great.
  10. Change the X to twitter when you paste it on here.
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