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USA GDP v The World

Rob W

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Big country is important.


RIP Stuart.


Well said - still one of my favourite bands.


Looking at the map I wouldn't necessarily brag about being equivalent to Bangladesh.

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Most of the yanks GDI goes to China anyway. The yanks owe them trillons tbh. Soon it will be China GDP V the world. I'm learning Chinese the west is fucked the powers shifting east. Most of the oil is East as well. Were fucked learn Chinese and stop speaking that geordie shit.


Any chance of you learning English?

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They only owe them three quarters of a trillion...total.


Were did you get them figures from. Your way out mate. You on about three quarters of a trillion worth of gold or something?


The US department of treasury....




See Page 9

Edited by Happy Face
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Any chance of you learning English?


Thats why me English is a but dodgy tbh. Its all the Chinese I'm learning. Whats the point of learning English when most western countries have no oil and no friends with oil. Everyone whos got the oil is licking Chinas arse tbh. Also most western countries have no assets just debts.


The US department of treasury....


Thats like propaganda that shit. They tell the yanks them figures to make them feel better. Most yanks are as thick as pig shit anyway to can tell them anything.

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Anyway, why are the US using most of their "gross domestic income" to pay off china.....who only hold 20% of foreign US debts?


Just done some research:


In terms of US government debt held by the government of China, the number is just under US$1 trillion.


However, if you include America's municipal and corporate debt, plus all of the Chinese corporate and individual creditors, then the number balloons way over US$2 trillion.


One day soon the Chinese will be coming to collect. If America cannot pay, they will need to sign Hawaii over to pay the debt. I dont think a KFC will do the trick.

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