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O'Neill tops England list


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We shouldn't really be speculating about Mr O'Neills wife's cancer when we actually know fuck all about it.  I'm sure things will become public knowledge as and when they see fit.



Actually, I agree. We should probably respectfully drop it.

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Let me get this right......you're saying there's a cure for cancer? :lol:


I'm sure the GMC would love to hear your answer! ;)



Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are three treatments for cancer which have been proven to ensure it is eradicated in certain individual cases. Not to say it won't return, but people do make a full recovery and it doesn't always re-occur.


My dad was diagnosed with throat cancer in 1989. He had treatment which was successful. After 10 years of being in remission he was told he no longer needed to have check-ups. He remains clear of it. (touch wood)



But he's in classed as being in 'remission' rather than 'cured', no?



No. If he was still classed as being in remission, he'd still be having 6-monthly check-ups. After 10 years of them, he's classed as cured from that occurence.



That's fair enough....


Was told by the consultant who treated my Mam that no cancer was currently curable and that a person would actually be classed as being in remission.


And Gemmill, yes I do know what he's getting at! ;)

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Without wanting to complicate this thread; isn't it all down to what stage she's at?


Patients with stage IV disease rarely live beyond 5 years, and the median survival (meaning half the patients live longer, and half shorter) with treatment is between 1 and 2 years.



Whoa there! :lol: You ARE complicating things. Even some patients with stage IV cancers do survive it.


We shouldn't really be speculating about Mr O'Neills wife's cancer when we actually know fuck all about it. I'm sure things will become public knowledge as and when they see fit.



That's kinda what I meant by saying I didn't want to complicate it.


Anyway, that's a quote from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000262.htm



As I said earlier, hope it's great news for her and her family. He's still only my 4th choice though ;)

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