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Women say the funniest things...

Ted Maul

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I've been lucky enough to hear my lass come out with some absolute howlers over the past few months. Here's a few snippits of her wisdom...


While at the local pub quiz, a daft question about the nationality of people who live in Sweden or something...


Me - Swedes.


Her - I think you mean the Swiss?


Me - The Swedes come from Sweden, the Swiss come from Switzerland.


Her *in a smug, i'll prove you wrong voice* - Ah, where do the Swedish come from then?


Me - FFS





Halfway through watching Die Hard, she gets completely vexed that an English actor could play a foriegner...


Her - The terrorists are German!? I thought they were English! Surely Alan Rickman can't be German!?


Me - His characters name is Hans Grüber, love. And he speaks with a German accent.


Her - Still doesn't mean he's German.


Me - FFS





I really don't know how this conversation actually came about...


Her - I really thought you had two holes down there. One for the wee and another for the spunk.


Me - :lol::lol: FFS

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Your lass isn't Jade Goody is it?


Fortunately not. She can be bright as a button 99% of the time but she'll have the occasional massive lapse in sense which is hilarious.



Fucking hell son, some of your language is appauling...



You sound like my Nana! "bright as a button". I need to get you street wise again.

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Your lass isn't Jade Goody is it?


Fortunately not. She can be bright as a button 99% of the time but she'll have the occasional massive lapse in sense which is hilarious.



Fucking hell son, some of your language is appauling...



You sound like my Nana! "bright as a button". I need to get you street wise again.

Fo' sho'


Yo got yo Timberland's yet, dawg? :lol:

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Your lass isn't Jade Goody is it?


Fortunately not. She can be bright as a button 99% of the time but she'll have the occasional massive lapse in sense which is hilarious.


Is she one of those who is intellegent but has bugger all common sense?


My last lass was like that. She was fairly clever academically but came out with some stupid shit sometimes. :lol:

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Your lass isn't Jade Goody is it?


Fortunately not. She can be bright as a button 99% of the time but she'll have the occasional massive lapse in sense which is hilarious.



Fucking hell son, some of your language is appauling...



You sound like my Nana! "bright as a button". I need to get you street wise again.

Fo' sho'


Yo got yo Timberland's yet, dawg? :lol:


Not yet. Still undecided, although they look good only people what wear them really are OG's, and I'm not and OG.

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Your lass isn't Jade Goody is it?


Fortunately not. She can be bright as a button 99% of the time but she'll have the occasional massive lapse in sense which is hilarious.


Is she one of those who is intellegent but has bugger all common sense?


My last lass was like that. She was fairly clever academically but came out with some stupid shit sometimes. :lol:


Aye, although I think every woman is tbh.


Not yet. Still undecided, although they look good only people what wear them really are OG's, and I'm not and OG.


You'll look propa fly in some Timberlands, sonna. Get those bad boys!

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Your lass isn't Jade Goody is it?


Fortunately not. She can be bright as a button 99% of the time but she'll have the occasional massive lapse in sense which is hilarious.


Is she one of those who is intellegent but has bugger all common sense?


My last lass was like that. She was fairly clever academically but came out with some stupid shit sometimes. :lol:


Aye, although I think every woman is tbh.


Not yet. Still undecided, although they look good only people what wear them really are OG's, and I'm not and OG.


You'll look propa fly in some Timberlands, sonna. Get those bad boys!



Dinna like, gorra bit of a rock on.

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One of my friends thought you had two livers in your chest and one lung down at the side - which was why you got a stitch.


She also thought Lindisfarne (the band) wrote the Lindisfarne Gospels or had something to do with them.


She's training to be a teacher. :lol:

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I've already told you the one about the time we were watching Rambo. Bint. The only other one I can think of is that she wouldn't have it that John Terry was 24. Said he was blatantly 36 and that I was lieing to makr her look stupid.

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100percent true story. My mates gran got given some new tablets to relieve her constipation. A week later and they still havent worked and she tells her grandson


'ive been eating them all week but for the use theyve been i might as well as stuck them up me arse'


and yes, yove guessed it! Shed been taken her suppositaries orally all week!

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There's a list of mrs hips 'moments'. Here's the latest, from around 6 weeks ago.


I'm working on the outside of the house (Bloke stuff: re-pointing, painting, general maintenance) and in order to do this work I take off the bell push (wireless bell - remember this as it's important) and leave it in the porch.


Mrs hips brings me a cup of tea (Wife stuff).


We are chatting (can't remember what about but was probably along the lines of how great I am at everything and what a wonderful orgasm she had the night before - AS USUAL.....sorry, I digress :lol: )


For some unknown reason, as we talked, I pressed the bell push and the bell rang.


Mrs Hips: "eeee (though to be fair she doesn't have any accent at all) how is that working if it's not on the wall?"


You see what I have to deal with??? :lol::lol:

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