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Everything posted by Sima

  1. bye. Preferably you will go to Baghdad. Not very likely seen as it's "Homework" and I don't live in Baghdad. Not the smartest, are you, old-timer?
  2. Sima

    Bioshock 2

    Elaborate please? It is just more of the same really. The novelty of being a Big Daddy wears off after a couple of hours and therefore becomes a plod through the latter part of the game
  3. Just a quick post before I'm off to the Mosque. I believing we're being given "homework" tonight
  4. Sima

    Bioshock 2

    Just finished this today. Enjoyable, but nowhere near as good as the first one.
  5. Heavily debateable tbh. I'm guessing Rooney is the "other" then?
  6. Robson, Beardsley, Shearer, Gazza and....
  7. Sima


    Probably got to mate Gloves tbh
  8. Sima

    No. 9 shirt

    Worst number 9 since Andy Hunt tbh. Saying that it is just a number like.
  9. Sima


    Anyone else noticed a shift in the last few years with how this is sung in the "We love you Newcastle we do" chant? Before, it was more like Newcuh-sul. Now it's always Newcah-sul. More Southerners in our support?
  10. Mackems are at home on the Saturday
  11. Don't see what the obsession is with Ranger tbh. Nothing more than a poor man's Ameobi
  12. Leazes is taking a pasting here tbh At least fop was inventive at dodging questions.
  13. Have you ever met a Mexican in your life. If 1m yanks died tomorrow, I would feel no more feeling of sympathy than the 150,000 Haitians who have died in the last fortnight. I feel so sad for them people mass deaths, they didn't deserve what has happened. The world clearly cares but as one editorial put it it's a fight to see who can do the most for show. Fuckin wanks. I can't believe you've put a yank link up. Not one person here will ever meet a Mexican, so why put this pathetic link up? Put something relevant to fuckin English people. I don't understand any of it, through calculated ignorance and dismissiveness of them stupid yank bastards. Shame fuckin Russia never nuked the cunts (if they left us alone) in 1961. Fucking hell
  14. What a boring old racist oaf. Blatantly sits on the metro on his way to his production-line job frothing at "Broken Britain" reading the Daily Mail dreaming what it would be like to venture out of the region after not doing it for those 50-odd years of his life Bet he wears beige cords as well.
  15. More money or not, Sunderland are a far more attractive proposition at the minute. He'd have to have been mental to choose us over them.
  16. That Mario Gomez is the most over priced player I've seen in the history of football. Showing your ignorance here tbh Then again, you also think Ibrahimovic is shit, so.....
  17. Just laugh it off, they'll be gone in a few hours. I'd rather they were like this instead of coming on with the patronising bollocks that gets spouted whenever we lose to someone.
  18. So we're banning people for supporting teams that we lose to now? Behaving like mackems tbh.
  19. Maybe Leazes is Andy McNab? or Randy McNob?
  20. Like color instead of colour? If that was me I would go all Hungerford on that school. You didn't complain??? They aren't even a proper fuckin country, and they're saying your spelling English versions of words wrong. Remind them they'd be speaking Kraut or Jap if it wasn't for us, I wouldn't care most proper people know fuck all about their history, while I've read our history is high on their educational agenda, as it should be for the whole world, and they're telling you, you're spelling words incorrectly in authentic English. What a fuckin wank country.
  21. To think some say that Leazes is a boring, xenophobic old arsehole who spouts the same old shit time and time again. All because he is so bitter because he has spent his entire life stuck on a production line and hasn't even left the country once. Not me though....
  22. Don't see how he is being anti-British by stating facts tbh. But, if it suits your argument....
  23. Firstly, I wouldnt personally have issued that statement, there was no need for it as it doesnt add any weight to the aim of the email therefore personally, I dont think it shopuld have been in there. At the same time though, I dont see what the big issue is, we've made it clear in the mail that we're not accusing him and we dont know if its true or not. It is however a claim that is being made by people far more knowledgable than you, me and anyone else on the Trust. So when the relevant media outlets issue the story along with their evidence then what then? Are they just a bunch of tossers shooting themselves in the foot? Nobody has said the club is making £7m per month profit, what is being alleged is that is the amount being taken from the club, the two things are totally different, if we were making £7m per month profit and Ashley took it all then Id think "twat...but its his money, his club he can technically do what he wants with it". If however, this club isnt making that kind of profit (and we all know it isnt) and £7m per month is going to Ashley then thats a totally different matter. I cant however, comment on the wheres and whys because frankly I dont know, Ive not been involved in this particular bit because of my personal circumstances at the mo, Ive been copied into stuff and Ive put my own comments in, rubber stamped stuff etc but only minimal things. I do however back the decision to do it, we have a PR person on board and what he says goes as far as Im concerned, as long as the mail came through him then I know he must have his reasons for putting it in. However, just because I wouldnt have put that out doesnt mean Im right, theres many a thing I would have done differently, in hindsight some of them would have been beneficial others would have made the organisation look even dafter. What seems a good idea one day, isnt necessarily one once its taken place. I will however take it personally when Im accused of being a clown because Im part of this, a lot of hard work has gone into this, a lot of stuff is still going on yet as usual people are willing to rip it apart because of 2 lines in an email. As this thread shows (which some see as some kind of NUST thing just because I did it) the other side of the argument (ie the club) make statements of way worse than this each day yet dont get the kind of ridicule the Trust does. Then I'd steer clear of doing "Random Dekka Lie Generator LULZ!11" things as, if you are involved in the NUST, it makes you look immature and amateur. You need to look as capable and professional as possible, wanting people to put down their hard earned. This isn't going to make people invest as it comes accross as a childish and crass smear campaign.
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