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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Liverpool 1-0 up. Vidic terrified of Torres as always.
  2. Guthrie should have shot straight away.
  3. Top of the league and no shots on target against a team in the bottom half.
  4. Mackems 1-0. This guy seems happy enough.
  5. Gutierrez fucking about on the wing led to it.
  6. Fucking hell, Forest 3-0 down now.
  7. Fucking hell. That freekick.
  8. Forest losing 1-0. Would be nice to stretch that gap a little today.
  9. Haha curse my stream being behind
  10. Have we even got out of our own half yet?
  11. Met every single Scottish national then?
  12. Is it that time of the month already? The BNP and the France threads are barely cold tbh
  13. Sima


    Actually cringing at the reporter. A corpse and a sandwich board could do a better job.
  14. Nice edit on the OP there
  15. I looked for that too, I had it bookmarked. I think we should just leave it ending at 2006 tbh We'd still be the 5th best side in the country then
  16. Nicely put Stefano. Now, if you could just ease off with the righteous indignation I must seem like a reformed smoker tbh It'll pass.
  17. Does that extend to Keegan as well?
  18. Sima


    Not even close. Habib Beye was past his best when he came to Newcastle. He was an excellent player for us because he read the game well and when he committed to a tackle he just about always pulled it off. At Villa there's very little reason to invest in Beye. He has a few years left at best. He's there simply to be cover in the event of injuries. Mind you in our side he'd waltz straight back into the right back position. Enrique has been on the improve ever since coming to us, but always had the foundations to be an exceptional player. He's quick, he's strong, and he has a powerful left foot. His reading of the game has improved immensely, as has his ability to combine with the midfield on attacking raids down the field. Habib Beye was a dimly shining light in a heap of absolute shit. This is now shown by the fact he is behind Nigel Reo-Coker in the Villa pecking order Enrique is massively overrated by some tbh especially with people suggesting he is better than the likes of Bridge and Baines. He will be exposed for what he is should we return. Same with Coloccini Shades of "Harper for England"
  19. Sima


    Is Enrique the Habib Beye of a 2 years ago? Where is Beye now? Oh yeah, rotting in Villa's reserves.
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