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Everything posted by Snake

  1. Apparantly he died a while back, no prizes for guessing how
  2. Might get a full 30 seconds at the end of MOTD tonight
  3. One nil down, four one up, Obafemi wrapped it up
  4. I suspect thats been scrapped now, until further notice
  5. I bet the press still manage to pick on something negative though. This is the cockney media's nightmare result to be fair If we actually managed to overhaul Spurs in the league by the end of the season i think they'd implode! All of their 'Ramos tactically outclasses yesterdays man Keegan' headlines will have to be shelved. I honestly think some of them will be in tears
  6. True Faith response http://www.true-faith.co.uk/html/Features/souness_guilty.htm Magnificent
  7. http://norwichcity.myfootballwriter.com/fu...icle.asp?i=3081 "I spoke to Dennis Wise yesterday morning," said Roeder, on the phone chasing a second loan target right up until yesterday's 5pm deadline. "And it was too dear. If he's telling me the truth, Stoke have paid an incredible amount of money," said the City chief. "For a short period of time." For all such deals now come with a 'loan fee' attached. And that's before anyone sits down with the player himself - and his agent - to discuss their share of the cake. Potters boss Tony Pulis admitted yesterday that the chairman had decided that now was the time to risk all on winning that ticket to the Premiership; that one point ahead of the rest of the field - albeit with Hull starting to breathe down their necks - now was the time to play the joker and risk all. Wise clearly suggested that yesterday's initial loan fee came with summer strings attached - a full-time deal at the £5 million mark. "He [Wise] is telling me that it's attached to potentially a £5 million transfer deal. And I've got to take him for his word," said Roeder, as the London-based Wise wheels and deals whilst Kevin Keegan keeps his eye on events on the pitch. "I know Dennis reasonably well and that's what he was telling me. I'm not obliged to say what Stoke's business is with Newcastle, but it's mind-boggling the amount of money he's told me that Stoke have gambled on Shola to get them in the Premiership. "Because I believe if they don't do it, there's no way that Stoke - as a Championship side - are going to carry through paying £5 million for a striker that's going to be in the Championship next year."
  8. Laughable defending as well, nice to see the supposed master tactician being shown up
  9. I bet Radgie could have hidden the whole car in hers
  10. And I agree with you too. It is absolutely spot on, the only people that think the club deserve more are the fans. I'm saying this as a Newcastle fan too. The reason why the papers write such negative things about the club? Because all the fans, and the club themselves, talk themselves up so much to the point that it's ridiculous. At least the Mancs or the Scousers can back their shit-talking up with results. I can't read nufc.com anymore because of it.
  11. http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/2303_soccer_sex_shame2.shtml That first photo
  12. Hoy in Ameobi for a triple pack of shit
  13. Loved his ice-cream. RIP
  14. Snake

    Hoo Catmag

    Watch out for this happening to you next time you're on duty
  15. thanks mate An example
  16. http://www.jam-software.com/freeware/index.shtml Download Treesize, install, run, see where drive space is being used up
  17. from ronny [RICO] Fucking disgrace that mind, yet another huge mistake by the club [/RICO]
  18. I am ITK, well either that or it's in todays Ronnie
  19. Snake


    Anyone on here watch it? If so, what the fuck is that tidy blonde lass doing sniffing round Ian Beale, has she had some sort of blow to the head? Also, what's up with that dog rough wife?
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