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Jusoda Kid

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Posts posted by Jusoda Kid

  1. I wasn't kidding in my first post about it being a 'push and turn fitting. As long as it's a new cooker and there is no damage to the hose there shouldn't be a problem with doing it yourself. If your not sure just do it then ring the gas board and tell them you can smell gas, they'll check it for free.








    Upstairs for thinking, downstairs for dancing


  2. You wanna buy some?????????????








    Shampooo!!!!!!!!! :blink:


    You wanna buy some?????????











    Stilts!!!!!!! ;)




    Yes if you believe everything the Operator says:D



    He's a dwarf a dwarf,

    It's plain to see to see,

    He's smaller than you and me,

    Wacky, Wacky!





    I might only be 5'8", but lets face it I'm the big man in my house and you know it, which is more than can be said for you. The only time you get the honour of being the high and mighty in your abode is when your lass says "jump" and you say "how high?".


    What a fanny





    P.S I must have got my extra inches in the trouser department B)

  3. I wasn't kidding in my first post about it being a 'push and turn fitting. As long as it's a new cooker and there is no damage to the hose there shouldn't be a problem with doing it yourself. If your not sure just do it then ring the gas board and tell them you can smell gas, they'll check it for free.

  4. Talking about Gas...hubby is seriously thinking about converting our van over to run on gas, as we do so many miles racing it would work out much cheaper for us. Although he assures me this is safe, i cant stop worrying about it  :lol: I just dont like the thought of it :D


    Petrol is pretty flamable too you know :blink:



    lol...yeah, i know im being irrational ;) Plus we carry about 5 gallons of petrol in the back for the race car....what with that and the gas i shudder to think!



    Got all the makings for the old Michael Jackson trick if you ask me.


  5. You wanna buy some?????????????








    Shampooo!!!!!!!!! :D


    You wanna buy some?????????











    Stilts!!!!!!! :lol:




    Yes if you believe everything the Operator says:D

  6. Pink Floyd are unlistenable unless you've had a few spliffs tbf.


    I worry about that young Skol's drug habits sometimes.






    There perfectly ok after a Bong, Bucket, Pipe, Vaporiser, E


  7. Remember the Australian Doors, saw them at the Riverside. Canny good like.



    Went to see them about 14 year ago at Newcastle Uni. They wouldn't serve us any drink because we weren't students (needed a card or something) and none of the poncy cunts would get a drink for us even though we offered to get them one, another reason to hate the fuckas.


    Luckily though i had about ten pre- rolled spliffs made with the finest moroccan in Byker so it wasn't all bad.


    Highlight of the night was seeing some scruffy student slip off a table and stot his head on the corner of it on the way down, leaving him sprawled unconscious under while his mates continued to dance above totally oblivious to the whole incident.


    :D Aye, you can smoke in there, which makes it slightly less annoying.



    Thought you were against drugs


  8. The last time i fitted one it was just a 'push and turn' connection then you wave a naked flame in front of it to make sure it's sealed :D




    I know its mean and petty but the thought of paying some bastard a ridiculous amout to do something that takes five minutes is really pissing me off.





    Exactly why manc-mag stopped using prostitutes

  9. Mind, it's ok for happy hour cocktails when nee one is in :blink:






    I've seen him in there drinking said cocktails. At one point he asked them to turn the music down cos he couldn't concentrate on his poetry. :lol:


    Wacky's stuff need serious concentration tbh




    You only have to ask if you want another masterpiece rattled off ;)

  10. Remember the Australian Doors, saw them at the Riverside. Canny good like.



    Went to see them about 14 year ago at Newcastle Uni. They wouldn't serve us any drink because we weren't students (needed a card or something) and none of the poncy cunts would get a drink for us even though we offered to get them one, another reason to hate the fuckas.


    Luckily though i had about ten pre- rolled spliffs made with the finest moroccan in Byker so it wasn't all bad.


    Highlight of the night was seeing some scruffy student slip off a table and stot his head on the corner of it on the way down, leaving him sprawled unconscious under while his mates continued to dance above totally oblivious to the whole incident.

  11. If theres anything i hate more than students and blokes that don't drink it's a tight cunt :lol:




    Wacky in heemasex confession shocker! :D





    Enlighten me on this Heemasex thing, sounds canny

  12. So, two of the good points (5 & 6), are you operate a free taxi service for your mates? As HTT would say, Great! :D



    :blink: in their eyes. however, they pay for the petrol and as i only drink coke or red bull allnight im left out of rounds and they buy my drinks! free night for me B)




    So basically you're a tight cunt and thats why you don't drink because it costs to much. If theres anything i hate more than students and blokes that don't drink it's a tight cunt :lol:


    I bet you wake yourself up to see if you've lost any sleep ;)

  13. jesus wept indeed. why do people on here think that just cos i dont drink i must be a hermit in my bedroom who hates all who dare to taste alcohol. im out 3 or 4 nights a week.


    Does everybody on here honestly need to be trolleyed to even consider having a good night?


    being sober has its plus points


    1- i go home with money in my pocket


    2- im not hungover for work


    3- if a drunk person starts a fight with me ive got more chance of winning


    4 - the standard of girls you pull tends to remain pretty good while my mates tend to deteriorate as the night wears on


    5- no standing in the cold for a taxi as i can drive us all home


    6 - as i can drive we can go to leeds, liverpool, manc for nights out and come back the same night



    Fuck me, do you need anymore mates. I wish i had some cunt to ferry me around when i was pissed.


    Saying that I'm very suspicous of people that don't drink, especially blokes. It doesn't really matter with lasses as I've found a drop of Rophynol sharp sorts them out




    Tin hat on for the Lezza brigade kicking off :lol:

  14. Well, I've just been out and bought my tickets to see this band, Off the Wall, at the Princess Theatre in Torquay saturday night. Apparently they are very good, and use alot of Floyd's original lighting and sound gear.

    Any of you seen these before?

    I see from the dates they are playing Newcastle City Hall on Fri 18th Nov.





    No but I've seen the Australian Pink Floyd and they were out of this world. Apparently they are the only tribute band that Pink Floyd themselves endorse.

  15. They cry poverty - get a fucking part time job then!



    Or get on the game as from what i hear all they do is shag each other anyway, might as well kill two birds with one stone.


    There's a few in my street i wouldn't mind sawing in half.



    Is that before or after you've shagged them? :lol:



    Not fussed as long as i get to blow my beans


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