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Jusoda Kid

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Posts posted by Jusoda Kid

  1. FAO Wacky Jnr


    Current wheels? Volvo V40 - What you lass drives cos you can't doesn't count here son!  ;)




    I think you'll find you're wrong there son






    A grammatical error i admit but she's the only one in the driving seat.



    Whats hers is mine









    You know her


  2. FAO Wacky Jnr


    Current wheels? Volvo V40 - What you lass drives cos you can't doesn't count here son!  ;)




    I think you'll find you're wrong there son






    A grammatical error i admit but she's the only one in the driving seat.



    Whats hers is mine


  3. Isn't it time you should be setting off to stand outside the schoolgates with your bag of sweets? it's quarter to three you know.




    No, it's all t'internet now Wacky. Mail Order!


    EDIT: Please note, for authorities without a sense of humour (Americans), this is a joke, you'll find far more interesting stuff in Jimbo's collection!



    More like out of order, you dirty fecka

  4. AF - I reckon you'll be a decent poster if you can throw off the shackles of your previous dimentia and you should care what Wacky thinks, he's an expert at reinvention.


    You have to consider the persona you projected when you first came on here, don't bite at every comment with abuse.  Take a bit of shit because maybe people are remembering how much shit you've dished out.



    Isn't it time you should be setting off to stand outside the schoolgates with your bag of sweets? it's quarter to three you know.


  5. I have a chip on my shoulder about people who name themselves after one of my favourite players then annoy the fuck out of me on a message board with pointless posts about fuck all.



    I don't care what you think.



    Who said i was talking about you? So you do make pointless posts about fuck all


  6. Real first name: Cleg


    Nickname: Wacky


    Age: 30


    Occupation: Work for Tony Blair


    Location: East End


    Language(s) spoken? Fundamental Geordie


    Avatart - why? He looks like my brother


    Previous avatarts? Pitbull


    Tell us when you first joined the boards? Jan 04


    Board highlights? Having a craic with Alex and Manc Mag


    Board lowlights? People taking things to serious and not enough slags talking filfth


    What would you be doing if you weren't doing your current job? Signing on, sitting smoking dope


    Pets? Dog


    I play a bit like.... Stuart Pearce


    Football heroes? Asprillla, Keegan, Beardsley


    Football villains? Graham Fenton, Dennis Berghamp


    Best advice given? Start as you mean to go on


    Ideal partner? Halle Berry


    Ideal dinner date? Bob Marley


    Ideal meal? Mince and Tatties or anything hot and spicy


    Can you cook? Do big dogs fart?


    Current wheels? Volvo V40


    Biggest influence? My cousin


    TV programmes? American Chopper, Wheeler Dealers, Dog the Bounty Hunter (comedy value)


    Burger and chips or fish and chips? Cod and Chips all day


    Chinese or indian? What do you order? Love them both. Deep fried crispy beef/Madras


    Favourite tunes? Stone Roses, Happy Mondays, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, Kaiser Chiefs at the mo


    Abi Titmuss or Jodi Marsh? Both likely to be very dirty so either, not fussed


    George Clooney or Bradley Pitt? Bradd Pitt, Clooney's a cunt


    Favourite film? Pulp Fiction or Chopper


    If I won a million pounds.... I would give wor lass £100,000 and tell her that if i see her again i'll take it back off her


    Age first drunk alcohol? First drink? 11


    Ever suspended/expelled from school? Expelled myself aged 15


    Favourite insult? Cocksucker/Shithouse either of them suffice


    Not a lot of people know that...... I was the best headspinner in Newcastle


    Most you've ever spent on an item of clothes? £140 on a jumper


    How many pairs of shoes do you own? 10, 5 pairs of shoes the rest trainers


    I'm obsessed with..... Having not to work


    In 5 years time, I hope to be.... a lottery winner


    This board has always been a veritable haven for split personalities/personality disorders though. In fact I think it's all the funnier for it as they tend to be the most entertaining.


    Which makes it increasingly annoying that posters like Asprilla's Foreskin, Sima and Wacky Junior have now 'gone straight' as it were. They intrigue me the most - blaze onto the scene talking an absolute tirade of bollocks then realise they like the place and have to undergo a complete identity overhaul.


    ...speaking of which Glasgow Mag hasn't been on for a while. ;)



    I admit I've got a personality disorder but i can't remember talking an absolute tirade of bollocks (whatever that is). For your information i fucking hate this place, i just like the people that post here


  8. GNR death


    just found one of the guys who died was my next door neighbour. the guy in the pic. shit!



    Thats a shame mate,sorry to hear it especially if you knew him well. On a lighter note, i would quite willingly pay the entrance fee for my neighbours if i thought they would drop down dead, noisy stinking bastards.


    No Catmag, I'm not jesting before you ask.


  9. Speaking of INXS,


    My claim to fame is sitting supping cans of lager on the back of a flat bed truck with Micky Hutchence at the back of the Leazes End. Anyone beat that? obviously Paula Yates or Kylie need not reply :blink:




    I once wanked myself off in a hotel cupboard whilst hanging by belt around my neck !




    Only once, what a pussy! :o:razz:

  10. If that turns out to be the case, it is a very sad set of circumstances.



    Agreed, "my source" didnt known whether she actually meant the fire bit or whether she somehow accidentally set fire to the settee, whether with a tab or something. Either way, she didnt mean to hurt the kid.




    Probably top herself if thats the case as I'm suer she won't be able to live with that for the rest of her life, I couldn't

  11. Heres what I've learned today and have to point out that this is the view of a person involved in the case and is not a guarantee of guilt or whatever.


    Basically, the family are well known to the police and theres been a lot of bother between the parents neither of which is (to coin a phrase) the brightest bulb in the box. Basically the coppers first on the scene found the mother and child as already described however what hasnt been made known is that she had her hands tied at the wrists in front of her. When asked how she dialed the emergency services she said, with her tongue, the phone she used was a mobile. Now Im not sure if you've ever tried this but have a go at hitting any key on your moby with your tongue, its damn hard if not impossible. Yet her hands were tied in front of her therefore it would be fairly easy to hold a mobile steady and press the keys.


    Its being seen as a cry for help, basically she wanted some attention following yet another argument with the childs father so she concoted this story which unfortunately went horribly wrong.



    If that turns out to be the case, it is a very sad set of circumstances.

  12. In all seriousness it is a shame that there were tradgedies but people know the risks before participating in such activities, I'm just pissed because I couldn't get across to my mothers for my sunday dinner due to roads being shut etc.



    Oh well, that more than justifies this then..



    Do me a favour and throw your self off the tyne bridge when you're crossing it, sad cunts.



    I thought so


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