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Jusoda Kid

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Posts posted by Jusoda Kid

  1. Unlucky! Fucking pointless waste of time anyway imo. Ooh lets get dressed up in a chicken uniform and wave at the cameras, hopefully someone i know will see me.


    Do me a favour and throw your self off the tyne bridge when you're crossing it, sad cunts.

  2. Isn't that supposed to be Shiv, or am I being threatened with...





    Not sure, I'm not really that familiar with the charver slang. Why don't we send them all around to your house so you can nonce them to death, Sidney.

  3. Because most charvers fucking ming:nufc:



    I wasn't offering your services Meenzer. I reckon there's plenty of straight guys who've been victims to this kind of shit over the years who'd be up for some sadistic man-love, eh Wacky? Or should I say Semi Ballesteros...



    Fuck off or I'll Chiv you


  4. in the tunnel tomorrow. Give you 2 guesses to whom might dig him :lol:


    There's no doubt the eyes of the whole football world will be on Ewood Park tomorrow when Craig Bellamy and Graeme Souness hold their grudge match.


    Not surprisingly, both parties have this week tried to play down the fact that Souey kicked Bellers out of St James' Park in January.


    But despite their efforts it is still going to be billed as Souness v Bellamy tomorrow.


    My big fear is that if United are playing badly and Bellamy scores for Blackburn, the United fans behind the goal at the Darwen End will start chanting for their former favourite.


    I have never altered my stance in that I felt that United were a trifle too hasty in showing Bellamy the door.


    But at the same time all I can say to those black-and-white supporters at Ewood Park is that any chant for the Welsh international is a chant against Newcastle United.


    Of course, a lot has been written and said about Bellamy's departure.


    Indeed, one of our red-top tabloid Sunday papers led its front page on the fact that Bellers had been texting cryptic messages to Alan Shearer.


    What was not reported is the aftermath when Bellers texted Shearer saying: "If you punch my lights out would you mind keeping away from my gnashers because I've just spent £8,000 on having them spruced up."


    Obviously a lot more is going to be said about the Bellamy/United/Souness/Shearer situation.


    But the last word before tomorrow's match goes to a United player whose identity I will not reveal who queried: "Perhaps Bellers won't even get out of the tunnel tomorrow?"

  5. You have to report this and prosecute if possible otherwise little wankers like this will do it all over again and next time someone mightnt be as lucky.


    Also, if you prosecute you get to find out the little twats name and go give him a hiding in the dark. :lol:



    You'd be wasting your time, what will they get? a smack on the wrist. The laws a fucking joke, no wonder people are taking it into their own hands

  6. Was it the kid you saved who smacked you? I know it's hard to do in situations like that but you're probably best off not getting involved, all the youngings nowadays carry knives (chivs), it's compulsory and the majority of them are that daft they won't think twice about using them.

  7. much about them. Want something for taking decent photos from a distance, say from Spillers on the quayside to Peasepud's apartment or the Tyne Bridge.




    Will this do the trick and is it any good?





    Now thats some zoom lens!


    Emmmm I hope Comets shut cos I sure dont want you takin any pictures tonight :nufc::lol:



    Tranny night is it? Don't forget to take that nail varnish off for work in the morning


  8. I love it!


    Gonna go and get a hot chocolate, maybe put some babycham in it, give me mam a hug and reflect on the lovely dinners she makes and how nice the crease in the front of me trousers look and will be right back.....




    Can't see him being interested in the crease in the front of her trousers :)



    I have met a few nice people up here, but by and large, people have an attitude towards southerners which frankly I could do without.


    Just my observations.



    Probably because the majority of southerners think they are far superior to northerners, it sounds like you've been tarred with the same brush so the sooner you fuck off the better imo.




  10. Correct, it was an embrassing read and could have been condensed into one big picture of somebody kissing Souness arse. And yet again they managed to squeeze a reference to Bellamy in there.




    The asshole between the cheeks :)

  11. me and my ex had a look round the one in leeds once and were looking at the ridiculously priced clothes when a proper snotty nosed cow came up and asked us if we 'intended buying anything?' in other words, 'you dont look like you can afford that so fuck off!'


    the thing that pissed me off the most is that she is a shop assistant and probably earns less than most of the people on here do yet thinks she is some sort of aristocracy cos she works there! :icon_lol:


    I hate that thing with shop assistants in posh clothes shops. Don't look down your nose at me you're on minimum wage you wanker! Almost as irritating as the students handing out flyers in the toon. For some reason they seem to think being paid a pittance for handing out bits of paper on Northumberland Street makes them the epitome of cool.




    Don't fall for it. It's a clever ploy by the useless cunts to make you buy something and prove to them that your not the pesasant they had you down for. Best bet is to try an absoloute shit load of gear on whilst they hover around hanging out of your arse telling you how good you look, then walk out buying nothing, leaving them to spend the next hour hanging all the gear back on the rail.

  12. Wonder how much souness bunged Terry Mac for that little master piece?, or did he give him the day off from the bookie run :angry:


    Jenas is a cunt who deserves nothing less than to be pelted with coins upon his return to St James so have your copper pots ready for April Fools day, I've already started filing mine into shape :icon_lol:

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