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  1. I don’t think Howe would want it. Based on his time here, he wants players of the right character and work ethic, and he trains them hard for months before he trusts them to play in his system. I just don’t see how that works in international management, where he would get so little time with the players, and would be forced to play the big names even if they don’t put the graft in. Also, he doesn’t feel like the sort the FA would pick, i.e. he’s obvious quality. They’ll give it to Carsley as interim, he’ll win a couple of matches against shit teams in qualifying, and will “earn” the permanent job.
  2. Anderson was so unlucky to get injured last season, otherwise it would have been him (rather than Miley) getting all those first team games, and then we’d have a much better idea of his level. Seems a shame to consider letting a local lad go who could be a perfectly good squad player. But if that’s the sort of shit we have to do to survive the financial rules 🤷
  3. No bed wetting from him. Didn’t he bet on us to beat Man City in the league cup, when we had Lascelles, Dummett, and Targett at the back? And we won? The man is a prophet. If he wrote a betting tips column, I’d follow it.
  4. I’d be fine with a draw tonight. If all we get from this season is finishing above this lot, I’d be happy.
  5. I’d be surprised if Hall starts. Looking back at the stats he’s started one league game all season, and got hooked at half time. And there’s been plenty of games we haven’t had another fit left back. I’m guessing Howe will find some way to avoid picking him.
  6. Yet more evidence that this season is cursed. They must have disturbed an Indian burial ground when they did that training ground revamp 🙁
  7. This one should be close. Both teams are without Nick Pope, both teams are without Joelinton. As long as we play the same back 4 as in the league cup (Livramento, Lascelles, Dummett, Targett) we’ll be fine.
  8. Isn’t it worth keeping them around for european squads, as they are homegrown?
  9. Well done lads. 3 goals, clean sheet, just what the doctor ordered. Looking forward to match of the day tonight. Tino given up proving he’s the best left back in the squad, now he’s going after the right back spot. If he can take a corner, Tripps might be in trouble!
  10. Doesn’t bode well for today’s game 🙁 Does that chart include Tonali and Toney as well?
  11. Fucking hell, what a relief. Fair play, they won, which is all that really matters, right? 🫤 Best bits (apart from the goal & Dubs) were Schar’s handball and Lascelles’ rugby tackle. Comical stuff. Everything else was dog shit.
  12. Gordons corners good at the end there. He can do everything that kid.
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