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About aimaad22

  • Birthday 06/07/1988

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  1. Yeah I'm sure they'll investigate that. Anything on Chelsea's property dealings so far? I suppose not.
  2. So does that mean we'll be in the market for a backup RB to Tino then? Or do you think Howe will be happy with Krafth/Murphy if needed.
  3. At this point I'm not sure if Wilson can be relied upon to be available if striker 1 and 2 go down. 4th choice maybe? I hope West Ham are still interested or maybe Forrest do us a massive favor again.
  4. Somebody should step in before things get fiscal.
  5. Which isn't a good look because it means he's not feeling heard by the club at the moment. What that's exactly down to we can only speculate. It also won't please PIF I'm sure. Needs sorting out soon regardless.
  6. Well who knew CT was right all along. I too feel this is a bit unexpected, I thought he'd be a little awkward about Stavely leaving suddenly and what happened with PSR but on the whole expected that the club would have had him on board with the changes and clearly communicated what the structure and plan now is. It seems maybe at the moment we may not be running as smoothly as I thought we were, or maybe Howe is just unhappy with the changes. Also doesnt align with what Mitchell said yesterday about his relationship with Howe, from that you'd think he'd be happy given he was supposed to be on frosty terms with Ashworth. Changes of this level can be painful, for any organisation, so maybe we shouldnt read too much into it at the moment; perhaps the club will sort it out in a few weeks. But yeah, at the moment something clearly doen't seem right.
  7. Good to see the club trying to actively address injury issues already. The way he talks about Eddie as well, I'm not sure how long it will take to not feel strange about the caliber of people running the club now.
  8. Keep at it LTA and dont listen to these, it's not every day we get to follow the Ballon'dor journey of an ex Newcastle player.
  9. Gemmill got it right. We've gone from failing to sign Hamza Chaudhry to having City, Madrid, Bayern etc. lurk over our players. What a disaster eh? Edwards is proving again he's a top class asshole in addition to being incompetent and frustrated at his job, also probably his sex life.
  10. Isak and Murhpy are the jokers of the group aren't they
  11. If Howe has a reasonably successful club career there's a good chance the England job will be there for the taking at some stage. If he goes now just when he's starting to build a top reputation at club level and spends 6-8 years with England who knows what opportunities come after that given he'll be in a totally different type of day to day routine, not coaching and working with players on a regular basis as he likes to do. It just doesnt feel like the right time for him to take an international job. At least that's what I hope he's thinking. What a great summer so far, try to hang onto your best players and now a question mark on the manager. Hopefully the FA make their move soon and Howe decides quickly either way.
  12. For once it's a good thing some of us don't know how to embed tweets
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