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Dazzler last won the day on July 25

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About Dazzler

  • Birthday 02/20/1987

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    Some Shithole to the West of the City

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  1. Nothing reminds me I’m no Mensa member faster than trying to guess the flag before the name comes on or the commentators say it. By the time it got to ours I was hesitating to shout it out.
  2. I don’t think Shrewsbury were ever French champions tbh
  3. Someone else will need to take the throw ins on that side from August. He’ll be coming back with one hand after stealing someone’s concubine.
  4. Flying out from washington airport, marra. Sey eyven Twitteh doesn't count the mags as having an airport.
  5. Can't even ask a genuine, if slightly pedantic bastard question in here without some cunt ruining it with puns. Sign for FUCK OFF (signingsavvy.com)
  6. I mean they've rabbited on about multi-club ownership models in the past, and there's a fairly decent one in France going for spares and repairs, so it's not a bad shout.
  7. I think it'll be a quicker transition for Madueke as he's coming from Pochball which isn't too dissimilar to Howeball. Gordon was coming off the back of being chased down the street with bricks by his own relatives.
  8. Aye I don't think many will be as keen to see Vance's star spangled tits.
  9. He's not an academy player, they spent £30m on him from PSV. I personally think he'd be a shrewd signing (assuming he's not costing the earth). Half the time I've seen Chelsea play he's the only one putting in a shift. But as Wyki has confirmed football insider is a shite source, and this is 99.999999% bullshit.
  10. Stitched his ring closed before he left for his appointment to make sure the doctor was unable to see how much he enjoys a bit of bum play.
  11. I'll take the chaos of train suicides and raise you. A lass I used to work with was coming up the A1 after visiting her wife's family. She was doing 70 and someone ran out of the bushes and threw themselves under her car. She was off work for months because of it, and I am not sure she's ever fully recovered. That one not only causes chaos but it puts the people in the car, as well as everyone else in immediate and life threatening danger. I know people in that state of mind are not thinking clearly, but I struggled to feel sorry for that person because of it. I wouldn't feel sorry for someone who shoots themselves in the head immediately after shooting 20 nursery kids, and it's largely the same for me.
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