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Everything posted by Anth

  1. Aye love Heddon like, Its in wallking distance from me, a few of us used to have a wander up, nipping into the Masons on the way. Took the car up recently and got charged £2 for a pint or orange squash in the 3 tones - ripping bastards. Horsleys nice as well
  2. Belhadj is 27. sorry, I was supposed to be quoting Anth then Which one, Haim or Diop? Also didnt Haim choose portsnouth over us when he left Chelsea? bouba diop, and I think he chose Man city over us before eventually leaving them for portsmouth Ah yeah, for got he was at City and at the makems on loan before pompey!
  3. Belhadj is 27. sorry, I was supposed to be quoting Anth then Which one, Haim or Diop? Also didnt Haim choose portsnouth over us when he left Chelsea?
  4. Would anyone take Tal Ben Haim? I also remember Chris Coleman slapping a £14m price tag on Boupa Diop a few years ago, as he was in the same bracket at Vierra! Is he any good? I cant say Ive seen much of him.
  5. I don't know what to believe at the minute, the only thing I'm certain about this text is that Carroll is thick as fuck. Aye got that email about 5 mins ago. If true he deserved a clip for trying to go balls deep! Imo
  6. "There's no TV! Have you seen a TV, Mike? I haven't seen a TV. Do you know what it means when there's no TV? - No MTV! " RIP
  7. Anth


    How smart is Kathryn Bigelow? What is she 57 or something? I'd love to have a bash!
  8. I'm going to raise a toast to a fallen comrade, anyone who kicks the bucket from an asphyxi-wank commands my respect. I hope him and David Carradine are looking down on us as I type this. On a serious note though RIP
  9. Did Ridley Scott draw some inspiration from it for Blade Runner?
  10. I missed that, what was the comment that made him bugger off?
  11. Aye, but you're a huckle, you are bound to say that What she needs is a Byker lad and I think I know just the bloke. Shes probably had more east end chod than Sunday dinners in her younger days, she needs a trip to Lemington!
  12. Anth

    The Falklands

    Are any South American countries friendly with Russia? (In Particular Chavez in Venezualla??) Arent they Commies / socialists? Basically I'm asking if this could spark off a larger conflict???
  13. Anth

    The Falklands

    I must admit being 1 in 82 means I'm not excatly the most knowledgeable when it comes to what happened and what not, I'm just interested to see how Argentina claim to have some sort of sovereignty over them. Did they have presence there when we claimed them?
  14. I see they are getting a bit hot and bothered now that there may be oil down there (And it looks like they are getting the backing of all South America). Have we still got the capability to defend them if needs be? Were Argentina around when we claimed them in 1833?
  15. Icke and Casbolt are completely different. Icke has been right about most of the things he has been rambling about for the last 10-15 years....id cards, surveillance, secret state and mind control.. Casbolt's speciality is MiLabs and underground bases and he says he was part of a programme and has been genetically tagged etc...Some rather fantastic stuff rerally. Do underground bases exist? Yes...Are military labs modifying humans...Nobody knows. Do Greys have their own bases in America? Probably. I've seen a few videos of Casbolt talking about Deep bases populated with Greys, nordic looking aliens and reptilians. His body language looked like he was lying rather than being a mentalist. Still interesting though!
  16. When It comes to this sort of shizzle David Icke and James Casbolt are brilliantly entertaining, as well as being completly mental!
  17. Anth

    Theory Test

    Passed my full test on Monday! (only been eligible for 11 years ) Anyway, I bought a test CD and found it was practically identical to the actual test. I'll see if I can dig out the name though I suspect they are all pretty similar.
  18. What I dont understand (though I have to admit I'm not exactly clued up on how these things work) is why 11 people were needed to carry this out? Surely you would need one or two max?? One paper this morning were alluding to the fact that it wasn't mossad but simply made to look like them.
  19. Anth

    End of the world

    David is is great to watch for entertainment purposes like. He geniunley believes that shape shifting reptilians have intigrated with humans, either that or he realises that people will buy his stuff and is on to a right money maker!
  20. Anth

    End of the world

    Denver Airport is widely reported to be above a military base http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread228496/pg1
  21. Same guy Tom thats the same person! good spot
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