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Everything posted by dbsweeney

  1. Am I right that Water Bells Tits is Saltwater renaming himself?
  2. Had a quick look at RAWK. Most over there don't seem so confident about a win. In fact, I'd say 70% or so predict a draw. This is a standard post on the LFC v NUFC thread:
  3. Oh, but they're "Champyuns of Urop"! ----------- Yes, I completely agree.
  4. Surely this bloke is at least gonna soon need a Wiki page about him!
  5. I can't believe this is happening ... I hope this is a joke. Having said that, if by some enormous stroke of luck this was to ever work out and he was half decent ... JP shirt sales would go through the roof!
  6. Nah, it's not really a comedy. You might enjoy it more with a second viewing, since you know what you'll be in for rather than what you expect. Yeah I got the point of the film and thought it was alright, I quite liked it. But the reason I rented it was I saw that it is a Coen bros. film and wrongly assumed it'd be laden with their dark, humourous quips & conversations so abundant in films like The Big Lebowski, so felt a bit let down in that sense. Have you seen Miller's Crossing. Not particularly funny, but a cracking gangster picture.
  7. Nah, it's not really a comedy. You might enjoy it more with a second viewing, since you know what you'll be in for rather than what you expect.
  8. Nice way to derail a thread, guys. Good work, Jonny2J.
  9. I am of the impression even some of the geordies would rather win this one. Says alot about how despised liverpool are `round these parts. I can't stand this fucking team. Worst fucking team in the world. Bunch of whinging, arrogant high-pitched thugs. Fucking hate them. And I live in Oz.
  10. Liverpool 2 Newcastle 1 Man Utd 3 Blackburn Rovers 0 Arsenal 3 QPR 1 Bolton 0 Wolves 2 Chelsea 3 Aston Villa 1 Norwich 2 Fulham 2 Stoke 1 Wigan 0 Swansea 0 Tottenham 3 West Brom 3 Everton 2 Sunderland 1 Man City 3
  11. Can anyone see us picking up a point at Anfield? Blackburn just got a draw against the dirty shits. It seems Andy had a chance saved at the last mo.
  12. Well, it looks like WBA are gonna keep City to a scoreless draw. By two weeks, Man U will be ahead of them.
  13. Just saw Suarez miss a shot while quickly looking up other scores. Isn't he banned?
  14. OTF, are you finding it worthwhile bring awake at 3.30 am for this?
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