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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. You dont see the contradiction. The same way as you said Mike Ashley would spend a fortune this summer, as "that is how he rolls", that might even be early on in the approval rating thread. You definetly posted that, because I remember pointing out to you at the time that that was a massive contradiction too :lol:

  2. You're being silly I think.


    Its just as reasonable to understand sholas short comings and not slate the regime as it is to appreciate Ba, Cisse, Tiote, Ben Arfa, Cabaye etc and slate the regime. ;)


    But you're the one slating fuck out of the bloke! :lol:

  3. Although I see where you are coming from, I dont particularly see the need to tie each good event or bad event back to Mike Ashley.


    Lots of managers have shown faith in Shola and as SLP says, his level should probably have been Championship.


    He has now taken on a cult like status and all those non trapped balls, mis-kicks and other unfortunate attributes seem along way away from some peoples memories. :lol:


    Pardew likes having him around, thats for sure.Interestingly KK didnt, but he akso didnt need the sort of reflected "Geordie folk hero" status that Shola brings to Pardews party, he had that in spades himself. But we all know we should ahve signed a striker this summer to help take the workload off Demba and Cisse. We didn't so the situation is less than ideal.


    I'm actually very fond of him myself, but you can't have your cake and eat it on this one CT, slating the player but praising the regime that keeps him in the squad is Olympic standard flip-flopping :D

  4. The world is not a perfect place PL. :)


    :lol: it certainly isn't, but it does approach something of an ideal situation when you can criticise the sympton of a problem and praise the actual cause of it to the heavens, yet fail to see the contradiction ;)

  5. Have you sen some of the fuckin clangers Forster has made this season alone?...2 v Hibs in a game where he cost Celtic 2 points on his own. He was probably going to be first choice for us lasty season but threw one into the net v Leeds. Ruddy is light years in front of him on ability and experiance iyam. Butland is a queer one, but Ruddy is the the "form" English keeper in the prem so deserves to be in. I'm aware he makes mistakes too, but they are the exception rather than the rule...

  6. Shouldn't have never got anywhere near the first team. The fact he did nicely charts our downfall.


    Seems a good pro and loves the club but the two things are different. Very average footballer whose good days were few.


    So Shola's always been shite, but Mike Ashley's policy has ensured he's first choice off the bench this season, and you seem very happy with that situation.....the two things don't tie in CT, you seem a bit muddled on this.

  7. Murray's reached 3 out of 4 slam finals this year, won one and won the gold at the Olympics. And he got to the semi's at Roland Garros. Not a bad years work! Went to bed at 2-1 to Djoko in the 3rd, could see he was in the zone for the mother of all comebacks, but the 5th must have been incredible to watch after Murray had lost the previous two sets.

  8. Jenas off to Leeds on loan?....




    How the mighty have fallen. I honestly thought I was looking at a future England captain when we got him. Fantastic first 18 months. Probably one of the players most affected by Sir Bob's sacking. It all seemed to go tits up after that. His comments on leaving were plain daft iyam, fair enough he wanted to leave but it was the same week we signed a striker from Real Madrid for the odd 17mill or so...Fred balancing the books ;)

  9. Am going out for a curry later and as a tribute to Tel am going to have his favourite...Chicken Tarka...its like Chicken Tikka, just a little 'otter :)

  10. I saw Chris Packham giving a check-in girl at Southampton Airport a hard time about being careful with his cameras....completly devoid of charm or any other social nicities.


    RIP Nutkins, mad hair, mad love machine....8 kids!....who'd have thunk it?....

  11. Just been looking at our fixtures and this Europa League is going to put one hell of a strain on the squad.


    I am usually one of the first to moan about footballers playing a few games and moaning about being tired, but this schedule will be sapping, with the travelling etc:


    17th Sep - Everton - BPL

    20th Sep - Maritmo - Europa

    23rd Sep - Norwich - BPL

    26th Sep - Man Yoo - League Cup

    29th Sep - Reading - BPL


    4th Oct - Bordeaux - Europa

    7th Oct - Man Yoo - BPL


    Stop complaining Wikki....every time I mention this Baggio says its fine....hes said it so often now, I actually beleive it will be :D

  12. No money left where? This is a national economy, not a cookie jar. Government finances are circular, and austerity in a recession is acting as the death spiral.


    And your idea that we are beyond hope because your Bullingdon wunderkinder haven't cracked it in two years is lacking in any imagination. I agree with you on Balls- he's blissfully unaware of his role in the last government and yesterday came out with this belter: "another bank bonus tax to fund 25,000 new low-cost homes". You have to love the way opposition politicians can pluck unconnected items out of the air in the full knowledge they make no actual sense and will never actually come to fruition.





    Here's two very simple suggestions that I think would vastly improve our economy:

    - Massive government investment in training and skills, especially high-end tech/engineering roles - ie not charging the earth for an education (lefty idea)


    Good call...you can get what they call an "apprenticeship" nowadays for sweeping up in a Tesco warehouse



    - Relaxation of employment law so that companies can hire people without fear of endless litigation just because someone is surplus to requirements (righty idea)


    Depends on the nature of the business whether that works....if its labour intensive production and/or construction,be it skilled,semi skilled or unskilled then "casualisation" happened 20 years ago. You can already say to someone "pack your tools, your sacked" on most building sites and not have any comeback, inspite of recent regulations. What else would you turn into a sub contract sack-a-thon and how would that help?




    The only thing that will rebalance our economy is improving our skill base for the future and allowing the labour market to be flexible enough to take these people on. We will not grow the economy by cutting, traditional right-wing 'crowding out' theory does not apply when we are rapidly losing competitive advantages on a global stage.


    This situation is not beyond salvage- but it will require a government who realises that left or right thinking is not going to solve this alone.

  13. You don't 'throw' money (or through it, for that matter). Do you think government expenditure only has short-term impacts, or that targeted government spending can improve conditions for private investment?


    You are a very unimaginative individual.


    cruel that like :lol:

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