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Posts posted by NJS

  1. Why on earth is Smith not on that list?


    Wild guess but maybe they've been sounded out about their level of committment to playing in the league and Smith was up for it - that would explain Butt/Duff as well.


    Or they just forgot him.

  2. At least ameobi is on the list.


    Things are looking up.


    He wouldn't have needed to be if we hadn't chucked a new contract at him in January. That's where money has been pissed down the drain tbh.


    Fucking Kinnear.


    Ashley appointed him tbh (and surely must have sanctioned Stroller's new deal?)


    Of course but anyone involved in that contract decision should be sanctioned for termination - and I don't mean a P45.

  3. At least ameobi is on the list.


    Things are looking up.


    He wouldn't have needed to be if we hadn't chucked a new contract at him in January. That's where money has been pissed down the drain tbh.


    Fucking Kinnear.

  4. I'm starting to get stupidly hopeful - surely the bargain price means we can get somebody in?


    As I've said before when the Mackems changed hands it was concluded mid August I think so Keane still had the time to do good business in the transfer market.


    My only real concern is losing the 1 or 2 good players we actually have before its sorted.

  5. I rang them last week to cancel and was told to put it in an email which I did - the lass told me another month's payment would go out on the 25th as you need to give 30 dys notice according to their terms. I told her I would be cancelling the DD as I wasn't going to pay for something I had no intention of using.


    She told me they would telephone me repeatedly to ask for the outstanding payment but I told her I never answer the phone "live" and anyway they would be bust before the end of the month which seemed to be news to her. Then again I had detected a Mackem twang to her accent and a subtle mocking when I told her why I was cancelling (relegation) - this diluted my slight guilt at being nasty.

  6. I don't think BNP can ever play the victim.


    BNP voters and members absolutely love playing the victim though. They're just so discriminated against......



    I love their recent tag about the "indigenous people becoming second class citizens in every sphere of society" - you can almost hear their supporters nodding thinking its true.

  7. Ashley had Allardyce forced on him. He won't force Shearer on another buyer.


    Shearer on a £12m contract at a championship club might put off potential buyers.


    Wouldn't you rather see see fatty out than Shearer in?


    I sort of agree but I'd also say any buyers who took a good look at the situation might see Shearer as a must have. I'm not saying I'm completely confident in his potential as a manager but I think it would be more of a gamble at the moment to appoint another manager even if it was a "sensible" choice as Sima suggested.

  8. Their language is almost impossible to learn and they're not as nice as us and they never had an empire so no brochure.




    Though something must have went wrong with the brochure for people from the sub-continent to want to come to Britain.

  9. whoa big lad, havent i just said that countrys outside the eu deal with the eu on better terms?? which means if we could negotiate a decent deal (fat chance of that maybe) we would then be dealing on better terms than the tariff now imposed on us!!


    as alexander the meerkat says "Simples!"


    ok i know its not quite that simple but however you put it i still cant see many (if any) advantages (monetary or otherwise) to membership of the eu!


    please explain if i'm missing something


    Well presumably if you mean outside countries get higher prices for their goods then the converse is that they would pay more for their imports?


    On a bigger picture I agree with someone else who said if you look at the economies of the US, India and China, the only way to be in the same ball park (sorry Stevie) is to be in an entity as large as the EU. I think an "independent" UK would be marginalised in world terms - better to be at the sentre of Europe than outside pissing in.

  10. sorry man, but yer mad if you think that. theres countrys outside the eu which trade with the eu on better terms than the uk. also the countrys desperate to join are pretty much ex easten bloc types (not all) or countrys without wealth. this will overall have a levelling effect on every country in as i call it "the new soviet bloc" or eu to those too young to remember it. and depite tony and gordons best efforts the uk is still one of the wealthiest in the eu. ergo, make gets taken from us (about 35-40billion a year) and we get nowt back. we used to get a rebate of something like 6billion but this was negotiated away by tony fuckin blair and his government. so im sorry if yer maths aint up to much (maybe modern day teaching methods perhaps???) :lol: but i still cant see any advantages to eu membership. its all about power to the elite if you ask me!!


    But how would you replace all the trade with EU countries that is dependent on EU tariffs etc?


    The last thing I saw mentioned 11m jobs - of course a lot of trade would find a way around it but even a 25% loss would cost a lot more than £30bn.



    "We get nowt back" shows immense naivity imo.

  11. I'd accept that there is a level of casual racism in this country (and in all others) - I just think the nastier side of it is like homophobia and religious adherence - in general a generational hangover which will reduce as people of previous eras die.


    I know this is a generalisation but I'll bet if everyone thinks of their parents/grandparents attitudes, no matter how good people they were, they would have exhibited some of these attitudes.


    Maybe they were less shy in speaking about it but I honestly think that if Love thy neighbour and Mind your language were shown now, people would be genuinely astonished that they were considered comedies and wouldn't be thinking "wow this is funny".


    Of course there are still people who would like them and would revel in saying so while crying about political correctness but finding people being called "nignogs" funny is a step too far. If the argument is that this is "okay" as it harms nobody I'd disagree.


    As a lefty I don't think I'm naive or politically correct - I've already said in this thread how I'd limit immigration and I have no problem stating that the level of crime in black areas of London is fucking disgraceful and the cultural aspects of that should be addressed - but that doesn't mean I'd support any of the BNP's shite.

  12. How would it solve England's left wing problem? This question is about as relevant as yours. I haven't seen the white underclass bring the world's greatest city, and centre of the global financial melting pot to it's knees. I don't have anything against muslims myself individually, you get good and bad in all walks of life, but failure to wish to integrate should mean do one, no one can ever change my mind about that..."oh the English in Spain..." blah blah bollocks.


    The IRA used to do the same - (now hopefully consigned to history) that didn't and doesn't mean that a purge of Irishmen would have been the answer.


    It's all about day to day as well - I was affected on July 7th but millions weren't - I'm not affected by charvers but thousands are - I'd say to the degree that an answer to underclass probllem would benefit more people than any perceived issues on immigration.



    Before the last decade nobody gave Muslim immigration in this country a second thought so for decades everybody was "happy" with it. Of course world events can change things but again I'd ask - how would the people who voted BNP benefit on a day to day basis if immgration was halted or reversed?



    Back to the point about America, our cities are beginning to look like them, shopping "malls", 6 lane motorways "or should I say freeways", tall buildings everywhere (of should I say sky scapers) even fucking numbers and names on the back of footballers shirts! We have a weakened identity caused by external forces, and it's all going to fuck now, there's a myriad of reasons for it, yank media influence is just one, albeit a significant one.


    What you or I would call English culture has changed in the years since the war - I think for the better in general - I don't want to go back to a time when there was no real choice of resteraunt or when the only family holiday you could have was either Butlins or caravanning.


    The genie of a global village is out of the bottle - it may be too American in some ways but I don't honestly see how you could want to either go back or to limit the way things have changed.


    Of course within that context theres nothing wrong with still being proudly English/British.

  13. They're not entirely going ban to it, they'd put a huge tarrif on it, meaning only the most desperate would see it. Anything which will see America's influence lessen here is for the benefit of this country. The way things are going kids will be saying sidewalk in normal conversation within 15 years, and people will be taking "rain checks", all in all it sickens me to the core.


    Do you honestly think if all US TV (and of cource cinema and music) was banned tomorrow that in 15 years time kids would have returned to saying arse instead of ass?


    This is a lesser version of the main issue - do people honestly believe that if all immigrants (since say 1948 so Phil the Greek can stay) and their families did take the BNP shilling and left that the country would be "better" in 10, 15, 50 years? How would this narrow the gap between rich and poor? How would it solve the white underclass problem?


    For a lot of Mail readers I'm convinced that their should be perfect lives (ie they have everything they want) is only lit up by getting angry at the latest immigrant/Muslim "outrage". In that context if the UK became an immigrant free zone their lives would have no joy left and I assume mass suicide would ensue.


    Fuck I knew I should have voted for them.

  14. As for yank telly you can look all you like, I've never watched The Soprano's I thought it would be about some fat singers in Italy before Jonny2J waxed lyrical about it, and I don't even know hand on heart what the other two are. I don't watch yank telly, honestly, the last yank telly I watched was one episode of 24 because it was advertised about a nuclear detonation in LA, and I like anything like that, but it was so wank, I just don't enjoy watching American television, it's bland, shite and repetitive. As for Spanish football, I watch as much Spanish football as English football because I love it, it's the most entertaining, skillful league in the world, and I've said that loads of times.


    So if you think US TV is boring that makes banning it for millions okay?


    I watch 3 programmes on the BBC and I haven't watched a single programme on ITV for at least 5 years - how about we ban that shite too?


    The BNP anti-US TV has nothing to do with quality or appeal - its about cultural dilution - another racist argument of theirs.

  15. Dodgy as fuck - the people he owes money to have "bought" it when all their banks should be concentrating on paying back creditors from last year.


    I suppose the equivalent would be Ashley selling us to Kemsley.

  16. Of course I find some of their original policies deplorable, humane repatriation will never work, if they got in it would be a machine job outside their shops and forced on to vans down to Dover, but having said that do have good policies. Not least banning yank telly from our screens, their EU policy and limited coverage of all foreign sports. UKIP are the way forward and at 17% of the vote from 0% 10 years ago, we finally have hope that things will get better in terms of immigration.


    The US telly one is a scream for starters - it comes from their underlying notion that "British" is perfect for everything and if we just remove all the outside influences, all our problems would magically disappear - its beyond stupid.


    As for the EU as I've said until the BNP or the UKIP can actually explain how the economy would work without it, leaving is a non-starter.

  17. This has always cracked me up. I put pounds to pennies that you couldn't pick an "indigenous" British person from the current population. :lol:


    I'm surprised nobody has researched Griffin's ancestry - surely like most people you'd only need a few generations before finding an immigrant if not a full on "lower race".

  18. Haven't checked the figures but have just read that their proportion of the vote was actually less than 2004 - they got seats due to a collapse in the labour vote. That's obviously a different issue but if they try and sell it as a massive swing to them by people "waking up" or however they put it then they are taking crap.


    Edit: Actually their proportion increased by about 1.5% but the number of votes was about the same.

  19. We've been in a new building since January. As you check-in by passing your security card over a scanner it displays an assigned life out of the 8 available. Obviously they need a touch screen interface which repeats the choice at the lifts (10m away) to cater for imbeciles but the number of people I see look down and read the letter at the turnstile and then use the lift interface 4 seconds later is incredible. They must have an attention span in the milliseconds.

  20. Griifin said they aren't racist - but supported the "indigenous" people of Britain - what does that even mean?


    As I said above what's his measure of purity (apart from skin colour obviously)?


    I'd imagine their type of patriotism includes the monarchy - does he realise the next king's father is an immigrant?

  21. Regardless of what you or me think, they are becoming more popular and there are more and more people voting for them who would not consider themselves to be racist.


    Fop has pretty much nailed why this is and what the remedies are.


    That may be true but they should be told what they are voting for in no uncertain terms. If they still think that the BNP represents their views then I think they have to accept being called racists.


    If the response is "yeah and so what" then at least its out there to be argued against but this idea that it can be respectable to vote for them just because you're concerned about immigraion has to be nailed for the bullshit it is.

  22. Politicians and other unelected authority figures telling people they are stupid and/or shouldn't have those sort of views does nothing but make the BNP stronger.


    There is of course an alternative - ask the BNP to cost all of their policies. Of course I doubt they have the intelligence to do that and their supporters wouldn't understand the results but it would be a start.


    Two things generally decide elections - whether its perceived a government has had enough time (which will do for Labour) and the economy which is why things like Iraq or immigration don't "really" matter. On this basis the BNP has no chance.


    One thing we shouldn't get away from is that anyone who votes for them is a racist - I don't care if they're a genius or a Sunderland fan - they can't get away from that.

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