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Posts posted by NJS

  1. If you read Oppenheimer, he reckons that British genes have survived in 75% of today's population from when we were populated 6000 years ago. If the gene pool has survived anglo-saxon and Norman invastions, it'll survive most things imo.



    They don't like the "nazi" label but how about another - Apartheid - the only way they could work their "system" is to define everybody's racial purity according to some arbitrary scale - as I said the more you dig the stupider it gets.

  2. This is nothing new. Very few people ever look below the headline soundbite of any party. This is how soundbites and advertising work. Most voters are interested in a problem being solved, not the detail of how it is solved.


    To answer your second point, this is why a lot of their "soundbite" headline policies appeal to more and more people.




    LAW AND ORDER - crack down on crime!


    The BNP will crack down on crime and restore public safety and confidence. We will free the police and courts from the politically correct straitjacket that is stopping them from doing their job properly.


    The liberal fixation with the ‘rights’ of criminals must be replaced by concern for the rights of victims, and the right of innocent people not to become victims.


    We support the re-introduction of corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals, and the restoration of capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute, as by DNA evidence or being caught red-handed.



    IMMIGRATION - time to say ENOUGH!


    On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years.


    To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants


    EDUCATION - discipline, standards, achievement!


    We are against the ‘trendy’ teaching methods that have made Britain one of the most poorly educated nations in Europe.


    We will end the practice of politically correct indoctrination in all its guises and we will restore discipline in the classroom, give authority back to teachers


    DEFENCE - no more cuts!


    Successive cuts in defence spending have left Britain’s armed forces perilously weak. We will boost Britain’s armed forces to ensure that they are able to deal with any emergency, and defend our homeland and our independence.


    We will bring our troops back from Germany and withdraw from NATO, since recent political developments make both commitments obsolete.


    We will close all foreign military bases on British soil, and refuse to risk British lives in meddling ‘peace-keeping’ missions in parts of the world where no British interests are at stake


    We will also restore national service for our young with the option of civil or military service.



    Now, these are just a few "sounbite headline policies" that do have great appeal to a lot of people. I think as someone has already mentioned, the bnp will evolve into something more palatable on the racist front and continue to grow.


    Main parties take note.


    To simplify them as a bunch of cunts..... Is to buty your head in the sand.


    A perfect example of what we are talking about - if anyone actually thinks that the police can't do their job due to politcal correctness, that "pure" English people will be outbred in 50 years, that kids are indoctrinated and that national service would work they are too stupid to vote.

  3. About 4 years ago Rob Lee (who may be playing according to .com) was in the team and we walked it - I expected us to win the whole thing but he didn't make the nationals.


    Judging by Ketsbaia last year with Lee and possibly Gazza we should be fucking laughing.

  4. Out of interest if you've never monitored your connection speed at all how on earth are you "certain" you are getting what you pay for?



    I'm certain because I know usenet downloads at 20Mb/s


    Everything else is too subject to variables.


    I'd also point out that the ISPs taken to task over advertising were all non-fibre services with the exchange factors.

  5. Well I'm 42 and some things have got better and some have got worse.


    I would love people to define this "country going to the dogs" line that gets taken too often. Yes some things are from perfect but as I've said before some kind of nostalgia for the wonderfully moral post-war years or even the 60s or 70s is complete bollocks imo.


    Yes, some things have changed for the worse but is there anybody on here who would honestly rather live in the UK at any preceding time in its history?

  6. Soundbites like "restoring and defending out borders"? "British values"? etc etc.



    Unfortunately the Thatcher/Blair legacy is a soundbitified politics. However even though I think Labour have betrayed their ideals and the Tories are cunts, beneath the soundbites you know they have some workable polices - some of which I support and others I don't. The BNP as far as I can see have absolutely no workable policies so when people say "hey, some of their stuff makes sense" they just haven't looked below the surface or don't want to because they just support some of the pinciples on an underlying level.


    I'd ask LM, Sniffer or anyone who has tacitly said that they have some good ideas to name one and lets discuss how it would actially work - Ketsbaia has quite rightly pointed out the effect on the NHS but here's another one - how would trade with the white commonwealth countries in anyway replace the jobs which depend on the EU and the single market?

  7. As I said earlier in the thread - I've never trusted these speed test things or taken notice of bit torrent readings - as far as I know the only thing that uses the full bandwidth is usenet downloads - and I certainly have always had the full speed from 4Mb then 10Mb and now 20Mb. I have no reason to doubt I'll get the full 50Mb.

  8. Do you think they renegotiatied Harper and Sholas contracts to reduce them? Harper had just gained first choice keeper, his would have probably doubled. Shola is obviously on more than he was in 07/08. Butt maybe took a wage cut but its unlikely to have been much.


    Complete rumour but I heard Shola took a cut.

  9. I found Griffin's recent stuff about wanting to return Britain to the racial make-up as it was in 1948 to be particularly fucking evil - especially naming a time when facism had just been defeated at the cost of millions of lives.


    I'm sick of the shit that people are frightened to talk about immigration - I'm not - but I do know people who in any way are taken in by this shit aren't "concerned citizens" or "true patriots" - they're racist bastards - and should have the honesty to admit it.



    being concerned about immigration and the effect and impact of it on our social and economic structure, doesn't make you a racist, such talk is the excuse of the blind do gooder which has been pointed out by others too.



    No it doesn't - I happen to think a limited points system as intoduced is correct and I'd also stop familial immigration from arranged mariages from South Asia - but supporting Griffin's mob most certainly does make anyone a racist.

  10. I found Griffin's recent stuff about wanting to return Britain to the racial make-up as it was in 1948 to be particularly fucking evil - especially naming a time when facism had just been defeated at the cost of millions of lives.


    I'm sick of the shit that people are frightened to talk about immigration - I'm not - but I do know people who in any way are taken in by this shit aren't "concerned citizens" or "true patriots" - they're racist bastards - and should have the honesty to admit it.

  11. I respect political views on both sides of the spectrum.


    One thing about the euro-sceptic right that does concern me is the fact that only as a unified economic force, can Europe maintain its relative (and possibly absolute) wealth compared to the new economic forces from Asia, India and South America etc. There are clearly social (cultural) issues too, not just economic but i believe that our economic interests should super cede our socio-political interests because eventually without economic strength, our cultures will disappear.



    Yep - until the UKIP/BNP can explain where the millions of jobs dependent on Eu membership would be replaced apart from bleating on about some fantasy of trading only with the white commonwealth countries they are dead in the water - that's with all the other shit aside.

  12. I always thought the reason the NF seemed to be popular in the NE/among football fans in the early 80s was down to people not really having much experience of minorities with the NE being "whiter" than other urban areas.


    It's sad to see the BNP doing so well in areas where the opposite is true.

  13. Do you further propose then, that the boardroom chaos this past year has not had an affect on the players and their relegation? Has that solely been down to the managers/players being cack?



    It's an excuse I don't accept - theres been plenty shit for the past couple of years at Liverpool with no effect.


    Relegation is down to shit management in Kinnear and shit squad building imo - both down to MA.

  14. I reckon even if your were conceived on the centre circle at Elland Road, you would still find it hard to love Leeds.


    Fair point but the other players from the Revie era like Bremner, Giles, Lorimer etc all seemed to go the Bobby Charlton way and became professional Leeds Cunts.

  15. mirror Steve Bruce and Bobby Charlton's affinity for Manchester United.


    I'd argue that's a test though - compare and contrast him and his brother who I hated as our manager but I've softened to since because of his genuine love of the club. Both men spent their playing lives with one club.



    I can fully understand ex-players having a soft spot for clubs - see Sir Les is a good example - but I don't think this ever trumps genuine love of a properly supported club. The caveat to that is I don't think many footballers are genuine fans - they are usually too busy playing as kids/teenagers.

  16. I don't want to sound preachy but I've always thought the 'risk/benefit' ratio from smoking tobacco is by far the worst out of any of the drugs. You literally double your chance of dying and for what? It's not even particularly pleasurable, the main 'hit' you get with nicotine is simply counteracting the feeling of withdrawal.


    What I've always found astonishing is people claiming they didn't know how bad smoking was for you before masses starting dying - I think the breathlessness and shit that they cough up was a pretty big fuck off clue.

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