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Calling On The Toon Army


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Lads & Lasses, 2moro get down to the stadium, in your droves, voice your opinion, bring your flags, your shirts everything...come down and be your loudest and chant get the board out!!!..do it at your loudest, and skysportsnews and setanta will get there cameras down there..and this will filter onto TV, SSN,Setanta, BBC News, North east tonight, the papers and what not..


This will hopefully send out an SOS to someone who will take this club forward and someone who will trust the manager..

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Nothing of the sort will happen, even out of standard working hours because people don't care enough to do something about it. Same old apathy will settle over the fans as per usual, I'm sure there will be some whiners but nobody will do anything - they'll keep going to the matches, keep lining Fat Ash's pockets, keep being laughed at by the general public.

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Nothing of the sort will happen, even out of standard working hours because people don't care enough to do something about it. Same old apathy will settle over the fans as per usual, I'm sure there will be some whiners but nobody will do anything - they'll keep going to the matches, keep lining Fat Ash's pockets, keep being laughed at by the general public.


There's a time and a place to do something.


It's not the middle of a working day during an international break.

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best protest would surely be to boycot next home game



would have thought as we have allready bought our tickets it would be best if we voiced our opinion in the ground. Also if anyone says think of the poor players how will they be effected, fuck off.


one other thing let's wait for the nob to say I hope we get beat that will show him..... fuck off.


I never really wanted Keegan back cos I wanted him to remain un - tarnished as a hero, when we got him I was over the moon, now I'm disgusted.


Only at Newcastle eh

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best protest would surely be to boycot next home game



would have thought as we have allready bought our tickets it would be best if we voiced our opinion in the ground. Also if anyone says think of the poor players how will they be effected, fuck off.


one other thing let's wait for the nob to say I hope we get beat that will show him..... fuck off.


I never really wanted Keegan back cos I wanted him to remain un - tarnished as a hero, when we got him I was over the moon, now I'm disgusted.


Only at Newcastle eh



Everyone should arrive 20 minutes into the game.....then give the fat twat hell.

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Don't be a fucking idiot.


You can't 'sack the board' because there isn't one and there is nobody to do the sacking.




smiling through gritted teeth


Well what can we do?

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Don't be a fucking idiot.


You can't 'sack the board' because there isn't one and there is nobody to do the sacking.




smiling through gritted teeth


Well what can we do?


Dance our troubles away?

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Gray skies are gonna clear up. Put on a happy face.


I've just had a strangely optimistic thought. Keegan leaves us in a better position to attract top managers than Allardyce left us.


Obviously means fuck all if Ernie Wise get's the job, but we'll see.


NB: Damnit, I'm already looking to the future. What the fuck is wrong with me and my self flagellating addiction to this fucking club.



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Gray skies are gonna clear up. Put on a happy face.


I've just had a strangely optimistic thought. Keegan leaves us in a better position to attract top managers than Allardyce left us.


Obviously means fuck all if Ernie Wise get's the job, but we'll see.


NB: Damnit, I'm already looking to the future. What the fuck is wrong with me and my self flagellating addiction to this fucking club.





Yup we can attract Allardyce back.



I dunno who in their right mind would take the job after Keegan...... worse than Sven's sacking IMO.

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Still, the pressure needs to be kept up on the cockey scum - if we start letting it all fizzle out they'll keep getting away with more and more until they're just allowed to take us for mugs all the time - this war is not over, not by a long chalk.

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