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Identify your local neighbourhood facist

Dr Kenneth Noisewater

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Fucking hell. I never thought i'd like Russell Brand but I dee :jesuswept: The dandy, Victorian cunt is spot on.


Bunch of teenagers in Ben Sherman shirts with trying to explain their affiliations with a load pseudo-intellectual chod. Working class? Fuck off. I'm working class and proud but i'm not going out and joining the BNP.

"Dis cuntry is gunna be extinct cos of da Muslims, innit!"

Cockends. There will never be an Islamic government in the UK. Why? Because it's a fucking secular country.


I hate wankers like that. I respect, but don't entirely understand, nationalism however I hate racism. The two seem to have been thrust together over the past few years and it's just not on.



Lets see now.


Where exactly do you think the immigrant [anti English] percentage of the population is going to stop growing ?


20% ?






Where is it suddenly going to hit a brick wall ?


Logic isn't your strong point, I can see that


Which brainwashed hippy taught you at school ?


Hippy? Oh dear. I went to a comprehensive school the bowels of deepest, darkest Washington. If this list is anything to go by then I went to school in the BNP's fucking heartland :lol: Brainwashing me to become a left leaning type probably wasn't high on the agenda.


According to a BBC survey only 7.5% of people in the UK were born abroad. We've got a very, very, very long way to go before we get anywhere near your figures, especially as a fair number of immigrants are moving back to their home countries, the vast majority coming from Western Europe.


I've had cunts tell me that what Enoch Powell said is coming true. Well, it isn't as Enoch Powell was talking about the influx of Afro-Caribbean immigrants to the country which back in the day were seen as the scurge of white Britain. Very unsurprisingly this wasn't the case and now 40 years later we've got people still pointing to the Rivers of Blood speech only this time referring to immigrants from the Middle East. Okay, places like Bradford and Luton may have large amounts of Muslims living in the area but i'm yet to see any Islamic Party of Great Britain councillors elbowing their way into power in those areas.


This is the part where you justify your dodgy views by saying you've been around and seen what X, Y and Z has done to this country. Yer kna, that experience argument.


no, I'm not.


I'm just saying that, its now only a matter of time, as things stand.


You do see this don't you ?


Our economic success since the mid-nineties has been underpinned by skilled immigration from all over the world, which is a massive advantage for us as against the Germans or French.

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For someone who seems to find 'r@cism' in the most innocent of things, DannyB does seem to have a lot of time for the BNP. Ironically, I'd suggest many amongst their members are exactly the types who think the hissing (to represent the gas chambers) which Chelsea and West Ham fans etc. direct at Spurs is fair enough. He is at pains to point out he doesn't support the BNP mind. :jesuswept:

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For someone who seems to find 'r@cism' in the most innocent of things, DannyB does seem to have a lot of time for the BNP. Ironically, I'd suggest many amongst their members are exactly the types who think the hissing (to represent the gas chambers) which Chelsea and West Ham fans etc. direct at Spurs is fair enough. He is at pains to point out he doesn't support the BNP mind. :D



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For someone who seems to find 'r@cism' in the most innocent of things, DannyB does seem to have a lot of time for the BNP. Ironically, I'd suggest many amongst their members are exactly the types who think the hissing (to represent the gas chambers) which Chelsea and West Ham fans etc. direct at Spurs is fair enough. He is at pains to point out he doesn't support the BNP mind. :lol:

The focus of the BNP, and all far right wing political organisations for over a century was against the four be's. Now there are even jews in the BNP, they are no longer the target, the target are muslims, which suggests that there'll always be a non-white English target. However....I repeat SOME of the targets and values of the BNP are not bad at all. I mean muslims are here to stay now, they've been here 60 years and there's fuck all we can do now, but proper integration is not too much to ask and coming here for the right reasons.

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For someone who seems to find 'r@cism' in the most innocent of things, DannyB does seem to have a lot of time for the BNP. Ironically, I'd suggest many amongst their members are exactly the types who think the hissing (to represent the gas chambers) which Chelsea and West Ham fans etc. direct at Spurs is fair enough. He is at pains to point out he doesn't support the BNP mind. :lol:

The focus of the BNP, and all far right wing political organisations for over a century was against the four be's. Now there are even jews in the BNP, they are no longer the target, the target are muslims, which suggests that there'll always be a non-white English target. However....I repeat SOME of the targets and values of the BNP are not bad at all. I mean muslims are here to stay now, they've been here 60 years and there's fuck all we can do now, but proper integration is not too much to ask and coming here for the right reasons.


Some of Hitler's targets and values weren't that bad, didn't stop him from being a bit of a cunt though.

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For someone who seems to find 'r@cism' in the most innocent of things, DannyB does seem to have a lot of time for the BNP. Ironically, I'd suggest many amongst their members are exactly the types who think the hissing (to represent the gas chambers) which Chelsea and West Ham fans etc. direct at Spurs is fair enough. He is at pains to point out he doesn't support the BNP mind. :lol:

The focus of the BNP, and all far right wing political organisations for over a century was against the four be's. Now there are even jews in the BNP, they are no longer the target, the target are muslims, which suggests that there'll always be a non-white English target. However....I repeat SOME of the targets and values of the BNP are not bad at all. I mean muslims are here to stay now, they've been here 60 years and there's fuck all we can do now, but proper integration is not too much to ask and coming here for the right reasons.

I think the BNP are scum. However, it's a democracy and voting for them is your prerogative. Although I wonder why you felt the need to give an excuse for doing so. I.e. saying it was a protest vote.

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For someone who seems to find 'r@cism' in the most innocent of things, DannyB does seem to have a lot of time for the BNP. Ironically, I'd suggest many amongst their members are exactly the types who think the hissing (to represent the gas chambers) which Chelsea and West Ham fans etc. direct at Spurs is fair enough. He is at pains to point out he doesn't support the BNP mind. :lol:

The focus of the BNP, and all far right wing political organisations for over a century was against the four be's. Now there are even jews in the BNP, they are no longer the target, the target are muslims, which suggests that there'll always be a non-white English target. However....I repeat SOME of the targets and values of the BNP are not bad at all. I mean muslims are here to stay now, they've been here 60 years and there's fuck all we can do now, but proper integration is not too much to ask and coming here for the right reasons.


You should have a quick check of the membership rules Steven.

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For someone who seems to find 'r@cism' in the most innocent of things, DannyB does seem to have a lot of time for the BNP. Ironically, I'd suggest many amongst their members are exactly the types who think the hissing (to represent the gas chambers) which Chelsea and West Ham fans etc. direct at Spurs is fair enough. He is at pains to point out he doesn't support the BNP mind. :D

The focus of the BNP, and all far right wing political organisations for over a century was against the four be's. Now there are even jews in the BNP, they are no longer the target, the target are muslims, which suggests that there'll always be a non-white English target. However....I repeat SOME of the targets and values of the BNP are not bad at all. I mean muslims are here to stay now, they've been here 60 years and there's fuck all we can do now, but proper integration is not too much to ask and coming here for the right reasons.


Some of Hitler's targets and values weren't that bad, didn't stop him from being a bit of a cunt though.


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the entire history of this country one of constant immigration and integration?

Since the last Ice Age, basically iirc.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the entire history of this country one of constant immigration and integration?


Nah, it's was all about sailing round the world and planting the flag wherever they landed and claiming it as their own. But lo and behold that any of the natives of these conquered lands want to come here.

Edited by ewerk
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the entire history of this country one of constant immigration and integration?


Nah, it's was all about sailing round the world and planting the flag wherever they landed and claiming it as their own. But lo and behold that any of the natives of these conquered lands want to come here.

So no Roman,Vikings,Saxons, Normans etc.

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I enjoyed the last episode of Schama's series on America that concentrated on immigration. How the Chinese built the railroad and that.

I must try and watch that at some point. I like him and it's meant to be excellent. Actually knew about the bit you mention like and it's the reason you have films like 'Chinatown' :lol:

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the entire history of this country one of constant immigration and integration?


Nah, it's was all about sailing round the world and planting the flag wherever they landed and claiming it as their own. But lo and behold that any of the natives of these conquered lands want to come here.

So no Roman,Vikings,Saxons, Normans etc.


All they were doing was bringing a bit of culture and class to the proceedings. :lol:

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I enjoyed the last episode of Schama's series on America that concentrated on immigration. How the Chinese built the railroad and that.

I must try and watch that at some point. I like him and it's meant to be excellent. Actually knew about the bit you mention like and it's the reason you have films like 'Chinatown' :lol:


I heard about it from The Big Lebowski...


What the fuck are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, Dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.


Walter, this isn't a guy who built the railroads here. This is a guy...




Anyway, it started up again this week, you've got 7 days to catch the first episode on Iplayer.





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Chez has mentioned this on here before but I think the ancient Britons (which includes the English as well as the 'Celts' in this instance), according to some recent research, would appear to have come from what is now the Basque area of Spain via the Bretons (i.e. Brittany).

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I enjoyed the last episode of Schama's series on America that concentrated on immigration. How the Chinese built the railroad and that.

I must try and watch that at some point. I like him and it's meant to be excellent. Actually knew about the bit you mention like and it's the reason you have films like 'Chinatown' :lol:


I heard about it from The Big Lebowski...


What the fuck are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, Dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.


Walter, this isn't a guy who built the railroads here. This is a guy...




Anyway, it started up again this week, you've got 7 days to catch the first episode on Iplayer.





Nice one, thanks.

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I enjoyed the last episode of Schama's series on America that concentrated on immigration. How the Chinese built the railroad and that.

I must try and watch that at some point. I like him and it's meant to be excellent. Actually knew about the bit you mention like and it's the reason you have films like 'Chinatown' :lol:


I was underwhelmed by the series tttt, after it had been massively hyped by the Times, still an interesting perspective on why America is like it is though. Schama was also presnt on the panel of an American Question Time just before the election, he had some people apoplectic with rage.

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Chez has mentioned this on here before but I think the ancient Britons (which includes the English as well as the 'Celts' in this instance), according to some recent research, would appear to have come from what is now the Basque area of Spain via the Bretons (i.e. Brittany).

So our Great(x20) Granda's were radgy basque rebels, ready to kick off at the slighest provocation....



sounds about right :lol:

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Chez has mentioned this on here before but I think the ancient Britons (which includes the English as well as the 'Celts' in this instance), according to some recent research, would appear to have come from what is now the Basque area of Spain via the Bretons (i.e. Brittany).


Most british people are "celtic" in the sense we are descended in the main from what is known as the "AMH" genetic group (Atlantic Modal Hablotype I think). This refers to people who re-populated europe after the last glacial max from refuges which included the Basque area.


Whats interesting is that depsite all of the invasions/immigarion, most people still belong in some sense to this group - though the picture is confused by the fact that the Angles, Saxons, Vikings and Normans also were broadly descended from AMH type ancestors.


I've read both Oppenheim's and Sykes' books on british genetics and its an interesting subject. It does show that nearly all brits are very much one with the rest of Europe.

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Who do you think are better looking people in general Krauts or English?


Kraut women > British women but I think our blokes have the edge on the Germans. Far too much leather and too many mullets for my liking.

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Who do you think are better looking people in general Krauts or English?


An inherently biased question meaning that even the most impartial of observers is unable to judge this unless they have led a very strange life.


If anyone is interested in Oppenheimer's work, here is an article by him in Prospect Magazine from 2006.



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