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Monkeys Fist

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Monkeys Fist last won the day on July 14

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About Monkeys Fist

  • Birthday 07/10/1968

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  1. Currently on tour Around the World
  2. Is that the album with “ Can You Dig It? “ on?
  3. Just because you’ve never seen the dyslexic-friendly version of Wart Ars’s, doesn’t mean you’ve got be up in our face and angry, like Rev. Haddart.
  4. Fuck me- you’ve done it now. Jonah has spoken lads, Starmer will be caught rattling Rayner on the Speaker’s throne in September.
  5. I saw one specifically adapted for amputees last week- Raiders of the Lost Arm.
  6. My mate’s old man took the same way out on the same stretch of line. He walked up towards Burradon from the Westmoor crossing and sat on the track as the Edinburgh train came down. Brutal way to go, and devastating for everyone involved. My mate wanted to go to where it happened a couple of days after, despite my trying to dissuade him. I had to ring the Transport Police, explain the crack, and ask if they were 100% sure that mate wouldn’t stumble across any “remnants” or blood splatters, all without my mate being aware of it. Fucking awful crack.
  7. Btw mate, if you’re looking for a new disabled driver since the move, this lad is apparently a bit tasty. ( Not too clever in snow though).
  8. Cheers, will look it up, and recommend it to Fist Jnr who has square eyes.
  9. That’s a very empty looking wagon, mind Much like the cans
  10. How could I forget Penfold? Might have to watch it again, if it’s still on iPlayer.
  11. Absolutely superb to that. Matt Whossname is mint in it, as are the other two actors. Top pervery there, keep it up !
  12. The new Time Bandits TV series gets a good write-up Here Created by Taika Waititi, Jemaine Clement and Iain Morris ( wrote Inbetweeners). On Apple TV. I loved the film, so I might drag myself away from the games console and give it a watch.
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