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Monkeys Fist

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Monkeys Fist last won the day on July 14

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About Monkeys Fist

  • Birthday 07/10/1968

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  1. Sounds dreamy !
  2. @Dr Gloom have you tried sucking your middle finger?
  3. Steven Taylor has a boyfriend?
  4. Not long after , he met his wife-to-be, who spent all her time at the top of the local church tower. Lovely lass, Isabell.
  5. They did- he went into the karaoke business with a Sikh mate, Gerupti Singh.
  6. Worked with a Scot’s lad who’d go to the pub every night and then collapse 2ft from his front door. Called him Hamish.
  7. Aside from the hit to their reputation, they’ll find the fines utterly crippling.
  8. I used to train with a Sikh Gymnastics champion. Balan Singh.
  9. I knew her Chinese mate, similarly a unidexter. Irene.
  10. I’d seen that, and it’d be nice to recoup even a small portion of the money, but honestly, I want to see prison sentences for those involved. Proper ones, since financial crimes does seem to draw longer sentences than violent crimes under our justice system.
  11. Aye. I was reading about the Covid inquiry today, lots of testimony from NHS staff, patients and relatives of victims. All very good stuff, but the real inquiry should be in to how many BILLIONS of pounds were backhanded directly in the pockets of Tory donors/cronies/mates. To me, it’s the biggest UK crime so far this century and there doesn’t seem to be any great hurry to prosecute the cunts who perpetrated it.
  12. Aye, needs something to lubricate her throat. l
  13. Just a point of pedantry re. Trump being funny. He’s not funny, he’s laughable. Mainly because he completely lacks a sense of humour. Obama is funny, he has a dry wit. Bush is funny, he plays up his Good Ole Boy persona- they have a sense of humour, and crucially, can laugh at themselves. I honestly can’t think of a single instance where I’ve seen Trump laughing at himself or someone else making a joke.
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