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I think children should have parents that love them and want to do everything they can to give them a good start in life, that's far more important than their sexual orientation in my view.


You write for Disney yeah?

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:lol: somebody's got up on the wrong side of the Autobahn.


Don't do it Gem it's a real con. Men are basically programmed to WANT to have children and at first (as Chez says) it really is nice and then you begin to see what the little tinkers are really upto. THEY are smarter than you, they take all your money and they have crocodile love eyes down pat by 5. DON'T DO IT!

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I think children should have parents that love them and want to do everything they can to give them a good start in life, that's far more important than their sexual orientation in my view.

The responses from children who have experienced being brought up in a gay household have been negative, whereby the only positive responses have come from adults. I think this says it all. It's the children that matter, not the parents. People just seem to be using this as another gay rights issue. Sorry, but what cannot happen naturally, should not be allowed to happen at all. It's unfair on the child. No matter how loving and caring the parents may be, that child will have to face people outside the home.


Remind me when you knock back something that benefits you created by science or law etcetc, what an odd viewpoint.

What about women/men who have a problem that means they can't have kids naturally then? should they be stopped from using surrogates or artificial insemination? or people who have become single parents for whatever reason should they then lose their child because they don't have the bog standard model of the nuclear family?


So this is basically the road your taking "I'd like to bring my child up to know right from wrong, and have principles and be a decent human being without prejudices and to be indiscriminate....but then i'll teach them to discriminate against gay couples because I don't think it's right"


If your a successful couple with a steady relationship and income and means to support a child but your gay you shouldn't have kids.

If your a moronic teen going nowhere and on child number two through stupidity, work away as long as your straight.


Are you religious by any chance?


This is another load of old shit. Every geezer thinks that they will do it right and the child will have an advantage and so on. The reality is the bits the parents didn't fuck up society will and in spades.

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Every geezer should have the right to fuck it up though which was my point.


Yeah I do feel like fucking them up when the pair of them are sitting there munching on Milka and watching hours of Deutsche Top Model or The Voice of Germany. The chess set remains in the presentation box I gave her.

Edited by Park Life
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I think children should have parents that love them and want to do everything they can to give them a good start in life, that's far more important than their sexual orientation in my view.

The responses from children who have experienced being brought up in a gay household have been negative, whereby the only positive responses have come from adults. I think this says it all. It's the children that matter, not the parents. People just seem to be using this as another gay rights issue. Sorry, but what cannot happen naturally, should not be allowed to happen at all. It's unfair on the child. No matter how loving and caring the parents may be, that child will have to face people outside the home.


Not heard this, be interested to read the study(s). Facing people outside the home is a transition thing as we move toward a more permissive society, although obviously this means little if you are the child growing up at the vanguard. Children often carry all sorts of stigmas for all sorts of reason, when they are adults do they wish they had not been born?


I know happy kids with gay parents and have seen miserable kids with lousy, straight parents. Like I said I'd be interested to read what you are referencing.

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Oh and what's this I hear you say? You want to do horse riding? Riiiight....And the gear will be 600 euro...? Riiiight..





This is more like it. Someone with a bit of healthy, selfish perspective.

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I think children should have parents that love them and want to do everything they can to give them a good start in life, that's far more important than their sexual orientation in my view.

The responses from children who have experienced being brought up in a gay household have been negative, whereby the only positive responses have come from adults. I think this says it all. It's the children that matter, not the parents. People just seem to be using this as another gay rights issue. Sorry, but what cannot happen naturally, should not be allowed to happen at all. It's unfair on the child. No matter how loving and caring the parents may be, that child will have to face people outside the home.


Remind me when you knock back something that benefits you created by science or law etcetc, what an odd viewpoint.

What about women/men who have a problem that means they can't have kids naturally then? should they be stopped from using surrogates or artificial insemination? or people who have become single parents for whatever reason should they then lose their child because they don't have the bog standard model of the nuclear family?


So this is basically the road your taking "I'd like to bring my child up to know right from wrong, and have principles and be a decent human being without prejudices and to be indiscriminate....but then i'll teach them to discriminate against gay couples because I don't think it's right"


If your a successful couple with a steady relationship and income and means to support a child but your gay you shouldn't have kids.

If your a moronic teen going nowhere and on child number two through stupidity, work away as long as your straight.


Are you religious by any chance?

I just think being gay IS wrong. It's disgusting. God created Adam and Eve. NOT STEVE.


It's not normal / natural! Love should only be between a man and a woman!!!

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Oh and what's this I hear you say? You want to do horse riding? Riiiight....And the gear will be 600 euro...? Riiiight..





This is more like it. Someone with a bit of healthy, selfish perspective.


Think it's scientifically proven (Chez will know) that the father instinct wears off after a few years and the male starts wanting to shag another mate or summink...;)

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:lol: somebody's got up on the wrong side of the Autobahn.


Don't do it Gem it's a real con. Men are basically programmed to WANT to have children and at first (as Chez says) it really is nice and then you begin to see what the little tinkers are really upto. THEY are smarter than you, they take all your money and they have crocodile love eyes down pat by 5. DON'T DO IT!


:lol: Jury's still out, Parky! No decision made either way yet.

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I think children should have parents that love them and want to do everything they can to give them a good start in life, that's far more important than their sexual orientation in my view.

The responses from children who have experienced being brought up in a gay household have been negative, whereby the only positive responses have come from adults. I think this says it all. It's the children that matter, not the parents. People just seem to be using this as another gay rights issue. Sorry, but what cannot happen naturally, should not be allowed to happen at all. It's unfair on the child. No matter how loving and caring the parents may be, that child will have to face people outside the home.


Remind me when you knock back something that benefits you created by science or law etcetc, what an odd viewpoint.

What about women/men who have a problem that means they can't have kids naturally then? should they be stopped from using surrogates or artificial insemination? or people who have become single parents for whatever reason should they then lose their child because they don't have the bog standard model of the nuclear family?


So this is basically the road your taking "I'd like to bring my child up to know right from wrong, and have principles and be a decent human being without prejudices and to be indiscriminate....but then i'll teach them to discriminate against gay couples because I don't think it's right"


If your a successful couple with a steady relationship and income and means to support a child but your gay you shouldn't have kids.

If your a moronic teen going nowhere and on child number two through stupidity, work away as long as your straight.


Are you religious by any chance?

I just think being gay IS wrong. It's disgusting. God created Adam and Eve. NOT STEVE.


It's not normal / natural! Love should only be between a man and a woman!!!


All embroys have only female chemicals till the last 6 weeks when some man chemicals are added. /Renton

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Indeed, although its for members like that I can see why some forums have a stricter policy to knock the shite on the head quicker


I know it's one of those classic things to say, but i'm pretty sure i wasn't ever that much of a cretin when I was late teens/early 20's, going out of my way for pointless stuff just for the sake of it.


its the old internet mentality "its great when people think im a twat"

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Personally I think to some degree you should welcome people with totally opposing views to your own, particularly on subjects that are not so cut and dry.


Just as racism is alive and well there are many other prejudices which don't go away just because someone / government suddenly decides it's law.


If David Cameron puts the age of consent up to 21 tomorrow, are men suddenly going to no longer have sexual attraction to a 19 year old?


I grew up in a society where homosexuality was considered disgusting. Might have even been illegal? Society, ie governments decide it is no longer disgusting but to expect society to change completely so quickly is unrealistic.


The same with racism. You can make it illegal but that doesn't irradicate it.


My own unscientific view is that in an ideal world a child must surely be emotionally more complete by being raised by a man and a woman.


However as we know, the world is anything but ideal.

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Democratic governments are generally led by the evolution of society, not the other way round.


Also, on your other point, women are all over the shop; kids never know where they stand. A bairn would be better raised by two rich blokes and a mute au pair.

Edited by trophyshy
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Democratic governments are generally led by the evolution of society, not the other way round.


Not sure I totally agree. Think pressure groups make a big impact.


And if Governments followed society we would have the death penalty.


I did say generally. It's obviously a complex matter. But where do their ideas come from about how to improve things? Do they sit in a committee meeting and someone suddenly has a brain wave?


'Chaps, by jove I've got it! Let's give ladies the vote! Crivens, why didn't anyone think of this before!'

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Democratic governments are generally led by the evolution of society, not the other way round.


Not sure I totally agree. Think pressure groups make a big impact.


And if Governments followed society we would have the death penalty.


I did say generally. It's obviously a complex matter. But where do their ideas come from about how to improve things? Do they sit in a committee meeting and someone suddenly has a brain wave?


'Chaps, by jove I've got it! Let's give ladies the vote! Crivens, why didn't anyone think of this before!'


As I said earlier, some of these things come from pressure groups. While not wanting to profess any factual knowledge on Gay rights, I do remember a sustained movement in the eighties led I think by Peter tatchell that championed gay rights etc.


This wasn't the general public that put the pressure on it was these sort of movements.


Society IMO gets dragged along quite often ( not that that's always a bad thing).

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Democratic governments are generally led by the evolution of society, not the other way round.


Not sure I totally agree. Think pressure groups make a big impact.


And if Governments followed society we would have the death penalty.


I did say generally. It's obviously a complex matter. But where do their ideas come from about how to improve things? Do they sit in a committee meeting and someone suddenly has a brain wave?


'Chaps, by jove I've got it! Let's give ladies the vote! Crivens, why didn't anyone think of this before!'


As I said earlier, some of these things come from pressure groups. While not wanting to profess any factual knowledge on Gay rights, I do remember a sustained movement in the eighties led I think by Peter tatchell that championed gay rights etc.


This wasn't the general public that put the pressure on it was these sort of movements.


Society IMO gets dragged along quite often ( not that that's always a bad thing).


Yeah you missed my point, society at large must be acquiescent to what is being put forward by the 'pressure groups' or the politicians would never risk their necks over it. Pressure groups that succeed are merely a righteous extension of where society is at/heading anyway. By and large the more mental pressure groups get nowhere because neither wider society nor the politicians agree with them.

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His age may be immaterial as parents may influence, religious beliefs may influence.


Look at the goings on in Ireland. Does a peace agreement get rid of the hatred straight away, no.


Some kids may be lucky and grow up without this prejudice, but others will be from families and communities where the hatred will continue to fester for generations.


Just because politicians have told all sides to get along, doesn't mean it's going to happen.


Anyway TS, hope the overall feedback has helped. :)

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Oh and what's this I hear you say? You want to do horse riding? Riiiight....And the gear will be 600 euro...? Riiiight..






You should be helping condom producers market their products.

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His age may be immaterial as parents may influence, religious beliefs may influence.


Look at the goings on in Ireland. Does a peace agreement get rid of the hatred straight away, no.


Some kids may be lucky and grow up without this prejudice, but others will be from families and communities where the hatred will continue to fester for generations.


Just because politicians have told all sides to get along, doesn't mean it's going to happen.


Anyway TS, hope the overall feedback has helped. :)


The comments and insight have been interesting, so thanks to all. I'll make my final decision in the coming weeks.

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