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The NSA Leaks

Happy Face

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We might as well not jail murderers then eh. Someone else will just do murders.


Jesus wept.


The apathy towards government criminality, and the criminalization of whistleblowing shouldn't still surprise me. But its one thing to be jaded about it, its another thing altogether to ask for it to be swept under the carpet.


Yeah, cos that's what I said.


You done much about it yourself btw? Typing on toontastic isn't going to cause a revolution anytime soon

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Yeah, cos that's what I said.


You done much about it yourself btw? Typing on toontastic isn't going to cause a revolution anytime soon


I've not done much. It doesn't need a revolution though. It just needs an adversarial press to shine a light on wrong doing. Rather than the corporate owned stenographers printing the official line only.


We've all suspected this has been going on for years. Senators like Wyden have been telling anyone who will listen that the patriot act is being implemented in far broader ways than anyone was being told, but the main news agencies have largely ignored that.


The story has only been broken by an independent journalist....like wikileaks broke the last story as big as this.


I have donated to both Greenwald (who relies on reader donations) and wikileaks. I recommend everyone else do the same...





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To be fair to HF, I've learned about some of this stuff by him posting on here, so it does make a bit of a difference. Probably says more about my ignorance than anything else mind.

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Germany still the most surveiled country in Europe?




The old fears die hard apparently.


Stay frosty Parky ;)


Germany is still a very complex and paranoid society. The smooth robotic glazed calm is very misleading. With regard to trust it's fair to say it's still a very young country by any standard and memories are still fresh if you scrape the surface. It's also a key player with regard to the financial mural, Nato alliance and the very recent absorbtion of East Germany. Social controls and norms here are very high and 'off the scale' if compared to England. The people simply can't be trusted.....yet. ;)

When the ship goes down look to only two countries for the 'new paradigms' - America and Germany.

Edited by Park Life
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Another Day, another huge scoop.


"Boundless Informant" is the tool they use to collate the data mined globally.


97 BILLION pieces of intelligence gathered globally in March 2013.


The US is monitored more than Russia...




Intelligence official lied to congress (a crime) when the said they could not get figures on how much surveilance was underway in the US.


Read the full story...




As I've said for years now the next revolution will be in America. They know this and have been preparing in every way imaginable for years now.


The next big thing will be chemtrails. (Heard it here first). Revelations are coming and this time in the mainstream.

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As I've said for years now the next revolution will be in America. They know this and have been preparing in every way imaginable for years now.


The next big thing will be chemtrails. (Heard it here first). Revelations are coming and this time in the mainstream.



Awww I was following you up until this bit.


The only revolution I can see in America is further polarisation of the population, with perhaps the formations of Superstates as poorer states struggle to cope.

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Following on from the very carefully worded denials of top bosses at Facebook and Google.....


Executives at some of the participating companies, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, acknowledged the system’s existence and said it was used to share information about foreign customers with the NSA and other parts of the nation’s intelligence community.


These executives said PRISM was created after much negotiation with federal authorities, who had pressed for easier access to data they were entitled to under previous orders granted by the secret FISA court.


One top-secret document obtained by The Post described it as “Collection directly from the servers of these U.S. Service Providers: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple.”


Intelligence community sources said that this description, although inaccurate from a technical perspective, matches the experience of analysts at the NSA. From their workstations anywhere in the world, government employees cleared for PRISM access may “task” the system and receive results from an Internet company without further interaction with the company’s staff.




Again, I recommend the whole article, which details government (NSA) equipment installed at the premises of the companies, which don't allow the companies themselves access to the queries being made on their data by intelligence officers.


Incredible stuff.


Most often used for e-mails, but it handles chat, video, images, documents and other files as well.


No denials from government at all. They have confirmed this happens and the only regret being expressed by Clapper, Obama et al is that we know about it now.

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I know its a cliche about Americans not caring about the world beyond their borders but do they really think "we only use it on foreigners" makes it okay?


Of course foreigners includes millions of Europeans as well - and that bald yokshire cunt Hague can fuck right off he thinks this can be laughed off from a uk perspective.

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I am stunned.


The man that leaked all this information is Ed Snowden. He has given a full interview here....




'I do not expect to see home again'


Bradley manning faces the death penalty for his leaks.


The courage of this bloke is incredible.


Gave me shivers reading his story.

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CIA operatives were attempting to recruit a Swiss banker to obtain secret banking information. Snowden said they achieved this by purposely getting the banker drunk and encouraging him to drive home in his car. When the banker was arrested for drunk driving, the undercover agent seeking to befriend him offered to help, and a bond was formed that led to successful recruitment.


..but trust them.

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I am stunned.


The man that leaked all this information is Ed Snowden. He has given a full interview here....






Bradley manning faces the death penalty for his leaks.


The courage of this bloke is incredible.


Gave me shivers reading his story.


Yes, what an amazing bloke.


I had just watched this video beforehand.




'Turnkey tyranny'

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Related to all this...


FORT MEADE, Md.—The military trial of Bradley Manning is a judicial lynching. The government has effectively muzzled the defense team. The Army private first class is not permitted to argue that he had a moral and legal obligation under international law to make public the war crimes he uncovered. The documents that detail the crimes, torture and killing Manning revealed, because they are classified, have been barred from discussion in court, effectively removing the fundamental issue of war crimes from the trial. Manning is forbidden by the court to challenge the government’s unverified assertion that he harmed national security. Lead defense attorney David E. Coombs said during pretrial proceedings that the judge’s refusal to permit information on the lack of actual damage from the leaks would “eliminate a viable defense, and cut defense off at the knees.” And this is what has happened.


Manning is also barred from presenting to the court his motives for giving the website WikiLeaks hundreds of thousands of classified diplomatic cables, war logs from Afghanistan and Iraq, and videos. The issues of his motives and potentially harming national security can be raised only at the time of sentencing, but by then it will be too late.




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Manning is unable to appeal to the Nuremberg principles, a set of guidelines created by the International Law Commission of the United Nations after World War II to determine what constitutes a war crime.




How far we've fallen.

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Looks like they are attempting to avoid the flak and continue what they're doing, they don't think it's wrong.




“You can’t have 100 per cent security and also then have 100 per cent privacy and zero inconvenience,”


They are a million miles away from 100% security, how many 'terrorist' acts and mass killings in the USA over the last 10 years? Would it be significantly worse if they were not saving all of my drunken emails to my ex?

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The administration are running around chasing their tails and all they can do is erect straw men like that to knock down themselves. Similarly...


Obama - "look, we aren't recording your telephone calls"....well no-one said you were.


Clapper - "Nothing illegal going on, a judge signed off on all of it" ....again, not the issue. The awful truth of the matter is that the really big issue is that they ARE legal. James Fallows put it the best I have read so far...


That these programs are legal -- unlike the Nixon "Plumbers" operation, unlike various CIA assassination programs, unlike other objects of whistle-blower revelations over the years -- is the most important fact about them. They're being carried out in "our" name, ours as Americans,
even though most of us have had no idea of what they entailed
. The debate on the limits of the security-state is long overdue, and Edward Snowden has played an important role in hastening its onset.


Secret laws (and interpretation of laws) are no way to run a free society.


Bush legalised torture...it's still torture.

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Quite like this guy. Seems balanced and presentable. Think the discussion of control over society is moot now however, that all went long ago. The real question now is awareness of the agenda - as he says, 'turnkey tyranny'.


The projection of the kinds of reality the elites want to colonise and harden for me is the real interest here. Loads of data is harmless without a true determination of purpose behind it, this is what drives it and ultimately actually shapes the perception of the intelligence - like quantum physics the viewer affects the experiment in a feedback loop...Consciousness and reality they know have major consequences on timelines and events...Given attention certain trends and beliefs will grow, left in the dark they wither. What gathers around our awareness of our world ultimatly becomes our actual perception of the world.


The elite networks of power and control have been at this a long time and they aren't just protecting their assests and the strings that suck the goodness out of society and re-arrange it around agendas and spin for their mutual benefit, at the highest levels there is a quasi-religious motivation at play...A belief system that says that they are actually better than us, that they have the right to be our rulers, that they have the right to gain the advantage in all fields...They actually believe they are a seperate breed. They plan to move to a future where 'humans' are re-organised and standardised and that agenda gathers pace...This surveillance stuff is just a tiny peephole into a very dark window. On this planet we've been here before.

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Glenn Greenwald ‏@ggreenwald 3h

We'll be putting the focus back where it belongs very shortly: on the conduct of the US Government




I assumed the reveal of who the leaker was would have been the finale. Wonder what's coming next.

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