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Everything posted by Renton

  1. I'm not sure, most of the 'lower-classes' are either emaciated or very toned. I'd be willing to bet it's the middle-classes who are fatter. Balls. I'll take you up on that bet. Would you describe yourself as middle-class? Bastard.
  2. Shut up and get back in the hoose.
  3. I'm not sure, most of the 'lower-classes' are either emaciated or very toned. I'd be willing to bet it's the middle-classes who are fatter. Balls. I'll take you up on that bet.
  4. Tbf, you'd look really shit with a fuzzy face.
  5. hoi....climb down off that big high horse MR.....and yes I do occasionally say "hoose", depending on who I am talking to I tailor my language accordingly What do you if there's a moose loose in it? Crivens. the dog will get it ... That's "dug" to you. I didn't spend a childhood getting Broons/Oor Wullie annuals every bloody Christmas for nothing, you know. Me too.
  6. hoi....climb down off that big high horse MR.....and yes I do occasionally say "hoose", depending on who I am talking to I tailor my language accordingly What do you if there's a moose loose in it? Crivens.
  7. Already has by the sounds of it.
  8. What is it with this phonetic geordie bollocks. Does anyone actually say "hoose" in real life? Sounds more like oor Wullie.
  9. she's par for the course tbh, nice looking, good laugh and two faced anyhoo Scott me lad, I've never heard of you having even kissed a girl so lets keep it all quiet on the western front Scott keeps his love life under wraps. I for one am happy about that. Especially at lunch time. Aye unlike you who pretty much ruined Friday afternoons for all of us by implanting the image of you beasting your lass into our minds. I sometimes think I hear her screaming on my drive home. And not in a good way.
  10. Renton


    Give the man a little respect, pleeeease.
  11. Renton


    Tbf, Gemmill would have loved to chip in with some Erasure but his word play let him down again.
  12. Well, not always. I suffered from really bad atopic eczema for years (still do to a much lesser extent) and was practically cured by specialist UV treatment at hospital. If it ever came back badly again I'd book myself into a stand and tan without hesitation. I was really coming at it from a scientific viewpoint to be fair. Science is all made up anyway [/Parky] A little bit of tan is aesthetically appealing. What I don't understand is these (almost exclusively female) nutters who think it's attractive to tan themselves dark brown. It's fucking vile and they will have a massive chance of developing skin cancer.
  13. she's par for the course tbh, nice looking, good laugh and two faced anyhoo Scott me lad, I've never heard of you having even kissed a girl so lets keep it all quiet on the western front Scott keeps his love life under wraps. I for one am happy about that. Especially at lunch time. Arghhh, that Friday afternoon image of Alex is coming back.....
  14. Well, not always. I suffered from really bad atopic eczema for years (still do to a much lesser extent) and was practically cured by specialist UV treatment at hospital. If it ever came back badly again I'd book myself into a stand and tan without hesitation.
  15. It won't reduce your risk of cancer but it will help you stop burning.
  16. Well obviously gingas should avoid sunbeds.
  17. Hmmmm You all knows ya love 'em 'Mummy mummy, I HATE sister's guts.' 'Well leave them on the side of your plate, then.'
  18. I'm thinking more along the lines of "Joey" from Friends Only without the wit, intelligence, or looks.
  19. Surely you don't need any tips?
  20. The delicatessen? you turned right instead of left .... Story of his life tbh
  21. Definite euphemism.
  22. and I think you should pipe down I do alright with the laydees it's probably my chiseled physique, winsome charms and humility that attracts them... but they am become Death, the destroyer of happy happy joy joy I'm sure you put that word in intentionally, but what the hell. Do you reckon Dave talks like that to the lasses he goes out with? No wonder they get sick of him sharpish I reckon some lasses are naive enough to believe his act at first, probably when pissed mind. They soon wise up when they sober up though, hence the misogyny.
  23. and I think you should pipe down I do alright with the laydees it's probably my chiseled physique, winsome charms and humility that attracts them... but they am become Death, the destroyer of happy happy joy joy I'm sure you put that word in intentionally, but what the hell.
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