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Everything posted by shakermaker

  1. seen worse ,whats embarrassing about it ?
  2. I'm astounded at the players who don't want to play for Souness. I'm astounded that fuckwit is still the manager of our football club I'm astounded there are still people prepared to "give him time" A few people will be astounded when we are bottom of the league at the end of September 11517[/snapback] which players wont play for souness.....anelka(6months into contract),owen,no surprise,boa morte wants to come....coco,you may have a point there.
  3. nom-de-plume,or even an alias(shrugs shoulders)
  4. no,more that theres more on that one.you can post on here,go away for a while ,come back and theres no reply,on the other board it's quicker cos theres more people about.
  5. to be fair this board is a bit slower,where as on on-line pretty soon after you post theres a reply,on here its not so quick...like the countryside against the town ...nowt wrong with either and i'll continue to use both.
  6. i've heard it where the penguin has the down syndrome bloke in a ruck sack.
  7. shay given "thanks lads,another quiet afternoon" el hadj-diouf-"i'm gonna cough,has anyone got a hankie"
  8. princess diana gets to heaven and is met by the queen mother,the queen mother says "where'd you get the halo?",diana replies "fuck off granny,it's the steering wheel"
  9. Q. how many kids woth ADHD does it take to change a light bulb ? A. lets play on bikes! Q.how many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb ? A. 2,one to change the bulb and one to suck my c***. Q.whats the difference between a lorry load of pensioners and a lorry load of sand ? A. you cant unload a lorry load of sand with a pitchfork. Q. would you rather have parkinsons or alzheimers ? A. parkinsons,i'd rather spill half me pint than forget where it was.
  10. dont count liverpol or the mancs......yet!
  11. so we swap bellamy for owen,get parker and emre,sell jj for 12mill...shouldnt the manager get a pay rise ?????????
  12. Yeah but they loved their mum. Seriously though and Im not certain that National Service would sort this, the kids of today are way worse than ever, yes you always had thugs and tearaways but nowadays they are just scum, dont care who they hurt, horrible little twats the lot of em. Compare the Krays to any gang boss now and the differences are there for all to see, yes the Krays were ruthless but at the end of the day they were only like that on rivals etc. Nowadays the number of gangs that would happily kill, rape etc for the sheer hell of it is ridiculous. 8357[/snapback] it's always been there....but that shouldnt stop us trying to do something about it.
  13. I can't see how civic work would teach anyone social responsiblity ? 8355[/snapback] it's a natural reaction,if you spend all day working on something you dont like it when someone comes along and destroys it.
  14. and is that "the bride stripped bare by her suitors" in the lower background ?
  15. did they,my gran reckoned all youth were the same,just their viewed from different ages........what she was saying about the youth when she was a gran,her gran had said to her..the "kids today" idea has been around for centuries(there was a great bit on "grumpy old men "where one of them read out a bit that was a ringer for todays youth,but was written by some bishop in the 1400's)rememeber the mods and rockers,krays,the countries worst ganglandtimes....all came when national service was about. a year or so doing what i'll call civic work may be better.
  16. cant see why national service would teach anyone social responsibility
  17. bit worried the way he was wanting to be subbed 10mins from the end,no injuriy worries i hope.
  18. crikey thats marcel dauchamp...honest! the quote i'd use would be "i dont care who taught you chess,nipples cant be used as pawns"
  19. teach charvas how to use guns,not the best idea.
  20. i do the "lights turned to yellow and this twat in the car is making no attempt to slow down"fake step out,to make them hoy the anchors on.
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