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Everything posted by Rosco

  1. If Calvert Lewin gets injured that Everton fucked........would love them to be relagated
  2. We have a fantastic chance of getting CL spot this season because Chelsea/Liverpool/Spurs are shite next year will be a different story,get a spot this season and we'll be well ahead of schedule
  3. Anything but a CL spot will be a huge failure money wise as the Europa League makes you jack shit money unless you can win in and quailfy for the following years CL
  4. I'd like to think if I was player on 50k a week spending all my time on the bench apart from an odd 3rd round cup game, and was offered a chance on slighty less money to play loads of games elsewhere I'd jump at the chance. But no doubt my agent would be telling me to calm the fuck down say nothing and carry on milking my club for every penny I can get whilst kissing the badge / playing the odd good game to keep the fans happy
  5. I've just noticed Lee Charnley is at Forest i just hope he can sanction a few more transfers for the rest of the shite he sanctioned whilst here as Mike's lackey
  6. The Real Entertainers........more like the Village Idiots
  7. He was one those players who was good on his day......which meant one good game in ten......just pleased he's hopfully fucked off for good
  8. Well as of this morning they are 1 point outside the playoffs and the transfer window closes in a couple of days.......we all know they have no chance of making them but the fans should question the mangers team that included the only striker they had🤣 I think its fucking hilarious that they've fucked up big time playing him and look forward to them sliding down the league
  9. Just wait till they visit the SOL for a match and take in the area plus the natives shitting in the seats........classy
  10. Its the FA cup and every tme a premiership club play a lower league team its with half the first team missing and totaly disjointed if Fulham had played their normal starting 11 they would have battered them. I've no doubt Sheff Wed fans are claiming world domination after playing our hotchpotch starting 11 a couple of weeks ago but its come at price for the cunts they lose the only striker they had..........a shrewd move by the manager or should he be having his arse kicked for playing him
  11. "His aggressive snidey behaviour doesnt bother me at all as long as he doesnt get sent off. Im sure theyll have done their research on him as a person so lets wait and see how he turns out" Thats the only thing he needs to change or stop.........a bit of shithousery is ok but cut out the diving / cheating........he certainly was not my first/second/third choice but he's here now so lets see
  12. But just remember.......if it was one of our star players most of them would be laughing their cocks off ,Bruno is the main target most of them would like to see injured......SO FUCK THEM & FUCK STEWART now lets hope the cunts buy nobody & plummet down the league
  13. Ross Stewart is knackered for at least rest of season as well......ODWASNM
  14. Its a tricky one for Rat Boy now Most Everton fans dont want him and he'll get shit loads of stick if he stays.....NUFC fans are divided about him me included ,I dont want the little shit anywhere near NUFC and I hope the deal falls through and we make a last minute switch for Maddison instead
  15. Think this lad is fighting a losing battle.....if he's a MLF fan but could be a Mag taking the piss
  16. Nothing less than a 4-0 drubbing will do.........5 or 6 would be better but a nice defeat with a couple of injuries will do
  17. We should have won 2-0/3-0 if it hadnt been for some terrible finishing.......which has been the same story for the Leeds/Palace/Fulham games......Wilson just doesn't look like he's firing on all cylinders
  18. I liked this one........but they'd still beat them cos Sunlan are class marra Not sure how theyve stayed in the prem this long, they seem to be shit 90% of the season then go on a winning run to stay up And apparently if we get to the final we're competing in the "Trafalgar Square Cup" 😕
  19. Four seperate threads on our match three moved to the private Parsnip page.........but they arent obsessed with us🤣
  20. They seem to be taking it well🤣 https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/southampton.1598759/ I liked the 7th post..........they must be gutted we.ve got one foot in the final
  21. He's a horrible little shit and if we sign him I hope EH will kick his arse if he tries all that diving shite
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