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  1. now now. "alleged" commercial income indiscretions
  2. Most likely or a hangover from the PSR deadline
  3. A few strange links of Gordon to City. Can’t see it myself. We have Doku, Grealish and Foden on the left. Bobb too. Regardless of if you’d sell him it seems a non starter to me.
  4. If they’re playing a back 3 then Trent surely makes more sense than trips
  5. if the change in formation is as some predict then maybe it makes sense not to change too much personnel wise -----------Pickford ---Walks - Stones - Konsa Trips - Mainoo - Rice - Saka ------ Foden - Bellend ----------- Kane Left footed Saka and right footed Trips on their preferred foot. Space for Trips and Saka out wide. Mainoo will push forward, it's in his nature ( i'm not sure his defending is that good so that's okay ) but they need to trust each other in tight spaces and move the ball quickly especially when they're set. i just hope it's not the same old back 4 setup
  6. lol fair point. he does have his moments. plenty of them to be fair. on a side note, heh heh, how was Fraser not sent off for that blatant assault on our keeper? if nothing else he provides plenty of "exciting" moments. I think general opinion is that we would be fine with Ortega.
  7. Love Ederson's calmness and distribution. Even this crazy moment His understudy Ortega is arguably a better shot stopper with decent if not better distribution. He is equally calm
  8. loads of people seem to be convinced it means one thing or the other. those that claim to know think a decision may not have been arrived at. it sounds like the case has been heard but the decision might take months. We're normally watertight on leaks. but the PL, the FA (as a shareholder in the PL) and all 20 premier league clubs will be notified of the decision once made. Presumably they'll all be told to keep quiet but Arsenal can usually be expected to leak anything anti-city. personally i think we might win the legality of the rules part, but doubt very much that we'd win the "everyone is bullying us" part or the compensation claim. much as i hate all these ill thought through rules rushed in to stop us, i find it quite funny that clubs that voted for them seem to be getting hamstrung by them more than us.
  9. I bet that was a condition of sale agreed with the glazers
  10. The City Football Group have come to an agreement with UEFA. CFG are reducing their stake in Girona from 47% to 30%. The 17% is going into what they have termed a blind trust ( no idea ). Also 3 directors associated with CFG are or have resigned from the Girona board. Pere Guardiola is still there but despite the obvious connection he's a catalan with no part in CFG.. An old question that i just heard the answer to.
  11. takes some doing being the biggest dickhead in a team that includes bruno fernandez and joao cancelo
  12. yep, the most in history will likely go up year on year. i wonder what percentage of that was win bonuses given we won the treble. record revenues, record wages, record trophy haul. money reinvested in the club, not withdrawn probably worth noting that our wage bill this year is being reported at £200m which compares favorably to man uniteds £205m, Of course both clubs might need to add bonuses to those totals yet. i'm sure the newcastle picture will be similar once you successfully navigate the cartels blockades.
  13. not sure of your point there. my point is essentially that some clubs overpay thus pushing prices up. whereas others like us, walk away at a pre-determined price. We walked from a fair few overpriced holding midfielders before settling on Rodri. Similar before settling on Ruben Dias. but of course we've spent a lot in total, as have others. that's partly why we've won a lot (but it's clearly Pep too) You have to do that to get to the top. Which is why in the last 5 years we're now being outspent by you, arsenal, chelsea, man united and even liverpool ( source ) Statista reckons we've spent €1.59b ( £1.7b ) and Transfermarkt reckons our squad is worth €1.38b so money well spent i'd say.
  14. it failed massively to prevent the inflation of player fees. some examples. Virgil Van Dyke. ( forget the fact that Liverpool were caught tapping him up and had to wait to get him as a result ) we were in for him, but Liverpool set a world record for a defender.. We walked away. Cartel 1 New Money 0. Fred. We had a deal agreed with player and club. Man U offered substantially more, more than he was worth, and the club and player changed their mind. Cartel 2 New Money 0. Sanchez. Arsenal and the player accepted our bid. Man U came in with a late bid and money talked. Cartel 3 New Money 0. Harry Maguire. Same story. New Money Man City continually walk away if a player goes over our valuation. Think i'll start a thread on bluemoon on this subject as there are loads more that i can't remember their names and can't be bothered looking up.
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