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Everything posted by Invicta_Toon

  1. I fucking love Indian. Mortified that the only one near me, perfectly between the pub and my flat, is a pile of shite. Anything out of there comes swimming in oil, and I mean swimming by Indian takeaway standards! Do have a PizzaHut dellivery near though, so it's all good
  2. reminds me, anyone hear of that american scientist who revealed that a few minutes in the microwave would kill 99% of the bacteria in your sponges/dishcloths. Cue the fire brigade to dozy twats all over the place
  3. it would be canny with white sleeves. i hope we go back to thinkcer stripes. we've been shite ever since we changed back to thin stripes aye it's the stripes, honest
  4. do us all a favour and stop posting right back atcha baby do you ever post anything meaningful? THE IRONY
  5. I don't even want to know what that is coming out of Dyer's mouth
  6. do us all a favour and stop posting right back atcha baby
  7. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/....php?board=34.0
  8. not me, I just got home you dirty stopout
  9. you deem this thread worthy of protection? This thread? The one about bum hair? ohhkaaaaayy................. Don't post in then? Loser boy. You get picked on over the internet, how fucking cool are you? All over the internet, too. It's a multi-pronged SAD ATTACK. Meenzer you should chin him. I've half a mind to pink-handbag him into the middle of the next week, I'm that seething. what a couple of bandits you two are
  10. you deem this thread worthy of protection? This thread? The one about bum hair? ohhkaaaaayy.................
  11. You shut up. no you shut up *another TT thread finds it's natural level*
  12. nothing to see here. move along now
  13. I thought I told you to zip it, Lennon. I'm sitting here doing some work from home if that makes you feel better? If you're sat at home jacking up morphine I bet YOU feel better
  14. everyday is a holiday round these parts
  15. Invicta_Toon


    How much?!! I`m looking at spending at least about £700-£800 on my kilt etc for my wedding... I could be totally wrong here, so excuse my ignorance and all that, but is that because there's loads of different clans and stuff? it's because they're made in wee stone cottages in the highlands
  16. Invicta_Toon


    What the fuck? How is a brilliant night gay? if you come out early?
  17. Thats my mothers advice for every ailment: "Take 2 paracetamol and go to bed". Doesnt matter if youve got a slight headache or broken bones. Norman has issues
  18. theyv'e gone from 6th to 5th FFS don't get your knickers in a twist about it. Spurs are an irrelevance in footballing terms
  19. actually it's everyone's board however if you want to stump up all of the cash everyone else has generously offered for the running of this site then i am sure we could come to some sort of arrangement. jesus, thought this was N-O for a minute *don't know you're born* *site would be nothing without us* *please help us* FFS it's not my fault you're all nerds, I didn't ask you to make the bloody thing. I happen to think the majority of Toon fans are complete loons (on a football level), so don't lump me in with the whole doing the fans a service malarky If the forums didn't exist, I'd be down the pub chatting shite with 3 dimensional eejits instead of 2d, but for 5 days a week, this is much cheaper tbh
  20. Invicta_Toon


    Ta-DAAAAAA!!! *jizz hands*
  21. Invicta_Toon


    it's 7% actually [not me - FANITES no returns]
  22. it's amusing that even after you engineer my departure from the borefest that is N-O at the minute, you still feel the need to come over here and hound me like a troll be off with you, internet tramp I "engineered" your departure? Think you'll find you sealed your own fate there. Oh, and dickwad, I've been here longer than you so care to tell me how that substantiates your delusionally spastic idea that I'm coming over here and hounding you? look, you're not getting any money off me, so do one :tramp: it's my board now
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