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Everything posted by Ketsbaia

  1. I've heard mostly good reviews which is pleasently suprising because I thought it was going to be shite.
  2. I remember first chatting to ShearerM4 (as he was known then) on soccergaming.tv. Legend even then. 34575[/snapback] ah good old SG! still post pretty often over there ... but it's starting to feel like it's full of kids ... or maybe i'm getting old for it now 34623[/snapback] I stopped posting because I felt like I was constantly getting into arguements with a bunch of 11 year old wankers who've had all the vowels knicked off their keyboard.
  3. I'm pissed off by Emo's aswell so that wouldn't solve anything.
  4. And he has much better players at his disposal now after his own transfer activity. I reckon he should at least be given a chance with those players. 34461[/snapback] WHY, WHY, WHY, how many chances does this fuckwit need to destroy NUFC. Rightly he has signed a few top players but he has also signed some crap players, and at what cost, you cannot live in the past, the day SOURNESS took over he should have been measured on his performance. I hear fans saying wait until after the Manure game, that's when his season starts, does it now begin after the Blackburn game? NO, NO, NO it's already over for me, he'll never ever get it right. The better players at his disposal, where are they? They are injured. Now why is that? I can't answer that but SOURNESS should be able to answer that, the buck stops at his door. 34585[/snapback] Best. Post. Ever. We have a better squad then we did when Bobby was sacked and Souness still can't get it right. He complains about injuries but I bet these are injuries we wouldn't have if he didn't bring in all his sub-standard coaching staff/drinking buddies. Doug Hall said we'd get relegated under Bobby and people rightly pointed out that this was over the top but under Souness we could very easily get relegated. He's had his chance, it's time for the grim faced bastid to fuck off.
  5. O'Neill would be brilliant but I can't see him coming in. It's either out of Allardyce or Pearce for me. Fat Fred won't look anywhere other than the British Isles for our next manager so Ranieri, Hitzfeld, Le Guen etc. have no chance.
  6. I remember first chatting to ShearerM4 (as he was known then) on soccergaming.tv. Legend even then.
  7. As the advert went "Nice one, Sunderland"
  8. And he has much better players at his disposal now after his own transfer activity. I reckon he should at least be given a chance with those players. 34461[/snapback] Why? The man has proven he's completely shite already, I for one don't want to see him given another chance before we decided he wasn't the right man for the job. Sack the fucker and get Allardyce in post haste.
  9. The bubble is bursting. Unless something radically changes the majority of top flight football grounds will be empty within the next few years.
  10. Who the fuck want's their team to play like Bolton ? 34393[/snapback] 1 Chelsea 2 Charlton 3 Man City 4 Man Utd 5 Bolton 6 Tottenham 7 West Ham 8 Middlesbrough 9 Arsenal 10 Wigan 11 Liverpool 12 Blackburn 13 Fulham 14 Aston Villa 15 Portsmouth 16 Birmingham 17 West Brom 18 Everton 19 Newcastle 20 Sunderland I do, if it's going to get us results.
  11. If we continue in our current vain of form when do you think Souness will get the elbow? My gut feeling is he'll be here until Wigan if we continue to play like we currently are. I certainly don't think Fat Fred would let him get to the Sunderland game after god knows how many shambolic performances.
  12. I'd take him over Souness in a second. May not play utterly amazing football all the time but his tactics get the job done whereas Souness' tactics are none exsistant.
  13. http://www.playgroundlaw.com/ Best site ever
  14. Hendrix, Gilmour, Page, Knopfler and Morello are my top five. I have an irrational hatred of Slash and any other G'n'R member so I refuse to rate them.
  15. To be fair he's a card carrying Geordie and has had a season ticket for god knows how long. It's not as if they're offering it up to someone who doesn't give two shits about the club.
  16. Well i am wondering if he will start crying or smash his computer in, then a may feel a touch of guilt.... 32970[/snapback] I will probably go and get some hot chocolate with some brandy in it. Give my wife a hug and reflect upon my good fortune to have such a wonderful woman. I will then come back and continue this banter which, let's face it, you all enjoy as much as I do. 32974[/snapback] "And then oi started anavva fred telling them they 'ad a chip on their showdas!" "Awwwwww you nevva!!!" 32982[/snapback] Howay man divvent mind me. Just having a canny bit craic like. 32986[/snapback] Is that meant to be insulting or just plain confusing?
  17. Anybody think we should invite SuperSimonWood over to post?
  18. Asprilla's Foreskin - that must be a racist username. For starters Asprilla was black and foreskin is part of his penis. Now, your alias suggests that his foreskin is an entity big enough to post on an internet forum therefore you are playing on the myth that black people have huge penises. RACIST!!!
  19. Oi, Germaine Grear. Fuck off. 32897[/snapback] You ARE a little bender aren't you! Just join in why not. Very courageous. 32901[/snapback] Going on about Futurama characters, you love it and you know it Oh and keep insulting people it does provide great amusement the way you go on whenever your met with an arguement you can't answer...in fact just for me say Fuck or cock again, something really hard like that. 32913[/snapback] Re-read the order of the posts and who insulted who first. It was an unprovoked attack by Skol that pissed me off. 32916[/snapback] Unprovoked? You basically called anyone who found those jokes amusing racist, sexist and homophobic. I found those jokes amusing so therefore you provoked me by labelling me all of the above. 32921[/snapback] I didn't insult you and you know it. I retaliated when you told me personally to fuck off. I was offended by the "jokes". Maybe you would be less happy to joke about terrorism if they had bombed the Metro. Would you think it was funny if a load of Chelsea fans were joking about it on their website? Didn't think so. 32931[/snapback] To be fair I wouldn't be bothered. After disasters these jokes always do the rounds and unless I had a specific reason to feel agreived by it (one of my family members dying in said disaster) then I would let it wash over me. You called me and everyone else a racist without knowing me. I probably wouldn't be to bothered if I spent my Saturdays wandering round Newcastle City Centre looking to bash some "darkies" but I don't. So, I reiterate - Fuck Off.
  20. Shaddup you willy woofter, this doesn't involve you.
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