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Everything posted by Torres

  1. me, me look at me. Give me attention Dry up you 'small club'... You`re outta you`re league here! ... notice you didn`t want to compare trophy hauls with me! Chicken sht. Out of interest why do you support Liverpool Torres? To begin with, because I was born there and my father is Liverpudlian and an avid Red, it`s in my blood. Simple really.
  2. It was always a big risk to make him first choice keeper after having not played most of the season. I'd rather gone for Enke or Adler myself. But to be fair to Lehmann, apart from his shakey performance against the Turks he actually did surprisingly well in the tournament. We have to do the same what we did against Portugal: attack them from the start and stop them from playing football themselves. If Xavi, Iniesta and Fabregas are given time on the ball (and/or Torres space), they will murder us. I think Lehmann is the best keeper the Germans have. I will be very surprised if they beat Spain though.
  3. As a Kraut named after some Spanish mong I can see you're going to be in a quandry over this one. Congrats! On having 2 identities, both bitter, underachieving, low-class, racist scum ... at least you`re consistent! I`d rather be a kraut or a Spainish mong anyday ... at least I`d have a team in the final ... hahahahah! You had to edit that and it's still one of the most pathetic posts I've ever read. How on earth someone who attempts to associate themselves with Liverpool can accuse someone of being "low class" I have no idea. Because all you`re posts regularly contain racist jibes and smack of someone who has no status, style or class whatsoever. Regardless of which identity you use on here, you come across as a real scumbag. A letdown to you`re club and country. You two are dirtbags. Pipe down son. Stand by every word. Racists cunts like you have no place in the modern game. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the Spaniards some of the most racist people in football? Certainly their fans are, as is their national side's head coach (allegedly). Does that make it ok for cunts like him (stevie or W I ... or whatever he calls himself) to be racist in his posts? Like fuck it does! ... there are idiots in Spain too. You are incredibly over-sensitive. I have not been racist, you're crying because I used the term "Kraut" which I consider perfectly acceptable. I`m not a 'Kraut' so I don`t really care ... but that you consider it acceptable to use racial slurs (regularly) says it all really. Racism has no place in football neither do you. Racist.
  4. It was always a big risk to make him first choice keeper after having not played most of the season. I'd rather gone for Enke or Adler myself. But to be fair to Lehmann, apart from his shakey performance against the Turks he actually did surprisingly well in the tournament. We have to do the same what we did against Portugal: attack them from the start and stop them from playing football themselves. If Xavi, Iniesta and Fabregas are given time on the ball (and/or Torres space), they will murder us. Are you German?
  5. Nah, never heard of them. They haven't had much press on this here island over the years. Political wing of the I.R.A. ... terrorists.
  6. As a Kraut named after some Spanish mong I can see you're going to be in a quandry over this one. Congrats! On having 2 identities, both bitter, underachieving, low-class, racist scum ... at least you`re consistent! I`d rather be a kraut or a Spainish mong anyday ... at least I`d have a team in the final ... hahahahah! You had to edit that and it's still one of the most pathetic posts I've ever read. How on earth someone who attempts to associate themselves with Liverpool can accuse someone of being "low class" I have no idea. Because all you`re posts regularly contain racist jibes and smack of someone who has no status, style or class whatsoever. Regardless of which identity you use on here, you come across as a real scumbag. A letdown to you`re club and country. You two are dirtbags. Pipe down son. Stand by every word. Racists cunts like you have no place in the modern game. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the Spaniards some of the most racist people in football? Certainly their fans are, as is their national side's head coach (allegedly). Does that make it ok for cunts like him (stevie or W I ... or whatever he calls himself) to be racist in his posts? Like fuck it does! ... there are idiots in Spain too.
  7. And according to the current EU 'constitution' all member states have to be in favour, or is an organisation who ignore their own rules democratic in your opinion? Yes it would be. Now I think the progressive states should move ahead and leave the backward ones behind, for the good of Europe. The Irish vote should be respected but they in turn should respect the wishes of progressive states and take a back seat. Poor old fop knows as little about politics as he does about football. I do like it when I shut you up, and make you have to grope around for a silly insult instead. But with my limited knowledge of politics I'm fairly sure they'll try to go ahead despite it being integral to the treaty that all states ratify it - whether they'll succeed or not I don't know, although there's at least one other country looking like dropping another spanner in the EU Constitution. Limited is really stretching it. I`m sure if Ireland votes no again they`ll be left behind whether they like it or not. Should that happen they`ll have deserved to be left out (voting for a group of ex terrorists and a few peados in frocks) ... Europe has to remain and become more competitive if it is to be a real player on the world stage and simply can`t pander to a tiny majority who don`t even know what they voted for. There`s too much at stake. Time to move on. I don't think they'll be given another chance, I think some fudge will be worked. Also out of interest how can you crusade for an even more non-democratic EU when you say you live in a non-EU country for purposes of tax avoidance? Although again that does fit in with the new EU rather well, it's about power and making money, NOT democracy. Dear Fop, The main idea of the Lisbon treaty was to make things more democratic and transparent. That is the hilarious thing about it. And 840,000 idiots rejected it. Yet they think that 840,000 should speak for nearly 500 million people! Do you think that is correct? Are you familiar with sinn feins history or political agenda (the were the main instigators of the 'no' vote)? The Irish people got hoodwinked by a bizarre group and should be relegated if the vote no again. Lisbon must prevail or it will have disasterous consequences for Europe. I live in Switzerland not to avoid tax (though 7% is rather cool), I live there because I`m good at what I do. However, I do realize that with a rising China and India, Europe needs to be in better shape. Best, Torres.
  8. As a Kraut named after some Spanish mong I can see you're going to be in a quandry over this one. Congrats! On having 2 identities, both bitter, underachieving, low-class, racist scum ... at least you`re consistent! I`d rather be a kraut or a Spainish mong anyday ... at least I`d have a team in the final ... hahahahah! You had to edit that and it's still one of the most pathetic posts I've ever read. How on earth someone who attempts to associate themselves with Liverpool can accuse someone of being "low class" I have no idea. Because all you`re posts regularly contain racist jibes and smack of someone who has no status, style or class whatsoever. Regardless of which identity you use on here, you come across as a real scumbag. A letdown to you`re club and country. You two are dirtbags. Pipe down son. Stand by every word. Racists cunts like you have no place in the modern game.
  9. As a Kraut named after some Spanish mong I can see you're going to be in a quandry over this one. Congrats! On having 2 identities, both bitter, underachieving, low-class, racist scum ... at least you`re consistent! I`d rather be a kraut or a Spainish mong anyday ... at least I`d have a team in the final ... hahahahah! You had to edit that and it's still one of the most pathetic posts I've ever read. How on earth someone who attempts to associate themselves with Liverpool can accuse someone of being "low class" I have no idea. Because all you`re posts regularly contain racist jibes and smack of someone who has no status, style or class whatsoever. Regardless of which identity you use on here, you come across as a real scumbag. A letdown to you`re club and country. You two are dirtbags. Pipe down son. You know what's strange? Torres is only a fairly recent member and he's already coming close to my post count - even though supposedly he's a Liverpool fan... I mean, he seems to spend more time on here than I do and he's not even a Newcastle United fan. How is that strange? ............ Oh, I know .... the outsider thing!
  10. me, me look at me. Give me attention Dry up you 'small club' cunt ... You`re outta you`re league here! ... notice you didn`t want to compare trophy hauls with me! Chicken shit.
  11. As a Kraut named after some Spanish mong I can see you're going to be in a quandry over this one. Congrats! On having 2 identities, both bitter, underachieving, low-class, racist scum ... at least you`re consistent! I`d rather be a kraut or a Spainish mong anyday ... at least I`d have a team in the final ... hahahahah! You had to edit that and it's still one of the most pathetic posts I've ever read. How on earth someone who attempts to associate themselves with Liverpool can accuse someone of being "low class" I have no idea. Because all you`re posts regularly contain racist jibes and smack of someone who has no status, style or class whatsoever. Regardless of which identity you use on here, you come across as a real scumbag. A letdown to you`re club and country. You two are dirtbags.
  12. That was class! Find one to have a dig at me!
  13. As a Kraut named after some Spanish mong I can see you're going to be in a quandry over this one. Congrats! On having 2 identities, both bitter, underachieving, low-class, racist scum ... at least you`re consistent! I`d rather be a kraut or a Spainish mong anyday ... at least I`d have a team in the final ... hahahahah!
  14. The 'problem' if you like with the 'no' vote in Ireland is that, iirc, Ireland were the only country who chose to have a referendum out of all the EU countries and even then you had a very small turnout - around the 40% mark. So really what you've got is about 20% of the electorate in a small country having a big say in the future of the rest of the EU, i.e. millions and millions of people. I'm not saying that means Ireland should be ignored on this or that the EU should just ride roughshod over them and go ahead with their plans anyway but I'm not sure it's particularly 'democratic' that so few people should have so little say. Additionally I think you're points about Ireland not being welcome, along with other small member states not having their confidence inspired is largely irrelevent because all the economies of those countries have benefitted to the tune of billions of Euros due to their EU membership. This also explains why the non-EU countries you mention are queueing up to join. Ireland had to have a vote, they had no choice. I wasn't aware of that. Why was that? It`s in their constitution.
  15. And according to the current EU 'constitution' all member states have to be in favour, or is an organisation who ignore their own rules democratic in your opinion? Yes it would be. Now I think the progressive states should move ahead and leave the backward ones behind, for the good of Europe. The Irish vote should be respected but they in turn should respect the wishes of progressive states and take a back seat. Poor old fop knows as little about politics as he does about football. I do like it when I shut you up, and make you have to grope around for a silly insult instead. But with my limited knowledge of politics I'm fairly sure they'll try to go ahead despite it being integral to the treaty that all states ratify it - whether they'll succeed or not I don't know, although there's at least one other country looking like dropping another spanner in the EU Constitution. Limited is really stretching it. I`m sure if Ireland votes no again they`ll be left behind whether they like it or not. Should that happen they`ll have deserved to be left out (voting for a group of ex terrorists and a few peados in frocks) ... Europe has to remain and become more competitive if it is to be a real player on the world stage and simply can`t pander to a tiny majority who don`t even know what they voted for. There`s too much at stake. Time to move on.
  16. Do you think will win and by what margin? Would you like to see winning it?
  17. The only reason Spurs fans don`t understand the obsession with the CL is because they`re too small and shite to have played in it. Outside the big four, only Newcastle, Citeh and (much as I hate to say it) Everton are 'big' clubs. This shouldn`t even be up for discussion.
  18. Citeh seem to be very ambitious in their spending.
  19. And according to the current EU 'constitution' all member states have to be in favour, or is an organisation who ignore their own rules democratic in your opinion? Yes it would be. Now I think the progressive states should move ahead and leave the backward ones behind, for the good of Europe. The Irish vote should be respected but they in turn should respect the wishes of progressive states and take a back seat. Poor old fop knows as little about politics as he does about football.
  20. Good old spurs ... one shit player leaves and another joins.
  21. Wheres the green eyed monster smiley Look cunty, you know in your heart you will be as big a club as we are in any way shape or form. So if a player isn't good enough for Tottenham, he's fuckin certainly not good enough for us, though not true the other way round - see Kevin Scott, Ruel Fox etc.. and finally this Gomes is totally shite, one shite keeper replaced by another, keep up the good work Santini. Ginola, Gazza, Ferdinand. vs Stevie Carr. As for big club, we could always compare trophies won? Anytime.
  22. Sure!... and guess what ... the weather is ace, the beer is cold and I`ve got a 26 year old Swiss babe who sucks my knob at the drop of a hat! Life is great!!!!!!!!! This is where our tax money goes, drugs and prostitution. Actually most politicians would probably be happy with that. I know I am! You're not an MEP or member of the EU commission by any chance? No ... too good looking for such a dull position! If you have a lot of dosh that you would like stored away in the Carribean, Lichtenstein or Switzerland ... I`m your man. I think you're actually all the pieces fit so well. I`m richer and far better looking! ... plus I have a nice tan.
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