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Everything posted by GafferTape

  1. Take Faye off for Chopra, put Dyer back in the middle of midfield to close them down in the middle of the park. Dyer's pace isn't being exploited here.
  2. Luque to get at them with his super pace when they get tired.
  3. Seems like they're all over us. Roeder OUT! obligatory
  4. someone posted a radio link in another thread, the one abouts the passwords.. Video stream is crap at the moment, think i'll wait for the delayed feed at four.
  5. So is Dyer definitely fit then?
  6. But if he is a proper mackem (as alleged), taking on the boro job would the lesser of two evils, no? Seeing as the only rivals they have is channel5 when they show their european escapades.
  7. Because that's the only condition Owen would have signed under perhaps?
  8. It's a super crazy awesome hoax. Betchya.
  9. Aye, think he's stuck with us for too long to be honest. Think if the new manager isn't doing wonders then he'll be off next summer. Or this summer if it's Bruce.
  10. He's improved his finishing a bit, but he's as much of a player for them as he was for us. Rather have him than Owen tbh.
  11. I'm interested to hear the other 9 players that will be leaving according to the people. Load of tosh.
  12. Presumably because he's not in Shepherds plans in reality, so it's an un-neccessary action.
  13. I don't want them to win it ! 121593[/snapback] Neither do i. uefa cup means fuck all these days anyway, there's not that much money in it, and players dont care about it either. the Champions League is where it is, obviously.
  14. unless he can condense the entire Pro Licence into this summer i would doubt it 121590[/snapback] There's something about him only needing one day training to get the license.
  15. Chopra to start against the mackems then? Or Luque. :moop:
  16. I'll take any of them to be honest .. We're giving them far too much room in midfield and sitting back too deeply, allowing them to get the long shots in. We need to press them in the middle, although pushing up is dangerous with Camara now on the field.
  17. Third sub by wigan, now what we need is an unfortunate injury to their goalkeeper... Camara's pace might be a problem though. Another bad decision from Rennie there, against Shearer.
  18. Dodgy decision for the penalty i reckon. Oh well.
  19. This is brilliant. Four (!!) subs in the first 20 minutes!
  20. Carr just broke De Zews arm (i think), or whatever his name is.
  21. Open game this. we're giving them too much room in midfield and we look dangerous every time we go down the right.
  22. Wahey, a Shola classic. misses from a yard out infront of an empty goal.
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