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Everything posted by KingKev

  1. Hull were bottom of the entire Football League a few years ago.
  2. Yes, we do deserve it, but so would WBA, Boro, Hull, the Mackems or Blackburn.
  3. Any title suggestions?! ''A Tale Of Two Messiahs''?
  4. I'm not talking out of drink here, and I must stress I'm not a partcularly hard cunt, but I'm going to send him a letter offering him on for a square go. It would be a fair fight, he's 6ft2, and I'm 6ft2, he's broad, am broad, I honestly want to have at least a sit down with him, to tell him what a fuckin total jock cunt he really is. Nobody on telly winds me up more, and no one can tell me he isn't loving our current predicament. His voice gives me Timothy McVeigh like thoughts when he's talking about us. Cunts. I'm not fuckin bothered I won £300 this weekend at the races and on football so fuck them they're not bringing me down, everything about it was predictable, from the home decision ref, to contencious decisions going against, to meekly surrendering once the first went in, to the wanks in the toon crowd singing shoes off, to the MURDERERS singin goin down, goin down.
  5. I don't feel for any single bloody cunt on the pitch, I just feel sorry for this club, its great supporters and Alan. He's such a great guy, he cares as much about this club as we do. Which can't be said of some players on the pitch who just stand and watch Liverpool creating chances.
  6. Where's the Barca supporter to defend bloody Coloccini?
  7. The sad thing is that Barton is the only one who can pass the ball in our awful midfield properly - now we will have to stick with the likes of Butt, Smith & Co. until the end of the season. I have the feeling that either Sunderland or Hull will get a win this weekend -
  8. Nice to see you again, Danny.
  9. Come on Reading, stuff fuckin B'ham! Norwich will play League One next season - 1-3 down at the Valley at HT
  10. Liverpool v Harper 2-0 - without him we would be 4 or 5 down.
  11. Not even the fact that Torres is ruled out will help us - we probably will keep it 0-0 for the first 30 mins or so and then collapse after the first conceded goal. Is there any need to watch this game eh?!
  12. For once a very true article from the NOTW.
  13. Shearer (GK) Shearer Shearer Shearer Shearer Shearer Shearer Shearer Shearer Shearer Shearer © Subs: Shearer, Shearer, Shearer, Shearer, Shearer, Shearer, Shearer.
  14. Where do all these Blackburn suporters come from all of a sudden?! @Topic: I still don't get all that Jonas-hype.
  15. Goal difference could turn out to be vital, we've got a far better one than Hull & Boro. Problem is the Mackems though. Imagine they survive on goal difference while we would go down..........
  16. Staying up with 35 pts probably would be an all-time Premiership record...
  17. Look at the bottom three of the Championship: Three teams who played Premiership football not too long ago, Charlton, Southampton & prob Norwich will play League One next season. It's harder than you might think to bounce straight back after relegation, I really fear for us. Hell, it sounds like we're really down already...
  18. Excellent post and the whole truth - sadly.
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