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Everything posted by tooner

  1. In a very convoluted and unjust sort of way. His solution is to make sure the government cannot be placed on such charges to ensure they get away with it, rather than holding them to account and punishing their misdeeds to put off future governments from repeating and worsening the offences. For someone so opposed to the USSR and their style of government/justice/disappearances in the night it's a confuzzled point of view. get away with what ? Other countries torture him, he thinks he can sue us, and you agree with it ? What planet do you live on If that were the case, he wouldn't have a case and would be told to fuck off. But the facts are.... "MI5 was fully aware of the brutal treatment he received, and" not only "provided information and questions to be asked by his torturers" but also "helped 'interrogate' Mohamed in Pakistan in 2002" "The courts have concluded that British officers were, indeed, deeply enmeshed in the abuse" "MI5 kept files relating to the treatment of Mohamed from the ISC" "It is a crime to commit ‘an act which constitutes complicity in torture." you should go back and read Toonpacks post about the good guys and the bad guys HF. There are a lot of bad guys out there and its about time you recognised who they are and ask yourself again, why WE should foot the bill and others are quite happy to see us do it. We owe him nothing. He will claim from us, because we are the only ones daft enought to contemplate it. who are they exactly? good-guys muslim immigrants unjustly deported bad guys muslim immigrants justly deported fill out the other players as you see fit Leazes Yawn ...no idea then eh?
  2. In a very convoluted and unjust sort of way. His solution is to make sure the government cannot be placed on such charges to ensure they get away with it, rather than holding them to account and punishing their misdeeds to put off future governments from repeating and worsening the offences. For someone so opposed to the USSR and their style of government/justice/disappearances in the night it's a confuzzled point of view. get away with what ? Other countries torture him, he thinks he can sue us, and you agree with it ? What planet do you live on If that were the case, he wouldn't have a case and would be told to fuck off. But the facts are.... "MI5 was fully aware of the brutal treatment he received, and" not only "provided information and questions to be asked by his torturers" but also "helped 'interrogate' Mohamed in Pakistan in 2002" "The courts have concluded that British officers were, indeed, deeply enmeshed in the abuse" "MI5 kept files relating to the treatment of Mohamed from the ISC" "It is a crime to commit ‘an act which constitutes complicity in torture." you should go back and read Toonpacks post about the good guys and the bad guys HF. There are a lot of bad guys out there and its about time you recognised who they are and ask yourself again, why WE should foot the bill and others are quite happy to see us do it. We owe him nothing. He will claim from us, because we are the only ones daft enought to contemplate it. who are they exactly? good-guys muslim immigrants unjustly deported bad guys muslim immigrants justly deported fill out the other players as you see fit Leazes
  3. point is the governments of various countries around the world bowed to the pressure of the US regimes "with us or agin us" attitude and deported people (justly in some cases and unjustly in some cases) contrary to the laws of the deporting countries themselves and then the US held the accused at a facility with no international jurisdiction (other than "we have the biggest stick") where the detainees were systematically tortured and interogated. While I agree it's a shitty thing that the general populous has to foot the compensation bill, isn't that the best advert for higher voter turn-out to get the proper leadership in place for future decisions?
  4. The "human rights" you mock so easily are exactly what gives you the right to hold and express your views. The weren't handed down from on high - they had to be fought for over centuries. Now you want to chuck them away because you're scared of women in veils. I am quite aware of the fact I have human rights, and how and why. I've said this before though, nobody has 100% freedom of speech, you have to accept laws and certain responsibilities in life. Women in veils ? Don't make me laugh, they are saying they will bomb us unless we let them do as they like. That is not freedom of speech, it should be a jail offence and a deportation order to another country as such that suits their beliefs. You are aware a bombers use them as disguises aren't you ? as has been proven before you DON'T have a grasp of what is and isn't allowed under free-speech laws (and by your own admission) and where have they said they'll bomb unless they are allowed to wear the burqua? i'm convinced that that is something YOU said, but I am willing to be proven wrong. as has been said before, you're a yank and know fuck all about the UK. I understand that nobody has 100% free speech, if you think they do, go down to the local muslim ghetto and start burning Islam banners and and chanting anti Islam slogans. Make sure you have an illegal firearm with you and it won't be to shoot the copper who comes to tell you to stop being a naughty boy. They have said they will take whatever action is necessary, its been posted. Look for it. Bombers have wore burkas as disguises by the way. ......again....we're talking about France.... ............again, I was commenting on Freedom of speech not the UK....... local muslim ghetto? i'll wager you have NO idea if such a thing actually exists near you, but you have your suspicions i'm sure
  5. The "human rights" you mock so easily are exactly what gives you the right to hold and express your views. The weren't handed down from on high - they had to be fought for over centuries. Now you want to chuck them away because you're scared of women in veils. I am quite aware of the fact I have human rights, and how and why. I've said this before though, nobody has 100% freedom of speech, you have to accept laws and certain responsibilities in life. Women in veils ? Don't make me laugh, they are saying they will bomb us unless we let them do as they like. That is not freedom of speech, it should be a jail offence and a deportation order to another country as such that suits their beliefs. You are aware a bombers use them as disguises aren't you ? as has been proven before you DON'T have a grasp of what is and isn't allowed under free-speech laws (and by your own admission) and where have they said they'll bomb unless they are allowed to wear the burqua? i'm convinced that that is something YOU said, but I am willing to be proven wrong.
  6. hmmmmm....tough one, just remember that big girls are never sure of when they may get it again.....so you could conceivably get the best of both worlds if you play your cards right...
  7. tooner


    I've heard this complaint a lot, so ok tell me a new story....... seriously most movie plot lines all go back to something that was written before....
  8. Cheers Enoch, but I'm sure I'll cope ok Patel Does your xenophobia stretch to Hinduism now? The use of the name Patel has been discussed. You really are totally brainwashed, xenophobia !! Typical hand wringer no nowt. Know nowt, Shirley ok mohammed. What are you studying at school tomorrow English- you should try it sometime. Expand your life experience. oh, I went to school when exams were actually difficult and they didn't just give certificates away for free. ....walked to school through three feet of snow, uphill both ways.......... omg. Junior resorts to insults and smillies. Whats the matter lad, can't you let him answer for himself. What I say is true by the way. These GCSE's these days are piss easy and there are no "failures", exams made easy. Of course, you as a yank, know better. no insults just laughing at your stereotypical assertion that everything was better and harder when you were young...guess manc-mag is right eh ........soft-cock....
  9. Cheers Enoch, but I'm sure I'll cope ok Patel Does your xenophobia stretch to Hinduism now? The use of the name Patel has been discussed. You really are totally brainwashed, xenophobia !! Typical hand wringer no nowt. Know nowt, Shirley ok mohammed. What are you studying at school tomorrow English- you should try it sometime. Expand your life experience. oh, I went to school when exams were actually difficult and they didn't just give certificates away for free. ....walked to school through three feet of snow, uphill both ways..........
  10. Last year's Super Bowl was watched by a global audience of 162 million but the vast majority of those tuning in were in the United States with neighbours Canada and Mexico the next biggest markets. say 110 million in the US. about 6 million people watch in Canada say double that in Mexico (110 million population vs. 32 million) that still leaves 30 million people ouside north america......but i take your point it is a NA phenomenon.
  11. Goes without saying and anyone who GENUINELY likes them is a total cunt by definition. No one can enjoy them surely?? Saying you enjoy that is like you enjoy getting your teeth pulled out without anaesthetic. Goes without saying. Infact some Uni or other should do research into the saddo's who watch this shit...Probably some kind of syndrome or other.. I bet there's a higher percentage of paedo's watch them than those who don't. Convinced of it. Wrong uns. ...now you're just takin the piss I'm with you on the "american" sports but don't mess with ice hockey alright......it's brilliant and if you aren't a fan you just haven't watched enough. If you look past Americans, as they're the most plastic humans on earth, largely with thought process problems, anyone from a top country outside of America like this one, has to have some disturbing mental defect to appreciate this sport. I mean that. Canada as I've discussed we class that as America anyway so you fall in to that category, so I mean outside North America. I've seen worse sports than icehockey, but you don't get any coverage here at all, Whitley Bay had a team in the 1980s they were good too. YOU BASTARD!!!!......same as me calling you a mackem IMO. I mean you're both from the northeast right. same thing really..... . as far as hockey goes it's great to watch on TV, it's even better live and when a fight breaks out it's like being out at the bar(pub). coverage is as good as you are willing to pay for i guess , i'm pretty sure you could get an NHL package on satellite.
  12. Goes without saying and anyone who GENUINELY likes them is a total cunt by definition. No one can enjoy them surely?? Saying you enjoy that is like you enjoy getting your teeth pulled out without anaesthetic. Goes without saying. Infact some Uni or other should do research into the saddo's who watch this shit...Probably some kind of syndrome or other.. I bet there's a higher percentage of paedo's watch them than those who don't. Convinced of it. Wrong uns. ...now you're just takin the piss I'm with you on the "american" sports but don't mess with ice hockey alright......it's brilliant and if you aren't a fan you just haven't watched enough.
  13. beach volleyball?....in particular female beach volleyball......although it was probably the brazillians that came up with that one.
  14. A minority sport with viewing figures in the hundreds of millions? Righto. Total shite. At best about 1/20th of the World Cup Final and 1/5th of the FA Cup Final even. A total non-event outside America. I will tell you now, our next live game on Sky will have more viewers outside America than the Superbowl, disgusting this wankest of sports has nine replies on this forum. 100 million plus outside America I hugely doubt 10 million outside America know the fuckin rules. It's amazing what a bubble you live in over there. No one cares and never will. 100 fuckin million CTV drew an audience of 4.16 million, up 24 per cent from last year (Indianapolis Colts-Chicago Bears). Réseau des Sport, the French-language sports service, had an audience of 905,000, a Super Bowl record for the network, up 13 per cent from 2007 and 29 per cent from 2006. Together, the CTV and RDS telecasts produced a Canadian audience of 5.065 million, which is a Super Bowl record, ahead of Global's 2006 total of 4.983 It was also the most watched Super Bowl worldwide with a total audience of 148.3 million, ahead of the previous high of 144.4 million in 2004 (Patriots-Carolina Panthers). Source Globesports.com (http://www.globesports.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080204.wspttruth4/GSStory/GlobeSportsFootball/home) ok fair enough 100 million is in the US, i can admit when i've made a mistake. but thats still 48 million outside the US, look Stevie the point is your assertion that there will be more viewers worldwide of NUFC's next game than there were for the super bowl is plain mental. There's no way on earth 48 million people outside of America watched it, even if they were stoned flicking through channels they'd not fucking stay on and watch it. It's a tiny sport unimportant rightfully ridiculed sport, dwarfed even by the Rugby World Cup, and certainly by Cricket World Cup, when you realise the asian obsession with it. you're right these numbers are a couple of years old so it's probably higher (can't check right now as it's all a bit recent for the numbers to be published) it's been increasing every year. And I do know that quite a few people watch just for the adverts. right, i'm just making this up. I realize that you have the strength of your convictions behind your opinion that "no one watches that wank excuse for football", you just happen to be incorrect in this instance.
  15. A minority sport with viewing figures in the hundreds of millions? Righto. Total shite. At best about 1/20th of the World Cup Final and 1/5th of the FA Cup Final even. A total non-event outside America. I will tell you now, our next live game on Sky will have more viewers outside America than the Superbowl, disgusting this wankest of sports has nine replies on this forum. 100 million plus outside America I hugely doubt 10 million outside America know the fuckin rules. It's amazing what a bubble you live in over there. No one cares and never will. 100 fuckin million CTV drew an audience of 4.16 million, up 24 per cent from last year (Indianapolis Colts-Chicago Bears). Réseau des Sport, the French-language sports service, had an audience of 905,000, a Super Bowl record for the network, up 13 per cent from 2007 and 29 per cent from 2006. Together, the CTV and RDS telecasts produced a Canadian audience of 5.065 million, which is a Super Bowl record, ahead of Global's 2006 total of 4.983 It was also the most watched Super Bowl worldwide with a total audience of 148.3 million, ahead of the previous high of 144.4 million in 2004 (Patriots-Carolina Panthers). Source Globesports.com (http://www.globesports.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080204.wspttruth4/GSStory/GlobeSportsFootball/home) ok fair enough 100 million is in the US, i can admit when i've made a mistake. but thats still 48 million outside the US, look Stevie the point is your assertion that there will be more viewers worldwide of NUFC's next game than there were for the super bowl is plain mental.
  16. A minority sport with viewing figures in the hundreds of millions? Righto. Total shite. At best about 1/20th of the World Cup Final and 1/5th of the FA Cup Final even. A total non-event outside America. I will tell you now, our next live game on Sky will have more viewers outside America than the Superbowl, disgusting this wankest of sports has nine replies on this forum. keep in mind this list is for the superbowl of two years ago, however it does show a rather humorous (and prevalent) contradiction for your knowledge of things outside of the UK Stevie. While I will agree that real football is superior to US football, just because you think it's the wankest of sports doesn't mean the 100+million outside the US that did watch would agree with you. (source New York Times) Super Bowl XLII will be broadcast live in 30 languages, according to the National Football League. Kickoff time is 11:18 p.m. GMT on Sunday. The game will be telecast globally on the U.S. and Canadian military networks in addition to the national telecasts listed. Albania - NASN, SportAdd Algeria - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Andorra - Canal Plus Spain Angola - Fox Middle East, ESPN Anguilla - Fox Sports Latin America Antigua & Barbuda - Fox Sports Latin America Argentina - Fox Sports Latin America Armenia - NTV Plus Aruba - Fox Sports Latin America Australia - Fox Sports Australia, SBS Austria - ORF, NASN, DSF Azerbaijan - NTV Plus Bahamas - Fox Sports Latin America Bahrain - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Bangladesh - Goal TV Barbados - Fox Sports Latin America Barbuda - Fox Sports Latin America Belarus - NTV Plus Belgium - BeTV, Telenet, NASN Belize - Fox Sports Latin America Benin - ESPN, Fox Middle East Bermuda - Fox Sports Latin America Bhutan - Goal TV Bolivia - Fox Sports Latin America Bosnia - Sport Klub Botswana - ESPN, Fox Middle East Brazil - Band Sports Britain - Sky Sports, BBC British Virgin Islands - Fox Sports Latin America Brunei - Goal TV Bulgaria - NASN Burkina Faso - ESPN, Fox Middle East Burundi - ESPN, Fox Middle East Cameroon - ESPN, Fox Middle East Canada - CTV, RDS Cape Verde - Fox Middle East Cayman Islands - Fox Sports Latin America Central African Republic - ESPN, Fox Middle East Chad - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Chile - Fox Sports Latin America China - SMG, CCTV, Goal TV, ATV Colombia - Fox Sports Latin America Comores - ESPN, Fox Middle East Congo - ESPN, Fox Middle East Congo - ESPN Costa Rica - Fox Sports Latin America Croatia - Z1 Television Curaçao - Fox Sports Latin America Cyprus - Fox Sports Middle East Czech Republic - NASN, Galaxie Sport Denmark - Viasat Djibouti - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Dominica - Fox Sports Latin America Dominican Republic - Fox Sports Latin America Ecuador - Fox Sports Latin America Egypt - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime El Salvador - Fox Sports Latin America Equitorial Guinea - ESPN, Fox Middle East Eritrea - ESPN, Fox Middle East Estonia - NASN Ethiopia - ESPN, Fox Middle East Federated States of Micronesia - ESPN Finland - Viasat France - NASN, France 2 French Guyana - Fox Sports Latin America Gabon - ESPN, Fox Middle East Gambia - ESPN, Fox Middle East Georgia - NASN Germany - NASN, ARD Ghana - ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East Greece - Supersport Grenada - Fox Sports Latin America Guadeloupe - Fox Sports Latin America Guatemala - Fox Sports Latin America Guinea - ESPN, Fox Middle East Guinea-Bissau - ESPN, Fox Middle East Guyana - Fox Sports Latin America Haiti - Fox Sports Latin America Honduras - Fox Sports Latin America Hong Kong - PCCW, ATV Hungary - Sport1 Iceland - IBC India - Ten Sports Indonesia - Goal TV Iran - Orbit ESPN, Showtime, Fox Middle East Iraq - Orbit ESPN, Showtime, Fox Middle East Ireland - Sky Sports Israel - ESPN Israel, METV, Fox Sports Israel, Showtime Italy - Sky Italia, TV3 Ivory Coast - ESPN, Fox Middle East Jamaica - Fox Sports Latin America Japan - NHK, GAORA, NTV Jordan - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Kazakhstan - NTV Plus Kenya - ESPN, Fox Middle East Kuwait - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Kyrgyzstan - NTV Plus Lebanon - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Lesotho - ESPN, Fox Middle East Liberia - ESPN, Fox Middle East Libya - Orbit ESPN, Showtime, Fox Middle East Liechtenstein - NASN, DSF Lithuania - NASN Luxembourg - NASN, DSF Macedonia - TV4 Madagascar - ESPN, Fox Middle East Malawi - ESPN, Fox Middle East Malaysia - Goal TV Maldives - Goal TV Mali - ESPN, Fox Middle East Malta - Sky Italia, NASN, Fox Middle East Marshall Islands - ESPN Martinque - Fox Sports Latin America Mauritania - Orbit ESPN, Showtime, Fox Middle East Mauritius - ESPN, Fox Middle East Mayotte - ESPN Mexico - Fox Sports Latin America, TV Azteca, Televisa Moldova - NTV Plus Monaco - NASN Montenegro - TV Elmag Montserrat - Fox Sports Latin America Morocco - Orbit ESPN, Showtime, Fox Middle East Mozambique - ESPN, Fox Middle East Namibia - ESPN, Fox Middle East Nepal - Goal TV Netherlands - NASN Netherlands Antilles - Fox Sports Latin America New Zealand - ESPN Nicaragua - Fox Sports Latin America Niger - ESPN, Fox Middle East Nigeria - ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East Norway - Viasat Oman - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Pakistan - Goal TV Palau - ESPN Palestinian Territories - Orbit ESPN, Fox Middle East Panama - Cable Onda,Fox Sports Latin America Paraguay - Fox Sports Latin America Peru - Fox Sports Latin America Philippines - Solar, Goal TV Poland - Canal Plus, NASN Portugal - Sport TV, NASN Puerto Rico - Fox Qatar - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Réunion - ESPN, Fox Middle East Romania - NASN, Sport 1 Russia - NTV Plus Rwanda - ESPN, Fox Middle East Saint Barthélemy - Fox Sports Latin America Saint Helena - ESPN Saint Kitts & Nevis - Fox Sports Latin America Saint Lucia - Fox Sports Latin America Saint Martin - Fox Sports Latin America Saint Vincent & The Grenadines - Fox Sports Latin America San Marino - Sky Italia São Tomé & Principe - ESPN, Fox Middle East Saudi Arabia - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Senegal - ESPN, Fox Middle East Serbia - IKO Media, TV Avala Seychelles - ESPN, Fox Middle East Sierra Leone - ESPN, Fox Middle East Singapore - Goal TV Slovak Republic - NASN, Galaxie Sport Slovenia - SportAdd Somalia - Orbit ESPN, Showtime, Fox Middle East South Africa - ESPN South Korea - SBS Spain - Canal + Spain Sri Lanka - Goal TV Sudan - Orbit ESPN, Showtime, Fox Middle East Suriname - Fox Sports Latin America Swaziland - ESPN, Fox Middle East Sweden - Viasat Sport Switzerland - DSF Syria - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Taiwan - Goal TV, Chung Hwa Tajikistan - NTV Plus Tanzania - ESPN, Fox Middle East Thailand - UBC, Goal TV Togo - ESPN, Fox Middle East Trinidad & Tobago - Fox Sports Latin America Tunisia - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Turkey - Fox Sports Middle East Turks & Caicos - Fox Sports Latin America Uganda - ESPN, Fox Middle East Ukraine - NTV Plus United Arab Emirates - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime United States - Fox Uruguay - Fox Sports Latin America Uzbekistan - NTV Plus Vatican City - Sky Italia Venezuela - Fox Sports Latin America Vietnam - Goal TV Western Sahara - ESPN, Fox Middle East Yemen - Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, Showtime Zambia - ESPN, Fox Middle East Zanzibar - ESPN Zimbabwe - ESPN, Fox Middle East
  17. Stand for no shit. Superb. Worked a treat too. You never see no Muslims around these days. Aye, they will jump on a boat to the UK instead. That's OK, we'll massacre them too. Nobody will mind and it'll definitely have no wider consequences. you don't get it. Its about enforcing the law and order. You can't be dictated to. Typical hand wringer. i took it from this reponse that you would like to see any resistance or protest put down with tear gas, billy clubs and jack boots....you will after all not be dictated to... do you think they will do it quietly You are showing your ignorance now [and stupidity]. ..... .......clarify please, btw you are showing your lack of ability in writing a complete thought. Maybe try being more cryptic, that way no one can pin down exactly what it is you are trying to get across.
  18. Stand for no shit. Superb. Worked a treat too. You never see no Muslims around these days. Aye, they will jump on a boat to the UK instead. That's OK, we'll massacre them too. Nobody will mind and it'll definitely have no wider consequences. you don't get it. Its about enforcing the law and order. You can't be dictated to. Typical hand wringer. i took it from this reponse that you would like to see any resistance or protest put down with tear gas, billy clubs and jack boots....you will after all not be dictated to...
  19. Stand for no shit. Superb. Worked a treat too. You never see no Muslims around these days. Aye, they will jump on a boat to the UK instead. That's OK, we'll massacre them too. Nobody will mind and it'll definitely have no wider consequences. you don't get it. Its about enforcing the law and order. You can't be dictated to. Typical hand wringer. i knew you were a cartoon!!!! clueless. closer to the mark IMO As has been said. You are a yank. You know nothing about the UK. As has been said. You are clueless......we're talking about France anyway
  20. Stand for no shit. Superb. Worked a treat too. You never see no Muslims around these days. Aye, they will jump on a boat to the UK instead. That's OK, we'll massacre them too. Nobody will mind and it'll definitely have no wider consequences. you don't get it. Its about enforcing the law and order. You can't be dictated to. Typical hand wringer. i knew you were a cartoon!!!! clueless. closer to the mark IMO
  21. It might get Loud.....documentary on the guitar with interviews and music from Jimmy Page, the Edge and Jack White. Really really really enjoyed this, waaaaaaay more respect for Jack White now.
  22. Stand for no shit. Superb. Worked a treat too. You never see no Muslims around these days. Aye, they will jump on a boat to the UK instead. That's OK, we'll massacre them too. Nobody will mind and it'll definitely have no wider consequences. you don't get it. Its about enforcing the law and order. You can't be dictated to. Typical hand wringer. i knew you were a cartoon!!!!
  23. We'd have got 27 under Hall and Shepherd.
  24. if we finish the game as it is now we're +3 on GD over WBA and on even terms in games played. yes but thats not what I asked also LOVENKRANDS! i tried to figure it out......we get even with one but not the other andd then with the other but no the first one ............ ......you can see why i gave up....btw +4 GD
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