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Everything posted by LeazesMag

  1. It would be nice if he did that using that old baseball bat he kept as a souvenir
  2. not sure mate, just a name that is mentioned a lot ... MIght be canny though 18071[/snapback] Just so long as NUFC don't nick Lita and Kitson (who are both better so ner ner ner) Ashton lacks pace though doesn't he? Ah you said Bellamy as well. I'll shut up. 18072[/snapback] I edited the last one as you were replying....
  3. not sure mate, just a name that is mentioned a lot ... MIght be canny though. Go on then, Andy Cole just so Souness can see what managing players can do for you
  4. Right. We will sell Jenas, Viana, Dyer and Butt before Sunday. Buy Craig Bellamy and Dean Ashton with the money, and win 2-0. Kevin Keegan will also be caretaker manager on a trial basis. Hope this is positive enough for shiny heed ketsbaia
  5. So? The negative fans are solely to blame for the current problems at the club? I'm just trying to get where you're coming from here. 17996[/snapback] There is an air of negativity and an inability to believe that we can do ok. Why do you think we surrendered a 12 point lead and lost the title. We are simply not confident in our ability to stand up and say: "This is us. Let's have it". It's always the defence or the slope or the weather or the manager or the ref or the chairman or the wages or the cliques or Shearer or blah blah blah. STAND UP AND SING YOUR HEARTS OUT FOR 90 MINUTES ON SATURDAY AND SEE IF IT HAS ANY EFFECT AT ALL. 18002[/snapback] You're John Clare on skunkers aren't you ? or Posa - whatever on SMB ?
  6. The CLUB HAS NO STRIKERS. We can speculate all we like about the whys and the wherefores. All I'm saying is that in 10 games time, with a fair wind, and a couple of strikers, we could be back on track. I don't see what moaning about it all here at this time of the season contributes to sorting out the problem. You want him out now. I don't. Heyho matey 17961[/snapback] How are we going to get 2 new strikers in the next week when he's had about 9 months to do it, and chose to spend his money on 3 more midfield players, and a defender. We now have pushing for double figures in midfield players. So he has to sell. There is only a limited amount of money. If you think there isn't, he has spent 20m since he came in, if you want to say he has sold players too, have a look at nufc.com [or talkofthetyne can't remember which] and you will see Shepherd who doesn't fund his managers has funded a net deficit over the last 5 years to the tune of about 50m quid. I think allowing a manager 20m quid to improve on a team that qualified for the UEFA Cup is more than reasonable, and if there is nowt left, the figures are there to show why.
  7. Forget the Scottish titles, this is the reason fuckwit has forged a false reputation as a manager over the years and convinced himself he's a top manager who is always right. He won the FA Cup for a team that was used to winning the league - a huge downward step which continued until they finished in their lowest league postion since the 1950's and Shankly's arrival, a position they have not repeated either since Souness was binned. Turkish Cup with Galatasary is pretty much the same as the Scottish Cup with Rangers - so f**kin what. The League Cup with Blackburn, and his first few years. Yes. The one good part of his CV. But then he ruined it by reverting to type and falling out with everyone, hence we now have him. I wouldn't be so sure all those clubs will finish below us either. We will be in among them somewhere. Yes "a week or two". It's called making decisions, if I ran the club I wouldn't have appointed him, but if someone did it my absence, he would have been out the door after that incident, along with the bugger that appointed him !
  8. I agree with you on that those people are talking shit. You've outdone them today though. 17919[/snapback] What, saying we should be relegated is better than criticising the doom mongers? BTW, I'm not a mackem or a smoggie or a member of the board. I just get ticked off when I see a divide that achieves nothing. If Souness doesn't get us into Europe this season, he should be sacked. But sacking him now would just mean another year of passing the buck. My opinions are absolutely sane: Hysterical negative fans don't help the club and Sacking Souness would be a bad move at this time of the season. If he does get sacked and we manage to unearth a gem of a manager who gets us into the CL, I will be happy to admit I'm wrong and will be more pleased that we're doing well. I love Newcastle and just disagree with you. No harm done! 17930[/snapback] The "hysterical" board members you mention would have sacked him last October, after him assaulting one of his staff on the training ground. I knew at that point that my initial support, for the first week or two "for the good of the club" was wasted and in fact the course of time would prove nothing had changed with Souness, he was going to go on and be the complete prick and disaster area he had always been. Where do you think we would be now if we had done that ? IMO we would be a lot better off than we are, unless of course you are the one prepared to wait until we are relegated, because I am 100% certain we are going to have a big fight to stay up this season now.
  9. Because souness came out and publicly said he'd never play for the club again, therefore everyone knew we had to get rid of him before the transfer window shut and we had no chance whatsoever of getting his full value. 17920[/snapback] Absolutely and as it's been said so many times, how could he have missed it. Craig Bellamy, assisted by Robert, was THE major reason we jumped from a mid table team with no pace that played in front of the opposition, into one which finished 4th and stayed in the top 5 for 3 years. Now they have gone, we are back to where we were before they came - what does that tell you - but worse due to the years catching up with Shearer at the same time. FACT.
  10. You can always tell who's a mackem wind up, they always go one step too far and make it too obvious ........
  11. I think he's an extremely deluded person, or a mackem on a wind up
  12. Ketsbaia's Mobile? http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=953 17730[/snapback] Yep! You lot are unbelieveable. It's a good job you don't run the club. You watch a footballer when they're interviewed after a bad loss. They say "it's gone, we've got to look to the future" They don't dwell on it. You lot are crowing on about how you were all proved right, it's as if you're GLAD we're doing badly. We have started the season badly for the last few years. If this site had been running, I bet you could go back and see exactly the same comments last year, except for the word Robson instead of Souness. Some idiots have been suggesting it would be better to be RELEGATED!? WTF?? We need strikers and a good result and this will all be forgotten. STOP THE FRIGGIN WHINING LADS! PLEASE! 17756[/snapback] If I, or certain others, ran the club, we would not have done half what has gone on at the club in the last 12 months. To suggest that we want the club to lose and be like this is a fecking stupid thing to say you daft shite. I want the club to be back where we were when Keegan was manager, and for me nothing less will do, if we are not I will continue to point out where I, in my opinion, think we are short. If the chairman fails to back his manager in the best way possible ie like McKeag, Westwood and a sizeable chunk of other modern premiership managers ie such as the one 12 miles down the road, I will say so however I don't believe this to be the case, I just think he's thick with no knowledge of football. I believe in the best interests of the club, this manager has to get the sack - the moaners among us as you point out have been saying this for months, it's only the deluded like you who have been contradicting us - although the sale of our best and most influential forward is damage done which will be very difficult and expensive to reverse. Unfortunately it will take another defeat or two to get him the sack, but I see that as an infinitely better time to sack him than wait until xmas when IMO we will be firmly entrenched in a relegation scrap, and a mood of despair and attaching blame to everyone else, starting from the disastrous clueless manager, surrounding the whole club.
  13. ... I was taking the piss man...... Souness is a disaster. Is there anyone left who doesn't think so ??????????
  14. I'm off to drown my sorrows. I expected much better from Souey whizz kids, waht with all their spirit and everything
  15. See my sig. All those years ago, and we were right !
  16. We are now utter shite, as some predicted, as Souness has done a wonderful job getting rid of our best forward and a few others. Never mind, I'm sure the dressing room will be a harmonious place after the game..
  17. A lad I know has been able to go tonight, unlike myself, but if he tells me tomorrow that we all have the wrong impression, and we have been desperately unlucky, I'll take his word and not argue the toss with him.
  18. You do realise though that this is just a second class thread as we're not at the game and, therefore, don't really have a valid opinion 17553[/snapback] Aye, I can see that you lot have made a tremendous effort to get to the game..... 17559[/snapback] do the other 700+ count ?
  19. You mean the "cancer" who now that he's gone we have the bestest team spirit in the whole wide world ever because Graeme says so! Ignoring the fact we are beaten every time we go behind because team spirit is hite, because we are managed by a tosser! 17561[/snapback] oh aye of course, the spirit is now so good without the cancer, we are now going to come roaring back, score 4 goals, and 20 goal Crapeobi will laugh at us and say he's just been pretending to be shite... and laughing Graeme will say "i told you so"
  20. You do realise though that this is just a second class thread as we're not at the game and, therefore, don't really have a valid opinion 17553[/snapback] of course, I'm ready and waiting for a regular match attendee to tell me I have it all wrong and Souness is a genius and just needs more time and 30m more quid.
  21. our masterful manager says he will score 20 goals this season and he's a better player to have in the club than Craig Bellamy
  22. canny on here like, without any exiled experts to correct us all the time !
  23. Thats true enough, but still doesn't exclude the absurdness of those that think Souness hasn't had plenty of money, freedom and backing to build on what he took over. Souness is to blame for his sales, buys, tactics, teams and results. Shepherd is to blame for being stupid enough to appoint him thats all. They both should go, but if Shepherd is so crap at backing his managers, Bobby Robson did alright.
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