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Everything posted by LeazesMag

  1. deeper into debt you mean. Who were you in your previuos life ?
  2. your fat mate has fucked off you know
  3. what type is that and what type are you
  4. While agreeing with you I also think a good confident team, at ease with themselves, happy with their manager, motivated and having direction, attempt more ambitious things on the pitch and play with altogether more conviction. On the other hand, a group of players who are unhappy, with a "cold" manager who lacks the personal touch [for those who are the types that respond to that sort of treatment which is more than you think] they will naturally go on the pitch and play like unhappy players. You only have to look at the way the team played under Keegan, the desire, belief and motivation [and the middle period under Bobby Robson after Bellamy and Robert came] to understand the point.
  5. My opinions of our recent managerial appointments are similar to yours: I thought Dalglish would be the next step up (still think he wasn't given enough time), I thought Gullit was wrong from the start, SBR was obviously a great signing (what a shame he didn't directly follow Keegan), and I was utterly dismayed at Souness, which has to rank as one of the worst appointments of all time. My view now is that Souness is an incompetent bully who will never get it right, for us or anyone else. With this in mind I want shot of him ASAP. I honestly believe no manager, even Glen Roeder, would do a worse job. Having said that, I have no faith in Shepherd to get the replacement right, but I'll be amazed if he manages to cock it up as badly as he did last time. ManU will show is up for what we are. It's pathetic how some people think the addition of one player will transform us from the team who played Bolton. The most important signing at any club (by a million miles) is the manager; until we get that right we are pissing in the wind. 19242[/snapback] Agree with every word mate. Thats exactly what I think.
  6. don't want us to get beat, especially to certain teams and manu are one of those, but Souness going is best for the club and unfortunately it's a case of biting your lip and bleeding
  7. ahh.. a womans view....I could never use cheesy lines but some like them though, so I'm told !!!!
  8. I've always said almost exactly what you do, ie the "rebound" factor. However it is hindsight, and hindsight is easy. You have also noticed the pattern. I personally was pleased with Dalglish [although devastated Keegan had gone] and very unhappy with Gullit. Happy with Bobby Robson. Extremely pissed off with Souness. In Gullits and Souness case I hoped they would change my mind, obviously. Souness' honeymoon period in my eyes though was very short....... The point is, the vast majority of supporters were very happy with both Dalglish and Gullit at the time. So if Shepherd misjudged, so did the vast majority of supporters, including me when he chose Dalglish. If he appoints a manager we are happy with next time, ie Le Guen to take one of your two example, will you still say Shepherd is a nugget ???? when you agreed with him. On the other hand, if he appoints the right guy, either through inspiration or sheer luck, he will back him with plenty of cash, and as the right manager doesn't waste money like the wrong ones do, no one will falsely accuse him of not "splashing the cash"
  9. aye, thats my point made - again. Can't be arsed with it anymore. The sooner Souness goes I might be optimistic about the future again.
  10. What is there to admit to being wrong about Souness Leazes? From day one I have always said and maintained that he is a crap manager, that I do not rate him, that I think it will all end in tears. Just like you. Unlike you however, I have said I'll back him. There is a difference between backing someone and rating them or wanting them in the job. This is where I get unfair stick because I have never ever claimed Souness is the right man for the job or that I wouldn't swap him for a better manager. At least I don't change my opinions from one week to the next which should count for something. I know there will come a time where I will join in with the Souness out fans, because there will be a time where he has to go. You think it should be now, aye in an ideal world I'd agree. But for the time being I'm backing him. Bo, make that I'm supporting him but please don't take that as me rating him or wanting him at the club. I'll back Shola when he's out on the pitch but if we sold him tomorrow for a better player I'd be smiling. And this isn't a Souness against Shepherd thing. Both are bad for the club, I know that. In an ideal world, get shot of the pair of them. They are as bad as each other in many respects but if I had a choice between one or the other, I'd pick Souness to stay and Shepherd to go. Because results will determine whether Souness stays or go, regardless of who is Chairman. Who fires Shepherd though? Are you Leazes Mag, happy with FS and all this mismanagement? 18813[/snapback] I don't change my opinions, and when I am wrong I will admit it. I always said that Bellamy was a great player, in spite of all the others who produced championship manager type statistics to show whatever they thought they showed, especially the ludicrous ones that Never took into account the fact he played carrying an injury for months, a fact still forgotten by people who point out that he was [quite rightly] upset when he thought the club might buy Rooney. Of course he Did, any half decent professional would be. So did Alan Shearer and Rob Lee in Gullits era. Whats the difference. I have always said Amebi was a bag of shit, when lots of others who have all disappeared said he would replace Shearer, and that was only a year ago. I have always said that Dyer was never a central midfield player, but a good right sided one that could play in the Bellamy role when Bellamy was injured all that time, in spite of the fact again, this was met with these mind numbing statistics in response by some. Consistently with Bellamy, I also said although Dyer was a horrible little stain on the club it was what he does on the field that matters most, having said that, now in his case the incident last season regarding the armband was one stunt too many for me. You said, confidently, that we would win the league 2 years ago, after finishing 4th. You obviously thought Shepherd was OK then ..... why the change of mind ??? You said the fat dutchman would be a roaring success, when I told you he would be a waste of space and a total liability.. You and others are backing Souness as manager of Newcastle [providing he has an unlimited purse - what sort of joke is that ?] . Now he has messed up big style by getting rid of players he should not have done, for less than they are worth, you slag off the chairman for not giving him multi millions to cover his own mistakes. [EDIT: read the post by the lad from Blackburn, this is precisely what he says] Check the transfer figures on nufc.com. And don't bother with the last 2 seasons, we went into the last 2 seasons with a big transfer deficit, look at the longer term or don't bother posting short sighted views. The only reason you and others think Shepherd hasn't backed his managers is because you have never experienced a chairman who hasn't backed his managers. You have said somewhere on one of your editorials that fans of most other clubs say "Well Shepherd might be a tw*t but at least he backs his managers with cash". Take note. The grass is always greener on the other side. Souness is responsible for the clubs demise over the last 11 months, no one else. All the playing decisions, and the transfers out and in, have been what he wants. Is Shepherd responsible for 75% of the team not wanting to play for this hopeless manager ?? Is he ??? I don't think so, and you can say Shepherd appointed him as much as you like but those like you who support Souness will be as guilty as Shepherd if we get relegated, the same as the disastrous transfer dealings in the last year, because you are by your very stance on all of this taking the same view as Shepherd ie stick with him. So don’t complain later. As for the poll, what is the point of a poll ? They’re daft man, in my opinion. Do you really think that 30 or 40 of us reflect mass opinion ? If you think Souness is shite why do you then say support him, if he's shite he goes, end of. This club is going the way of Leeds. And it isn't down to Shepherd "not splashing the cash" it is because of the idiotic manager who is forcing his chairman to sell 2 influential players for 4m quid then demanding 20m plus to replace them. The managers gets shot of 3 forwards for 4.5m quid, spends 12m quid on 3 midfield players, and then demands 20m quid to replace the 3 forwards he wanted rid of ? I can’t believe that people are actually and incredibly agreeing with this.
  11. Figures on nufc.com Craig. We are about 50m down on transfers in the last 5 years, Shepherd hasn't backed his managers - it's a myth ! He is a gobshite [no, not Bellamy, Shepherd, but he backs his managers] He has appointed them...yes, but Bobby Robson did alright ? Who was against Dalglish and Gullit at the time ? So why is their failure Shepherds fault. The day Souness is binned is the day we start our recovery.
  12. Oh Dear. Can't just admit you were wrong about Souness eh HTT ..... ??? Nice try diluting the blame. As Shepherd has been chairman of Newcastle under Bobby Robson [and backed all his managers with plenty of money] it can't be Shepherd can it, especially when Souness has failed and been turfed out of other clubs with good directors ie Liverpool the biggest like us. Souness, easily, no contest. A shit job everywhere he's been, apart from Rangers, it's winning this 2 bob league which has carried him through the managerial game with the mistaken belief he's any good to anybody. As for the above mate, even the best chairman in the world can't spend any more money than he has, when you don't think 20m quid of new players in 11 months isnt' enough to expect an improvement.
  13. why is everyone going daft about this player....is it because he's a foreigner, is it because Shepherd has possibly put us in the red having already been the 3rd biggest spenders in the last decade. What will happen if this guy is the new Viana, will they just want Shepherd to " splash more cash" until we are in deep financial shit like Leeds ?
  14. Ahh, yeah, he seems to be. Some of his points make sense though. I don't think he's a mackem, just a bit misguided. 18607[/snapback]
  15. I think if we don't get rid of clueless we will both get relegated
  16. spoken like a true, but rumbled, WUM [mackem type probably] PS did anyone get his number ?? PPS peasepud I like that photo can I nick it
  17. And the odd thing about it, is people think Shepherd should just splash MORE cash to bale him out ! Right now I am wondering what Bellamy is thinking, I wonder if he wishes he had gone on loan to Celtic too because sure as f*ck I do. It'll be over soon, as the Blackburn lad has just told us.
  18. This man is speaking from experience......not a crystal ball. It's been obvious since clueless walked through the door he would leave us in the shite.
  19. The share price has no effect on the running of the club, it only reflects how well the club is doing. I really can't see the point of whoever thinks there is a point in this. I also don't think a sum of £450,000 a year is going to make much of a difference to how we perform in the transfer market. It would buy a quarter of Amdy Faye almost, and the whole version is crap. To suggest that a paltry figure of £450,000 a year is responsible for all the clubs failures is one of the daftest things I've ever heard. It is much more to do with the fact that the last 4 managers, have all made too many bad buys and wasted too much of the good money they have been given. And yes, before anyone mentions it - they were appointed by Shepherd. So - how many were up in arms when he appointed Dalglish and Gullit ?
  20. Not so easy to replace him is it? Paul Jewell! How much respect do you think Shearer would have for him? At least Souness has won a fuckload of trophies. Ferguson? Wenger? Yeah RIGHT! The truth is, Souness is the best of a bad lot for now...sacking him at this stage is a dreadful idea, but sadly I think it'll probably happen. 18180[/snapback] you're as pointless as Souness. Like most other mackems
  21. Sorry, I should have read that more carefully. You win. Hoorah for your valuable contribution to NUFC. 18058[/snapback] Not good at being wrong are you? 18115[/snapback] Well, you could say I was rather good at it! I still think we need to get behind Souey though. 18120[/snapback] canny, if you are standing behind him when smacking him with a hard hammer he won't see who it is
  22. If he turns out to be the new Viana, will there still be people screaming at Shepherd to give Souness more money
  23. Keegan to restore morale etc...some people and clubs go together.....don't believe it's always a mistake to go back, play on the nostalgia and feeling he has for us the supporters, which is genuine. The Man City team he built has been slowly improving all the time, he's still got it. If he really won't come back, Alex Ferguson or Arsene Wenger. You have to try, both could be ready for a new challenge for different reasons, and the biggest challenge of all to a manager like this is to win Newcastle the title, or the FA Cup and put us back in with a shout of the title. What a way to finish your managerial career. Failing those, up and coming managers, not ones who have failed at other clubs like the likes of clueless. Jewell will move to a bigger club. Moyes is stuck in an Everton club nothing like the one in the 80's. David Hodgson is maybe one for the future, but if you interview and talk to these types of people and assess them you get a better insight, one of them may be much bigger than he has shown so far and destined for more.
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