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When it comes to charities, are you a giver or do you believe charity begins at home?


I donate to the Great North Air Ambulance, the RSPCA and Cancer Research. But I do cross the road if I see anyone with a clipboard full of direct debit forms or shaking a bucket in the street.

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Not a fan of people knocking on my door asking for money, but if somebody is asking for sponsorship I am always pleased to chip in (because I'm generally to lazy to do any of the runs etc myself so happy to do my bit if someone else is willing to do the hard bit). I've got a couple of direct debits and make other donations when I see fit, don't go overboard though.

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Not a fan of people knocking on my door asking for money, but if somebody is asking for sponsorship I am always pleased to chip in (because I'm generally to lazy to do any of the runs etc myself so happy to do my bit if someone else is willing to do the hard bit). I've got a couple of direct debits and make other donations when I see fit, don't go overboard though.

You should do Tacheback this year then. <_<

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When it comes to charities, are you a giver or do you believe charity begins at home?


It depends, it's an unfortunate truth that charities are now basically big business and a fair wedge of any money you give will go straight to running the charity and its PR machine itself (most paid posts in charities pay pretty well for what they are, especially the bigger ones).


Of course the down side is smaller charities are much more likely to be fraudulent in other ways.


So I'm pretty careful as to where I donate money in those senses.

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The amount of charity people trying to stop you in the street in London was ridiculous. 'Hi there buddy are you having a nice day?'.


Fuck off, if I want to donate to you i'll come to you.


Don't read that as a dig at charity workers btw, just the ones who harrass you and as you try to walk past them they block your path.

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Exactly. I've got standing orders for three charities and I'll give if friends are doing one-off events, but anyone who approaches me on the street brandishing a clipboard can fuck right off. Particularly since they're getting paid for it.

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Not a fan of people knocking on my door asking for money, but if somebody is asking for sponsorship I am always pleased to chip in (because I'm generally to lazy to do any of the runs etc myself so happy to do my bit if someone else is willing to do the hard bit). I've got a couple of direct debits and make other donations when I see fit, don't go overboard though.

You should do Tacheback this year then. <_<


I'll grow my leg hair. :) Or start with a small fake tache then gradually put bigger ones on?

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I lie to people who badger me on the street, "Oh yes, I already pay monthly to your charity." is the stock phrase. Got caught out when the girl didn't believe me and asked which charity she represented... :)<_< Still didn't give anything like.


My folks have started a charity so really anything charitable I do, it'll be for that. I'm also likely to put a realistic amount of money for anybody doing a sponsored run/jump/cycle, but if one more arsehole asks me to donate to their air fare so they can go and do charitable work somewhere exotic I'm going to menstruate all over their face. (Regardless of how anatomically impossible that may be.)

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I lie to people who badger me on the street, "Oh yes, I already pay monthly to your charity." is the stock phrase. Got caught out when the girl didn't believe me and asked which charity she represented... :D:) Still didn't give anything like.


My folks have started a charity so really anything charitable I do, it'll be for that. I'm also likely to put a realistic amount of money for anybody doing a sponsored run/jump/cycle, but if one more arsehole asks me to donate to their air fare so they can go and do charitable work somewhere exotic I'm going to menstruate all over their face. (Regardless of how anatomically impossible that may be.)

Do real people really do that? Never mind menstruation, that's a straight-out punchable offence. <_<

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Few of the people I knew from University want to do some chaaaaaaaaridee work between now and next september. They were asking people to contribute to their trip across to India. All the while stating how good it'd look on their c.v.


I suggested they go fuck themselves.

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Few of the people I knew from University want to do some chaaaaaaaaridee work between now and next september. They were asking people to contribute to their trip across to India. All the while stating how good it'd look on their c.v.


I suggested they go fuck themselves.

You do attract the wankers, don't you? <_<

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Few of the people I knew from University want to do some chaaaaaaaaridee work between now and next september. They were asking people to contribute to their trip across to India. All the while stating how good it'd look on their c.v.


I suggested they go fuck themselves.

You do attract the wankers, don't you? :)

Given the sub-title, it's no surprise you're one of the major contributors to this thread.



(and yes, I do know more than my fair share of knobheads... friends with a lot of them on facebook... Martin <_< .)

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Few of the people I knew from University want to do some chaaaaaaaaridee work between now and next september. They were asking people to contribute to their trip across to India. All the while stating how good it'd look on their c.v.


I suggested they go fuck themselves.

You do attract the wankers, don't you? :)

Given the sub-title, it's no surprise you're one of the major contributors to this thread.

Ah, but remember the J69 mantra, you're not a Real Gay unless you're a taker. <_<

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I give to a few. NSPCC, RSPCA & World Vision. Thinking of cutting back how much I give the latter though to give to a couple of others more evenly.

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I work both for a charity and with charities. Also get involved with several fundraising things and have been looking in to the possibility of starting a new charity up for Testicular Cancer but due to my workload in all other things I am involved in its keeps getting put to one side for the time being.


However I also do not like "charity muggers" and feel they often give some charities a bad reputation rather than a good one.


Also on a personal note the magazine I created and work on with young people in my area who are encouraged to write the content and get involved in a project that gives them a platform to voice their opinions as well as get them somewhere to show the good that they do is set to go national. It is filled with TV, Music, Movies etc as well as editorial content but also helps to promote volunteering and the charity sector and is distributed through the secondary schools, colleges, universities and youth clubs etc but after only a handful of issues due to positive feedback we are set to get it distributed across Scotland with an estimated circulation of 40,000 :) (its also great for getting me freebies and press passes too <_<)

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