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The F1 2008 thread

Dr Kenneth Noisewater

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Hamilton's fatha is starting to piss me off.

He's rattling away on ITV now. "We" this and "we" that. What a wanker.


He stands in the pit with the crew thinking he's the big finger.


He needs to concentrate on keeping Lewis' feet on the ground from all this showbiz bullshit he seems to have immersed himself in.

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Hamilton's fatha is starting to piss me off.

He's rattling away on ITV now. "We" this and "we" that. What a wanker.


He stands in the pit with the crew thinking he's the big finger.


He needs to concentrate on keeping Lewis' feet on the ground from all this showbiz bullshit he seems to have immersed himself in.


Racist, pale face motherfucka!

Edited by Wacky Jnr
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Hamilton's fatha is starting to piss me off.

He's rattling away on ITV now. "We" this and "we" that. What a wanker.


He stands in the pit with the crew thinking he's the big finger.


He needs to concentrate on keeping Lewis' feet on the ground from all this showbiz bullshit he seems to have immersed himself in.


Racist, pale face motherfucka!


And your point is?

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Lewis leading the championship by virtue of the fact he finished 10th in France! (on countback rules)


Good job this is only the half-way point of the season, if it'd had been the end of the season, ITV would struggle to work out who was champion... :D


(you with me Dr Ken?)

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I see Murray Walker is doing formula one 606 these days.


I wonder if they'll coax him back to do full commentary when it's on the BBC again. They've taken Brundle but not Allen, right? Or did I dream that (wishful thinking)?

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I see Murray Walker is doing formula one 606 these days.


I wonder if they'll coax him back to do full commentary when it's on the BBC again. They've taken Brundle but not Allen, right? Or did I dream that (wishful thinking)?


Nothing has been mentioned but I think there'd be an uproar if they didn't poach Brundle.

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I see Murray Walker is doing formula one 606 these days.


I wonder if they'll coax him back to do full commentary when it's on the BBC again. They've taken Brundle but not Allen, right? Or did I dream that (wishful thinking)?


Nothing has been mentioned but I think there'd be an uproar if they didn't poach Brundle.


Brundle should be a dead cert although it's understood the FIA/FOM have tried to have him removed on more than one occassion. Be ironic if Bernie cut a deal with BBC that didn't include Martin.


DC has been mentioned in some circles too - it won't be Murray, doubt he could do the travelling any more (the long haul races were the first he gave up).


How about Jonathan Ledgard?

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Just downloaded the British GP, how good was Hamilton's first over taking maneuver of Kovalainen.

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Just downloaded the British GP, how good was Hamilton's first over taking maneuver of Kovalainen.



I never saw the first 7 laps but from what I did the two best manouvres of the day were from Heidfeld. Took 2 places each time. Class.

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Just downloaded the British GP, how good was Hamilton's first over taking maneuver of Kovalainen.


I was more impressed with the way Kovalainen kept it on the track in the run out from the first corner. Lewis tagged the back of him and he had a massive tank-slapper but kept the power down and thankfully came out ok....


Heidfeld did indeed carry out two superb overtaking manoeuvers - the second one I am sure stopped Raikkonen from pitting :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

He's got away with it:

Mosley wins court case over orgy


World motorsport boss Max Mosley has won a legal action against a Sunday newspaper over claims an orgy he took part in had Nazi overtones.


The High Court ruled the News of the World did breach Mr Mosley's privacy, awarding him £60,000 in damages.


Mr Justice Eady said he could expect privacy for consensual "sexual activities (albeit unconventional)".


Mr Mosley admitted a sado-masochistic sex session with five prostitutes, but denied that it had a Nazi theme.


His father was the 1930s fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley.


The paper's story was based on a secret video from one of the women who took part in the sex session at a London flat in March.


At the High Court, Mr Justice Eady said there was "no evidence that the gathering on 28 March 2008 was intended to be an enactment of Nazi behaviour or adoption of any of its attitudes. Nor was it in fact.


"I see no genuine basis at all for the suggestion that the participants mocked the victims of the Holocaust."


The "bondage, beating and domination" that did take place was "typical of S&M behaviour", he said.


"But there was no public interest or other justification for the clandestine recording, for the publication of the resulting information and still photographs, or for the placing of the video extracts on the News of the World website - all of this on a massive scale."


However, the judge did not make the unprecedented award of punitive - rather than compensatory - damages that had been sought by Mr Mosley.


He said: "It is perhaps worth adding that there is nothing 'landmark' about this decision.


"It is simply the application to rather unusual facts of recently developed but established principles."


The newspaper also faces a bill of around £850,000 for legal costs.

'No-one's business'


Outside the High Court, Mr Mosley said he was "delighted with that judgement, which is devastating for the News of the World".


"It demonstrates that their Nazi lie was completely invented and had no justification," he said.


"It also shows that that they had no right to go into private premises and take pictures and film of adults engaged in activities which are no-one's business but those of the people concerned."


The 68-year-old says his life has been devastated by the News of the World story and the posting of the video footage on its website.


He told the court that the publicity had been "totally devastating" for his wife of 48 years, and he could think of "nothing more undignified or humiliating" for his two sons to experience.


News of the World editor Colin Myler said the paper was pleased at the lack of punitive damages, but added that "our press is less free today after another judgement based on privacy laws emanating from Europe".


As the head of the richest sport in the world, with almost 125 million members, Mr Mosley "had an obligation to honour the standards which its vast membership had every right to expect of him", Mr Myler said.


"Taking part in depraved and brutal S&M orgies on a regular basis does not, in our opinion, constitute the fit and proper behaviour to be expected of someone in his hugely influential position."


Mr Myler maintained that the paper believed its reports were "legitimate and lawful and, moreover, that publication was justified by the public interest in exposing Mr Mosley's serious impropriety".


Legal analyst Joshua Rozenberg said the court ruling was a "warning" to journalists.


"I suppose that newspaper editors might have calculated that if they are revealing facts which are truly embarrassing then the people whose privacy is invaded simply won't go to court and challenge it - but here is proof that somebody did, has and has won."


He added: "But the judge said it's not going to have a chilling effect on freedom of expression because of the fact that the damages are moderate."


However, media lawyer Mark Stephens said: "One has to be concerned that an award of £60,000 is going to chill investigative journalism because if you get your decision on public interest wrong you are going to pay a hefty price."


Mr Mosley is president of the International Automobile Federation (FIA), the governing body for sports such as Formula 1.


Despite his court victory, former F1 team owner Eddie Jordan called on Mr Mosley to resign.


"I think a slur is there against him, because I think people don't forget that easy," Mr Jordan said.


"If it was me, I would now, having won this case, say, 'look, I've achieved what I wanted to achieve... I'm out of here'."


Paul Stoddart, the former boss of F1 team Minardi, said the sport was left "without credibility" while Max Mosley remained in charge.


"Various heads of state that go to Grands Prix don't want to be seen with him," Mr Stoddart told BBC Radio 5 Live.


Will this set a precedent for other kiss-and-tell exposé stories?

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Didn't really get away with anything did he? The paper claimed the orgy had 'Nazi' connertations which amounted to nothing more than a few phrases spoken with a German accent and the woman wearing a pair of knee-high boots...


Hardly conclusive proof is it? Given the connection with his Dad, it probably wasn't his wisest decision but then he never intended for it to go public did he?


He's a qualified lawyer as well so I'd have doubted very much he'd have gone to court had he not been certain he could win.

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Yep, my choice of words wasn't the best Craig. Personally, I'm quite pleased he won the case. What he does in his private time should be just that; private. The same goes for any individual. And I fucking hate the red-tops so I'm glad he got one over on them too.


It's a shame his legacy will be having a fascist father and a penchant for S&M.


He is one of the driving forces behind Euro-NCAP, so has indirectly help save thousands of lives, but no-one will remember that.

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Don't get me wrong Dr Ken, I can't stand the bloke and since he's been at the helm, F1 has been a much duller snooze-fest of a sport. For instance what used to be 'using the slipstream to over-take someone' has now become 'getting into the dirty-air section' all as a result of enforced technical regulations which Max has ultimately ratified.


IMO he should be fired for being a shit FIA President, NOT because he's a kinky bastard who likes his sluts to speak with a German accent...

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Is it next year or the one after that barge boards, mini wings and a lot of the other aerodynamics detritus are being banned? Combined with the reintroduction of slicks, hopefully mechanical grip will overcome downforce again. I'd also ban carbon-fibre and kevlar suspension parts to encourage Arnoux-Villeneueve style overtaking battles.

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Is it next year or the one after that barge boards, mini wings and a lot of the other aerodynamics detritus are being banned? Combined with the reintroduction of slicks, hopefully mechanical grip will overcome downforce again. I'd also ban carbon-fibre and kevlar suspension parts to encourage Arnoux-Villeneueve style overtaking battles.


It's proposed to be...


Have a look at this month's F1 Racing. They've got a piece on the differences between 2008 and 2009. Something like higher, narrower rear wings, wider adjustable front wings, no more excess airfix pieces fitted to the body work and slick tyres!!! :rolleyes:


It's a start but there's more work to be done IMO. Shame they've dispensed with the split rear wing theory which would have encouraged more overtaking. I'd ban refuelling too while we're at it then overtaking is bound to be more prevelent.

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