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Gay people

Christmas Tree

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Do you think that by defining themselves by tedious nob jokes and innuendo and so on some gay people encourage the sort of 'banter' that can veer towards homophobic abuse?


I'm starting to get the impression all your experience with the gays comes from Are You Being Served and Britains Got talent.




Nothing could be further from the truth, and check out the bolded word. Of those that I know well, one of my oldest and closest friends came out about 7 years ago, and neither I nor my friends have ever used the sort of 'banter' I describe with him. I went travelling with a guy of my course who was more that way (he reveled in being known amongst the other medical students as 'Gay Ben'). I worked with a trio of gay doctors last year, one who's camp as Christmas and has the nickname of 'Big Gay Al', Richard who didn't make a big deal about it but has the nobhead friends I referred to earlier, and my reg who, perhaps due to his seniority, rarely discussed anything he did outside of work let alone his sexuality. Although my friends and girlfriend at the time were convinced he was trying to groom me.

This isn't just a 'I'm not racist, my best friends are black' post but an illustration of my experience of how SOME gay people perpetuate the stereotypes that other gay people find offensive.


Sounds like you spend a canny bit of time with bifftys. Bums to the wall and all that.

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I think he can be quite witty sometimes as it happens, leaving the main thrust of my point aside. But seriously Meenz, what do you think? Do you think that by defining themselves by tedious nob jokes and innuendo and so on some gay people encourage the sort of 'banter' that can veer towards homophobic abuse?


I like the main thrust of your point. ;)







....this isn't helping, right? :D


In all honesty, I find that sort of thing pretty tedious and tend not to spend time with gays of the "oo, get her!" variety, so I suppose it's hard for me to judge. The fact that people are generally surprised to discover I'm gay suggests the camp 'n' screaming stereotype is fairly ingrained even in the most open-minded of people (myself included, frankly!), but whether that's just the way it is or it's perpetuated by überfags being überfaggy? Difficult to say. Either way, for all I play up that kind of thing for laughs on here sometimes, I'd hate to think I was defined by my sexuality. There's more to life. Eurovision and lovely pink cocktails, for a start!


(Still not helping, right?)



I don't think you are defined by your sexuality on here at all.


You are though.



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Nothing could be further from the truth, and check out the bolded word. Of those that I know well, one of my oldest and closest friends came out about 7 years ago, and neither I nor my friends have ever used the sort of 'banter' I describe with him. I went travelling with a guy of my course who was more that way (he reveled in being known amongst the other medical students as 'Gay Ben'). I worked with a trio of gay doctors last year, one who's camp as Christmas and has the nickname of 'Big Gay Al', Richard who didn't make a big deal about it but has the nobhead friends I referred to earlier, and my reg who, perhaps due to his seniority, rarely discussed anything he did outside of work let alone his sexuality. Although my friends and girlfriend at the time were convinced he was trying to groom me.


This isn't just a 'I'm not racist, my best friends are black' post but an illustration of my experience of how SOME gay people perpetuate the stereotypes that other gay people find offensive.


That sounds sooooo gay


my Reg, not my mate Reg or a bloke I know called Reg but my reg ;)




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