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Parky senses something.

Park Life

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Can you just clarify whether or not your wife has been getting nailed? I'm a bit lost here.



P.S What the fuck did you let the little pric in the house in the first place for? if he hasn't fucked her already he's planning on it, ring the fuckas neck before it's too late.


Turns out she was setting him up with... him :lol: (or else it was all an Elvish masterplan). :lol:

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We will both be at the same party on Friday.

You and your lass?


Yeah and the Croatian.


Mrs P has been as good as gold since our 5 hour argument Sun morning and she's apologised.


But my mind isn't right. Don't know how not to start something. It's going to be embarrassing.

Edited by Park Life
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Best advice I can give you is not to take any of the advice on here. Including this.


We went out last night and it went really well. She admitted she had been silly coming back so late and assured me she was with a group of people and not just him. She seemed really sorry once she realised how upset I was by this latest incident.



I really don't know how to let this go.

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Best advice I can give you is not to take any of the advice on here. Including this.


We went out last night and it went really well. She admitted she had been silly coming back so late and assured me she was with a group of people and not just him. She seemed really sorry once she realised how upset I was by this latest incident.



I really don't know how to let this go.


She's either lying to you - in which case you're fucked (or not) and there's no point worrying about it. :mellow:


Or she's not - and so there's nothing to worry about. ;)



In short:


Edited by Fop
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I really don't know how to let this go.


Don't. If I can give you any advice then it's too always, always hold a grudge.

Agreed- get the Croat mashed on Friday, in the name of reconciliation etc, then batter his lights out when he makes a drunken swoop at Mrs.P's chest.

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Best advice I can give you is not to take any of the advice on here. Including this.


We went out last night and it went really well. She admitted she had been silly coming back so late and assured me she was with a group of people and not just him. She seemed really sorry once she realised how upset I was by this latest incident.



I really don't know how to let this go.


She's either lying to you - in which case you're fucked (or not) and there's no point worrying about it. :mellow:


Or she's not - and so there's nothing to worry about. ;)



In short:





For the greater good and the relationship in general I realise I have to let it go.


But I feel broken and after a few beers I don't really think I have a handle on it. Been thinking of not going at all. <_<

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Joking aside don't let it go. Do whatever it takes because these are the early warning signs. Take time off, go on the sick if need be. Book a holiday somewhere nice now.


If something has started it's all about lust at this stage. It's secretive, exciting and naughty and common sense has most to do with it. The more you stress and fight, the more you make the other life seem more exciting.


Be honest with yourself first. If you've been a twat, admit it. Let her know your fears and that you want it to be like "it used to be". Before kids and responsibility and the boring stuff.


If she's more important to you than anything in the world, start courting her now. Be better than him!


Don't duck around any longer, pull you finger out and get in the game.


The biggest danger to you is the secret, naughty side. Once it's in the open, the excitement where's off.


It's not the end of the world if you start thinking smart.

Or you could just cut his cock off.

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Joking aside don't let it go. Do whatever it takes because these are the early warning signs. Take time off, go on the sick if need be. Book a holiday somewhere nice now.


If something has started it's all about lust at this stage. It's secretive, exciting and naughty and common sense has most to do with it. The more you stress and fight, the more you make the other life seem more exciting.


Be honest with yourself first. If you've been a twat, admit it. Let her know your fears and that you want it to be like "it used to be". Before kids and responsibility and the boring stuff.


If she's more important to you than anything in the world, start courting her now. Be better than him!


Don't duck around any longer, pull you finger out and get in the game.


The biggest danger to you is the secret, naughty side. Once it's in the open, the excitement where's off.


It's not the end of the world if you start thinking smart.


Good points thanks. :mellow:

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You're in a tough spot, Parky. I don't envy you at all.


Don't go down the "I can't go on" road. Take it from somebody who has been there several times.


First off, you can go on. I don't know you personally or anything, but I seriously doubt you're where you're at today personally and professionally because of another person. It was you that accomplished things. It was you who achieved. Your determination. Your hard work. Your passion. You did all that- no one else. Other people may have helped, certainly, but at the end of the day, it was you who succeeded.


You also have a kid. That's something me and a lot of other folks haven't accomplished. That kid deserves to have you around. Whether or not she's cheating on you/ being a twat in general/ whatever has no bearing on this. Like it or not, you decided to have a kid. It's a big responsibility and this is part of it- you can't be a douche and just fuck off out of that kid's life.


As for what to do, who knows. None of us really know your situation. We can offer advice and make jokes to try and blunt what you're feeling, but none of us are in your shoes. My wife and I got into it big over the holidays over a very similar "outing", shall we say. The thought of continuing on without her is undesirable to be sure, but I'll be damned if I go back to my dark places over a fucking broad, man.


That being said, get back to work on getting my book turned into a movie. Once that fucker goes worldwide and makes us famous, we'll have all the hot chicks we could ever want.

Edited by Cid_MCDP
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You're in a tough spot, Parky. I don't envy you at all.


Don't go down the "I can't go on" road. Take it from somebody who has been there several times.


First off, you can go on. I don't know you personally or anything, but I seriously doubt you're where you're at today personally and professionally because of another person. It was you that accomplished things. It was you who achieved. Your determination. Your hard work. Your passion. You did all that- no one else. Other people may have helped, certainly, but at the end of the day, it was you who succeeded.


You also have a kid. That's something me and a lot of other folks haven't accomplished. That kid deserves to have you around. Whether or not she's cheating on you/ being a twat in general/ whatever has no bearing on this. Like it or not, you decided to have a kid. It's a big responsibility and this is part of it- you can't be a douche and just fuck off out of that kid's life.


As for what to do, who knows. None of us really know your situation. We can offer advice and make jokes to try and blunt what you're feeling, but none of us are in your shoes. My wife and I got into it big over the holidays over a very similar "outing", shall we say. The thought of continuing on without her is undesirable to be sure, but I'll be damned if I go back to my dark places over a fucking broad, man.


That being said, get back to work on getting my book turned into a movie. Once that fucker goes worldwide and makes us famous, we'll have all the hot chicks we could ever want.



Very uplifting Cid. Thank you.


At no point did I contemplate walking away from my child, it would never happen. But you see the child is what complicates my responses, I can't work from the gut like I normally do. I've got a couple of friends coming to the party with me, the plan will be to act through it best I can and stick with them and be as normal as I can with Mrs P (we did have a good night out last night).


I have to come to terms also with the fact that I will never rationalise this particular incident, but closure will come once some time has passed. I had a chat with her dad on Sunday as well ( and her brother started asking for the Croatians address :mellow: ).


My only worry is that something silly will be said by someone at the party and then of course I know I can't hold myself back. But I have to be bigger than all this as you are implying in your post.

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For the greater good and the relationship in general I realise I have to let it go.


But I feel broken and after a few beers I don't really think I have a handle on it. Been thinking of not going at all. ;)


Problem is you can second (& third & fourth) guess yourself into inaction/a deeper hole (or even create one).


Whatever you do or don't do, life may well still bite you on the ass anyway. <_<





Having said that Christmas Tree has a good handle on things. At least that way, no matter what, you know you did your best and have nothing to regret (and if it's nothing then you've still got no regrets and have at worst evilly and without conscience or remorse shown her a good time :mellow: ).

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You're in a tough spot, Parky. I don't envy you at all.


Don't go down the "I can't go on" road. Take it from somebody who has been there several times.


First off, you can go on. I don't know you personally or anything, but I seriously doubt you're where you're at today personally and professionally because of another person. It was you that accomplished things. It was you who achieved. Your determination. Your hard work. Your passion. You did all that- no one else. Other people may have helped, certainly, but at the end of the day, it was you who succeeded.


You also have a kid. That's something me and a lot of other folks haven't accomplished. That kid deserves to have you around. Whether or not she's cheating on you/ being a twat in general/ whatever has no bearing on this. Like it or not, you decided to have a kid. It's a big responsibility and this is part of it- you can't be a douche and just fuck off out of that kid's life.


As for what to do, who knows. None of us really know your situation. We can offer advice and make jokes to try and blunt what you're feeling, but none of us are in your shoes. My wife and I got into it big over the holidays over a very similar "outing", shall we say. The thought of continuing on without her is undesirable to be sure, but I'll be damned if I go back to my dark places over a fucking broad, man.


That being said, get back to work on getting my book turned into a movie. Once that fucker goes worldwide and makes us famous, we'll have all the hot chicks we could ever want.



Very uplifting Cid. Thank you.


At no point did I contemplate walking away from my child, it would never happen. But you see the child is what complicates my responses, I can't work from the gut like I normally do. I've got a couple of friends coming to the party with me, the plan will be to act through it best I can and stick with them and be as normal as I can with Mrs P (we did have a good night out last night).


I have to come to terms also with the fact that I will never rationalise this particular incident, but closure will come once some time has passed. I had a chat with her dad on Sunday as well ( and her brother started asking for the Croatians address :lol: ).


My only worry is that something silly will be said by someone at the party and then of course I know I can't hold myself back. But I have to be bigger than all this as you are implying in your post.


This party sounds like a real pain in the ass. Are you somehow committed to going? Why don't you suprise Mrs. P with a night out on the town instead or something.

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Have I stumbled upon the Sex and the City board or summat?




Right, that's Parky sorted.


Now, can we get back to the stuff real men talk about?


Who can get a 147 from song titles? I'll start you off....


Little Red Rooster - The Rolling Stones

Paint it Black - The Rolling Stones


:lol: Best of luck Parka.

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Have I stumbled upon the Sex and the City board or summat?




Right, that's Parky sorted.


Now, can we get back to the stuff real men talk about?


Who can get a 147 from song titles? I'll start you off....


Little Red Rooster - The Rolling Stones

Paint it Black - The Rolling Stones


:lol: Best of luck Parka.


Red Red Wine, (ooooh is that a cock up? potting two reds?) - UB40

Black and Gold - Sam Sparro

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